Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 1263 The Great Ancient Great Typion

The battle stopped unconsciously. There was silence on the battlefield. It exudes an extremely solemn atmosphere. It seems to be extremely depressing. This kind of depressing is emitted from these thirty-one masters. If the world is in the middle, it will directly collapse and die. As if, there is an unusual secret in front of it.

The ancient supreme, eleven demon ancestors, standing on one side. The ancestor, the god of money, and the eternal heaven are alone on the other side, and the emperor Shitian and the demon lord occupy one side, showing a three-legged trend atmosphere, which is extremely depressing.

The devil's cold face flashed a trace of anger. The devil's hair was windless and automatically cut and crushed the chaos around him into pieces. The eyes full of anger and murderous eyes directly swept to the ancestor and the demon ancestor, and scolded, "It's too empty. Are you really crazy? Do you know that? The consequences. Once it starts, we, and even all the lives in the whole chaos, will suffer the disaster. Are you really desperate?"

In the words, there is a trace of inexplicable anger.


The King of Taixu made a cold snort and said, "In those years, I was too ancient and supreme. The demon ancestor discussed with you in the Zijin mainland, gathered all the forces, so that the Zijin continent and the demon god continent could be reunified, merged with each other, promoted to ancient times, and led us out of chaos However, you guys mixed it up. The plan cannot be implemented, otherwise, how can there be this endless war between the purple gold continent and the demon continent? We are trapped in chaos, more than ten thousand years, we can't see the way forward, and it is difficult to make an inch of progress in ten thousand years. We don't want to take this step, but we have to take it out.

"Humph!! Bullshit."

The old face of the space master also showed an angry look, making a loud scold, almost jumping feet: "It is true that the Zijin Continent and the Demon God Continent are of the same origin, but when it was conceived, it was split by a raw axe." It was divided into two, and finally absorbed the power of chaos and evolved into two continent It has long cut off the opportunity to be promoted again. Moreover, the two continents have different opportunities. One is positive, the other is demon, and the positive and negative are met. If forced to merge, the probability of success is less than one in ten thousand. Among them, countless biological races will be buried. Even if they are integrated, they will not be ancient. "How can you let me agree?"

The anger comes from the bottom of my heart.

It is as if at the level of domination, there is a secret that is not known to heaven and earth.

"So that's it!!"

Di Shitian listened carefully and did not miss anything. In their conversation, he faintly touched a secret that even the world could not touch. Suddenly, there was a cheerful laughter in his heart: "Brother Shi Tian" came back.

In the underworld prison, a huge blood dragon broke out of the ghost gate. A trace of confusion flashed in the blood dragon's eyes, and then a trace of fear appeared.

"Haha, emperor madman, I "Ming, finally came back, I knew that you would never let me fall, okay! OK! OK!! I didn't expect you to find the remnants of my original underworld book and cast it into a ghost gate. This time I came back to life. Well, there are a lot of masters.

A familiar voice sounded wildly in the prison. It's exactly "Ming".

Refine the ghost gate, collect the brand, use countless soul fragments as nourishment, and reborn them again. Moreover, absorb the memory brand given by Emperor Shitian, understand everything in an instant, and can't help laughing wildly.

"Hmm!! Just come back." Di Shi Tianyang did not say much, but continued to listen to the words outside.

Invisently, I have clearly realized where the real root of the war between the two continents is.


1 Ming, opened his eyes wide and was deeply shocked by everything in front of him. He shouted strangely, "The overall situation, this is a shocking overall situation, covering the whole chaotic world. The terrible overall situation of countless creatures in it, even the battle of the two continents, is also part of the situation. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I couldn't believe it would be true.

The world-shaking war that has lasted for countless years is only caused by the decision of these supreme existence in front of us, which is enough to make heaven and earth soundless.

"Yes, the Zijin mainland is positive and negative. If you want to integrate, it is as difficult as ancient times. Moreover, if you want to be promoted to ancient times, you need to get three thousand Hongmeng purple gas to integrate into the three thousand avenues, so that the law can be transformed into rules. That axe in those years has cut off the connection with Hongmeng, and it is difficult to achieve promotion. Therefore, we have not had much hope for the integration of the two continents. The wars are just to force you to appear.

The lifeless demon ancestor naturally showed the momentum of the overall situation.


This is a shocking situation.

An ancient overall situation planned by the ancient supreme and the demon ancestor for countless years.

A flash of the eyes of the master of fate flashed and said, "No wonder, no wonder you ancient supremacy would be forced by demons in ancient times and made a covenant. In the end, you didn't participate in the war. No wonder that in ancient times, you demon gods did not completely kill the ancestors of the demon clan and the ancestors of all ethnic groups.

