Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 1131 Entering Chaos

Chapter 1131 Enter Chaos

[The first update was delivered. Today, the brothers are so awesome that they are about to rush to the classification list. If you still have tickets, hit a few tickets and see if you can rush to the list. If you can, it seems that I will be busy this month. Hehe.]

"Taozu, why don't you let us go after us? The demon emperor killed the nine great people of our human race, and even rolled away Zhou Tianchen and let him leave. It is not only the shame of my human race, but also affects the plans of our clan for countless years. You must not let the demon emperor escape so easily. Among the ten thousand swords and green lotus, an angry roar came.

Look at Wan Jian Qinglian, who was punched by Emperor Shitian. On the surface of Qinglian, countless cracks constantly flashed out, as if they would collapse at any time, which seemed extremely horrible.

"Yes, no matter how much the cost is, the demon emperor will be killed. Otherwise, the prestige of our human race will be completely swept away. Taoist ancestors, why do you stop us?"

There were also angry shouts in the Xuantian treasure box.

"Enough, the demon emperor has entered chaos. Don't chase it in a hurry. Go back with me."

Appeared, it was Taishang Daozu riding a green cow. On his face, there was no expression, half a trace of emotion, but calmly spit out a sentence. In the seemingly ordinary words, there was an indisputable majesty. Although he was extremely unwilling, in the face of the firm expression of the Taishang Daozu, They disappeared one after another.


After all the artifacts left, he looked up at the void. His eyes looked extremely deep, but he rarely snorted coldly in his nose. In a loom, it seems to be a little afraid. Riding a green cow, disappearing.

And in the void, faintly, there is a pair of golden eyes staring silently.

After Taishang left, he gradually disappeared.

All this falls into the eyes of the monks of the heavens, but it is a thing that even the soul will jump out in shock. Just since Emperor Shitian took action, a series of actions made everyone overwhelmed and unreactable on the spot. It was not until now that everything was over that I gradually came to my senses.

But in my heart, there are countless stormy waves rolling.

"My God, good... OK... The horrible demon emperor, if it does not break out, is also the same. As soon as it breaks out, it is so strong that it is so strong that it is so outrageous that it breaks through the star map with one palm, and grabs nine worldly strong people in their hands like catching chickens, and pinch them to death. Nine, that's nine unclass power. In his hands, he didn't even have the power to resist. This, this is simply incredible."

"Domineering, strong, simply so strong that it is boundless. The demon emperor is angry, which is not the same as small. He smashed the supreme artifact with one punch. Does the demon emperor already have the dominant combat power? The face of the human race has been completely lost this time. Not only the nine world-class masters were killed, It's terrible."

"You deserve it. The demon clan has obviously issued a statement that it is about to leave the Zijin mainland and enter chaos. At this time, the human race is simply uncomfortable to provoke. I really thought that the demon clan could still be bullied by others, but now I really accompanied my wife and soldiers. However, did the demon emperor really lead the demon clan into chaos?

Witnessing the end of the war, a strong man left the heaven one after another. Things about the battle spread all over the world in an instant, and countless races received accurate information. Especially in that war, some strong people directly imprinted the scene of the battle with shadow beads. Spreading out makes countless people's hearts tremble.

Zijin Continent, in the land of the Li clan.

In the temple of the Li clan, a rather burly strong man sat in it. In the main position, he is a middle-aged man who can't see his face clearly. In the hall, there is a great ability to report something quickly.

The strong around also listened and nodded secretly.

"The demon emperor finally left the Zijin mainland with the Lingxiao demon court. It's good to leave. In today's Zijin Continent, the future of the original world is not clear. After the three lists, it is the annihilation of the tides. Under the calm surface, there are waves lurking waves that are enough to destroy thousands of monks. Although the demon emperor may return after annihilizing the tide, at least the buffer during this period is enough to bring countless benefits to the demon clan. In the chaos, there are countless opportunities.

A great exclamation.

" Fortunately, the two brothers and sisters of Tu Xingsun and Tu Linger made friends with the demon emperor in those years, which allowed the Li clan to get a land deed in the Lingxiao demon court, and even bought one-third of the local space in the 129,000,600 space with great wealth, and migrated into many young descendants, which was enough to ." Another great power also meditated secretly.

"Among the three elders, two of them have shown signs of the five declines of heaven and man. The meaning of the two elders is to choose two young heroes and peerless heroes from the clan. With the magic power of enlightenment, they will pour their life's practice into the bodies of the younger generation, and give the middle and middle school members of the clan It's better to give Tu Xingsun and Tu Linger's two brothers and sisters. One of the great suggestions said.

