Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 1210 Endless Darkness

Chapter 1210 Endless Darkness

Heaven and man have five declines, and one decline is stronger than one decline!!

Flesh and blood decline, bone decline!! Even the current six bad knowledge!! Each time, the power is increasing in geometric multiples.

What are the six senses? The six senses are as a way to perceive the outside world as a life. The mouth, eyes, nose, ears, body, and divine consciousness are all bridges to perceive the outside world. At this moment, the decline of the six senses is not to close the six senses, but the real exhaustion. It seems that since Hearing and even everything is completely enclosed in the body.

It's like a bird in a cage, water in a glass!!

Trapped, bound!!

If you can't break it, if you find a way to crack it, you will lose your six knowledge forever and become a useless person from now on. This decline makes I don't know how many strong people hate it, and how to break through it. There is no one who has passed down between heaven and earth. In this world, there are five declines. No method is useless, but only by yourself.

"Husband, you must survive. I will be here waiting for you to come back!!" Qin Xin looked at the picture in the void, and the trace of worry in his eyes was uncontrolling.

"The five declines of the world are the disaster that the world-class strong himself has not made an inch of progress after reaching a certain period of time. This time, he actually forcibly crossed the disaster. I don't know how many levels my husband can survive. Ninety of the monks can't get through these six declines. However, if you really Step to dominate the peak, and then break through to the dominance level.

There was a trace of doubt on the charming face, and he muttered to himself, "Your cultivation has clearly reached the level of half-step dominance near the peak, but why does it seem that your cultivation has not increased in half a trace during this period? This is a little wrong. Moreover, in the Tongtian Tower before, you have experienced a god like creation The tool feeds back, in theory, which feeds back, is enough for you to be promoted to the realm of supreme domination in one fell swoop, but there is no, and the realm of cultivation does not seem to have changed at all. What the hell is going on? Is there any immeasurable secret in you?

The doubts in her heart have existed for a long time.

Several times in a row, she thought that Di Shitian had the opportunity to be promoted to the master, but those opportunities seemed to be good for him, and there was no cultivation growth at all. This is extremely strange. It's so weird.

I thought about it, but my eyes kept falling on that picture.

On the picture, nothing can be seen at all. Di Shitian's huge black tiger body stood quietly in the void, motionless.

But inside, it is completely different.

"Where is this place?"

At the same time as the failure of six senses, the whole mind was completely closed, and suddenly appeared in a dark void. Around him, there was a pure darkness everywhere. At a glance, there was no end at all, no end, no beginning. No light, no sound, no smell, no cold and warm, no everything, nothingness, no darkness.


Raise your feet and step forward step by step, but strangely, there is no sound under your feet, as if there is no sound under your feet. Go! Let's go! Let's go!! Go straight ahead.

While walking, there is no thought in my mind. It seems that there is only one obsession to go out of the darkness.

The power in the body seems to dissipate without a trace all of a sudden. In this darkness, he is just an ordinary black tiger, lanxed in the dark, as if he can't tell where the darkness is and where he is himself. Completely integrated with the darkness.

The more you go forward, the more you feel that every step you take, the darkness outside your body will be a little stronger, as if you are not moving forward, but stepping into the abyss step by step.

"The five declines of heaven and man, this is the five declines of heaven and man, the decline of flesh and blood, and the decline of bones. Now this decline should be an extremely terrible decline of six knowledge. I can't hear it. I can't see it. What I see is always darkness. I can't feel it. Even if I feel it, it's just endless darkness. I can't hear any sound. There is only endless loneliness. My strength is gone. Walking in this darkness is a great torture for any monk.

Di Shitian seemed to move forward inertia step by step. On the way, thoughts kept echoing in my mind. I'm torturing my heart.

"Can't hear, can't see, powerless, so where am I going now? Is it the abyss, is it sinking?

"No, I can't. Outside, I have a responsibility. The demons need me, my mother needs me, my wife and children need me, and my ministers need me. My sister needs me. I can't sink into this darkness. Since this is the decline of six knowledge, there must be a way to solve it.

"However, my strength is now just an ordinary tiger. Although I can dominate among all beasts, I can't tear the darkness and bring light. I can't tear this darkness, but my current strength is useless. How did the monk who had passed through the decline of six knowledge before?

"Darkness, endless darkness, how can I break it?"

"Is it willpower? But now it seems that even the willpower has been abandoned, and I can't feel that all the power has been imprisoned. In such a situation, how can I break the situation?