The ghost demon ancestor in a dark magic robe, with a sneer on his old face, said, "Yes, no, how can you hide it from your eyes and force you to give birth to more strong people in the purple gold continent. Those ancestors have the opportunity to break through to the realm of domination. A catastrophe is enough to force their potential out. Unexpectedly, in the end, it was the ancient sky of the ancestor of the demon clan that really achieved dominance.

Every sentence contains the most secret of chaos. It's a secret that the world can't know.

Ming, who had just been reborn, was frightened to hear that he could clearly feel the courage of the ancient overall situation.

The shocking wars are just to force the monks of all ethnic groups in the whole Zijin continent to climb forward and break through desperately. Every war is to force fate to dominate their supreme beings. The calculation in this can be said to be extremely smart.

Ring buckle, no water leakage.

If it hadn't been for the battle between the two continents, how could the master of fate have appeared easily? If it hadn't been for the pressure from external pressure, how could there have been so many amazing talents in a short time. The set-up has designed every link of the whole overall situation to the extreme. He is extremely clever to target the demon lord and others who can't stay out of the matter, and watch the overall situation of the Achilles' heel of the fall of Zijin Continent.

"It's too empty and lifeless. With your ability, it is absolutely impossible to lay out such a big picture. If I guess correctly, the layout person should be the wise goddess. Where is she? Why haven't you appeared yet?"

The master of fate does not seem to be moved at all because of these words. In a pair of eyes full of vicissitudes, they are full of endless depth.

, "Fate is indeed fate, what a smart insight."

The king of Taixu took a meaningful look at the master of fate and said slowly.

, "You really want to destroy the chaos by forcing so many masters with life and death." The demon owner took a deep breath and asked in a low voice.

"It's not me, it's us."

The lifeless demon ancestor sneered and said, "It's impossible that you haven't found that this chaotic world can no longer allow me to step on a higher level of ancient gods. Breaking the chaos is the only choice. And the power needed to destroy chaos is not what a few supremes can be achieved by a few demon ancestors. If you don't want to participate, then I will force you to join. You have no choice."

In a word, with a cold atmosphere. That is the terrible heart that can completely destroy everything in heaven and earth without changing its color.

, "You are crazy. You won't know that Hongmeng breeds chaos and lasts forever. There are countless chaotic worlds in Hongmeng heaven and earth. Once the chaos is destroyed, if you can't find the ancient heaven, the whole life in chaos will be annihilated in Hongmeng in an instant. For us now, Hongmeng is a poison. If you really want to destroy the chaos, it may appear anywhere in the world of Hongmeng. Perhaps it is far away from the ancient heavens. Doing so is tantamount to playing with fire and self-immolation.

The demon lord shouted angrily.

Chaos is like a shackle, but it is also an invisible estimating. In Hongmeng heaven and earth, chaos is like a bubble, or a star. In Hongmeng, there are only endless rules. Before you understand the rules, once you are exposed to Hongmeng, you will turn into a fan in a blink of an eye. It's really like being poisoned to death.

They entered the chaotic Dead Sea one after another, but they were not without harvest. What they got had already opened their eyes. They have been involved in many things that they can't know in chaos for a long time.

Naturally, I know the danger in it.

, "If we were not sure, how would we have done such a desperate thing. I'm afraid you don't know the true origin of your ancestors. The lifeless demon ancestor suddenly smiled and his eyes fell on the ancestor.

"He has been in touch with you for a long time."

Gu Tianqiong glanced at the ancestors and shouted coldly, "Traitor!!"


On the side of the Zijin mainland, the heroes all looked at the ancestors and the eternal heaven behind them with inexplicable eyes.

, "I'm afraid you can't think of it."

The fallen demon ancestor laughed sarcastically, "The ancestor had been associated with us as early as ancient times, or he took the initiative to find me. Without him, this layout would not appear. His identity is not ordinary, but in the ancient heavenly world, absorbing the essence of heaven and earth, the faith of all sentient beings, and gradually becoming a god-shaped stone. It was affected in the war and finally fell into chaos. However, the connection between him and the ancient heaven has not disappeared. He is a bridge with my chaotic world and the ancient heavens. As long as the chaos is shattered, it can naturally open the channel and enter the ancient times.

Every sentence is like a heavy hammer hitting directly on the mind.

Every sentence reveals the secret of planning hundreds of millions of years. It is a secret that no strong man can know under the master. If you spread it casually, you can roll up the boundless wind and waves.

This is the real secret!!