The five declines of heaven and man have always been a sharp sword hanging above the heads of all the world'sable strong, which may fall at any time. Once it reaches a certain level and you have no inch of progress, there will be signs of the five declines of heaven and man. If you are not sure to pass it at this time, you will generally Inherit it, and even give up one's cultivation in the way of enlightenment to complete the younger generation.

The disciples who are enlightened can often break through to the world level in a very short time.

In the temple of the three-eyed god clan.

"The demon emperor actually made a scene in the heaven of the human race. He did not fight against several supreme artifacts alone. He still captured the star map and pinched nine powerful people. Several artifacts he fought were hit hard one after another. What a terrible growth rate."

A majestic voice echoed in the hall: "With the ability of the demon emperor, it is absolutely impossible to directly break through to the master. Once you become the master, the omen of that day is more obvious and earth-shaking than when you break through to the world. In this case, the reason why the demon emperor's combat power is amazing must be to use some powerful secret skills. However, the demon emperor hastily moved the Lingxiao demon court to chaos, which may not really find any benefits. In chaos, although there is a chance, it is also full of danger. If you enter the world, there is a possibility of destruction at any time.

In the words, he faintly disdained the behavior of Emperor Shitian.

Zijin Continent, in an inexplicable broken palace.

An old man looked up at the void. There seemed to be an inexplicable look on his face, with relief, surprise, emotion, hesitation, full of complexity for a long time. He sighed: "At this moment, breaking away from the Zijin Continent is a high move to retreat, which can temporarily get the demon clan out of the quag The sight of all ethnic groups is temporarily out of the position of the wind and waves, so that everything is left to the human race to face. The demon god invades, and will not let any monks accuse them of resisting the demon god and pushing the human race to the front. Let the people also experience the feelings of the demon clan in those years.

There was praise in the voice, but it was still a little complicated: "However, it is by no means peaceful in chaos. There are no coordinates and no direction. As soon as you enter chaos, it is the beginning of loss. Although the ancient gods and demons bred in chaos cannot enter the original world, they are extremely powerful in chaos. The traps in chaos , even more cattle hair, can easily destroy the power. Some gods and demons are strong enough to open up the world. Chaos is the ocean. The gods and demons are like giant crocodiles. When the monks go in, they are small fish and shrimps. Whether you can get a chance or not depends on your creation.

In the words, there is a faint inexplicable charm.

In chaos, there is not only organic fate, but also infinite danger.

The chaotic world is vast and breeds everything. The original heaven and earth and the demon continent are two worlds that exist in chaos. Chaos is great and philate.

At this moment, in the depths of chaos, there is a colorful world. Through the barriers, you can see that it is a vast continent. In the continent, there are small islands that are constantly running around. Those small islands also seem to have a world.

The vitality is unlimited.

At this moment. At the edge of the colorful barrier, a huge crack suddenly cracked. As soon as this crack appeared, the vast chaotic atmosphere kept pouring in, and at the same time, a stream of light shuttled out of the crack.

It is a vast ancient city on the shore.

The ancient city does not have a city wall, only four ancient Tianmen, standing in all directions. Although there is no wall, as soon as it enters the chaos, the endless power of chaos did not directly rush into the city and eroded and assimilated the creatures in the city, but was directly excluded from the gate by the four heavenly gate.

There is no way to enter the ancient city.

As soon as you get close, you will be swallowed up by Sifang Tianmen,


Countless cracks appeared in the ancient city. Under the nourishment of the chaotic gas, the originally broken place quickly recovered and healed, and the broken lines condensed again.

Ordinary treasures, once they fall into chaos, are either swallowed up by chaos or decayed.

However, the Lingxiao demon court came in, but it felt like a fish in water.

There is no fear of chaos.

The imperial jade ultimatum is crazily devouring the spirit of chaos. Every time you swallow a trace, it makes the intertwined Taoist lines on the jade ultimatum become more and more magical.

"Chaos, finally entered the chaos."

Di Shitian sat on the throne of Lingxiao and suppressed the star map to death. Outside the Lingxiao demon court, it can be seen that the void outside the city is completely a gray gas, without any light. I can't see the direction and road. As if lost in the dark. Around, it seems to be extremely lonely.

Outside the city, there is no sound.


This is chaos!!

"What a domineering tombstone!!" Di Shitian forced out all the remnants of the pictures integrated into his left arm again and condensed them into tombstones, but on his arms, he could see cracks like ceramics. You can faintly see flesh and blood. There is no doubt that if it continues, the whole arm may collapse on the spot. RO