Di Shitian was walking while silently questioning himself.

The silent footsteps gradually moved towards the abyss. In this darkness, you can't feel the passage of time, the changes of heaven and earth, or the coldness and warmth of the void. In an instant, it is like stepping into the eternal river.

All kinds of torture flashed in my heart.

Loneliness, loneliness. Loneliness, indifference!

Everything has a way that makes him want to stop like this and sleep permanently in this endless darkness until the end of the years. His thoughts seemed to be gradually slowing down, gradually losing flexibility, and a strong fatigue emerged in the bottom of his heart.

Sink! Sinking!! Continue to sink!!

In the picture that fell outside in the eyes of the ancestors of Wanjie, it can be clearly seen that the glory of the emperor Shitian, who has been standing in the air, is fading at an alarming rate at an alarming rate. Invisibly, every time, it indicates that the emperor Shitian has failed to cross the decline of six knowledge.

Once! Twice! Three times!!——

In a blink of an eye, it faded seven times on Di Shitian's body!!

"Husband, I believe you can do it for your wife." Chenxi's face has never changed. It has always been the same. She looked very firmly at the dim brilliance in the picture and spit out the unwavering voice in her mouth. It was the belief in her heart that would never change. The heart is above everything else.

At this moment, in the Lingxiao Demon Court, there is almost no sound, and countless eyes are nervously paying attention to the changes in the picture at the same time. Inside is their demon emperor, their emperor. At this moment, it is the legendary five declines of heaven and man. How can they not be nervous? Almost empathize with it.

"Heart!! Yes, it's my heart!! If my heart is strong, then my power can tear the sky, crack the earth, annihilate the heaven and the earth, dominate the sky, reverse the sun and the moon, and reverse the universe. Is it that my strength is strong or my heart is stronger?

While walking, Di Shitian, who was about to slowly sleep in loneliness, suddenly felt a kind of expectation and a kind of reverence. A call.


Di Shitian, who had been walking forward, stopped without warning. Stop.'s pace.

Raise your arrogant head and look up at the sky. Although what you see is only darkness, it is endless darkness. But in an instant, a kind of unseniable momentum emerged crazily from his thin body.

"If the heart is strong, the sky cannot be bound, if the heart is weak, everything can be bullied!!"

The emperor Shitian is staring at the world.

categorically spit out a sentence: "I want this darkness, I can no longer cover my eyes!!"


In the eyes of the black tiger, two bright divine lights burst out, rushing directly to the depths of the darkness, piercing the void, a crack between the eyebrows, and a divine eye opened. Wherever the eyes went, the darkness retreated at a speed visible to the naked eye. A powerful belief roared wildly in the body, like a sea of anger. Growing at an alarming rate. In a loom, the darkness outside the body kept trembling.

"I want this endless darkness to understand what I mean!!"

A word, like a thunder born from chaos, makes an amazing roar, with a kind of godless power. Even if there is no cultivation in the body of the black tiger, but as soon as the words come out, it makes the darkness around it tremble violently and roar, as if there is a supreme existence ordering. The words are not allowed to be ignored. Doubtful.


The darkness outside the body collapsed one after another, as if it could not bear the will contained in Emperor Shitian's body. The darkness retreated violently backwards. In the blink of an eye, the void without darkness appeared outside Di Shitian's body, which was ten thousand feet long, but the darkness still enveloped outside and did not dissip Tenacious bondage.

"I want this endless darkness, and it will disappear!!"


As this word fell, a supreme will poured into the endless darkness, and the boundless darkness seemed to be conscious, making a sad cry.


However, in the blink of an eye, inch by inch collapse, can't stand the emperor Shitian's gaze on the world, proud of the eternal will and belief. The collapse of life.

If you have a strong heart, you will have a strong body!!

The heart is strong, and there is no power to bind the world. If the sky wants to block me, I will oppose the sky. If the earth wants to block me, I will crack the earth. If fate wants to bind me, I will break the fate and dominate the sky.

In the dark, Emperor Shitian once again realized the strength of faith.

Endless darkness collapsed, the moment of collapse, the original dissipated six senses, instantly recovered at an alarming speed, consciousness re-dominated the body, and the brilliance of the body continued to flow. In a flash, I clearly felt that the eyes were more than ten times stronger than before, and the ears could hear the sound far farther than before. Six senses expand and metamorphosis to a tenfold degree.


In the roar of the tiger.

The five declines of heaven and man, and the decline of six knowledge!! Pass it!! RO