Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 1270 Nine tablets into the body

In the magic axe, the terrible sharpness of tearing the world went straight towards the Lingxiao Demon Court.

The breath in the axe is no less than that of the wise goddess.

As soon as the magic axe came out, the supreme magic in the axe naturally locked the whole ancient city. Under the tomahawk, it seemed that a huge giant held the tomahawk tightly and chopped down at the Lingxiao demon court.

The sharpness, in the ancient heavens, there is a terrible rift. The sky was split.

"Un lawless!!"

Emperor Shitian's body fluttered violently in the emperor's robe, and there was a clear prayer in the ring of the thirteen immortal gods. He didn't even think about it. The self-respecting emperor's spirit on his body became stronger and stronger. In front of the emperor, any rebellion would be shattered. His right hand slapped the tomahawk, and countless magic skills flashed in the huge purple-gold palm. It presents a terrible will that is lawless.

Under my hands, the sky is irreversible and the earth cannot be disobeyed. I am the emperor, covering the sky with one hand!


The ten thousand-foot axe light collided with the golden giant hand in an instant. On the spot, I saw that the whole world, a roar, as if to collapse completely. Countless peaks, under the axe light, twisted and crushed, the sharp axe light, directly followed the arm and domineeringly penetrated into the emperor's body.


The magic axe was also knocked back by a huge force. The purple-gold palm was taken back, and a ferocious axe mark appeared on the palm. A drop of purple-gold emperor's blood dripped from his heart.

The sharpness of the magic axe directly broke the defense of the emperor's body.


Similarly, at the first time, the whole chaotic ancient city collapsed in an instant, and countless materials were integrated into the Lingxiao Demon Court. The three thousand avenues were completely integrated. In an instant, the three thousand heavenly pillars that stood up were condensed into substance one after another. On the top, they all outlined the mysterious Taoist lines, and the world in

The peak of the immortal artifact!!

Lingxiao Demon Court was promoted to the peak!!

Touch the realm of the ancient artifact.

"Sword tablet, integrated into the emperor's body!!"

Emperor Shitian exhaled a sentence decisively again. As soon as the voice fell, the soldier's tablet instantly broke out of the sky from the emperor's jade ultimatum, got into the emperor's body, and coiled into countless fragments in the lungs, integrated into the lungs, and countless blades were colliding. The lungs are extremely powerful. The acupuncture points in the body vibrated one after another, emitting a brilliant brilliance. Baidu, the ancestor of all demons, Tianhuo Dragon King provides tricks, and his body is shrouded in divine light!!

"Tianyu, give me the tombstone of God." All four tombstones were integrated into the body. Di Shitian was not satisfied, but turned to Di Tianyu, who was trapped in the ancient map, and said, "Brother, this is the tombstone!!" When Di Tianyu heard it, he did not hesitate. The light in his hand flashed, and a simple tombstone appeared in his hand out of thin air, like a rotten wood, without any breath. Like a stubborn stone, when he saw the scene of Di Shitian refining into his body one after another, he could know that it was definitely an incredible treasure, but he There was no hesitation at all. After taking out the tombstone, he threw it directly at Lingxiao Demon Court.

"Wash the sacred monument with my emperor's blood!!"

Di Shitian waved his hand and cut his wrist directly. A hot stream of emperor's blood instantly turned into a purple-gold blood arrow and fell straight on the tombstone. On the spot, under the washing of the emperor's blood, the tombstone quickly emitted a trace of ancient glory. Above, a word suddenly appeared, which is an ancient - swallowing tablet!!

The ancient monument shook slightly, turned into a streamer, and went directly into the spleen. It blends with the spleen, and for a while, it is countless times stronger.

"Demon Emperor, I also gave you my tombstone. I must kill these demon ancestors, the supreme."

The Lord of Heaven's Punishment had a cold face, and the light flashed in his hand. A tombstone also appeared, threw it at the emperor Shitian, and said in a pause.


Under the washing of the emperor's blood, on the spot, the tombstone once again showed its original appearance. On the monument, a mysterious word "life" appeared. This is a new word tablet, which is an immortal monument, which contains endless vitality and vitality. It seems that even the white bone, under the monument, can grow bleeding flesh in an instant and recover again.

Without hesitation, this new tablet immediately penetrated into the liver, turned into countless mysterious inscriptions, and was completely integrated into it. A huge vitality filled every inch of flesh and blood crazily.

Emperor Shitian only felt that if there was this ancient monument, even if it had been fought for thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, hundreds of millions of years, the power would never be exhausted. The snow-white hair quickly turns black at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Demon Emperor, you can also take my piece. This is the only thing I can help you with."

Ziyue, dressed in palace clothes, also took out a tombstone in her hand and threw it at Emperor Shitian.

"Hmm!" Di Shitian looked up at Ziyue and didn't say anything to thank her. He was about to take over the tombstone. Suddenly, a colorful jade hand quickly grabbed the tombstone.

It is the wise girl who is seizing the tombstone.

"Looking for death!!"

With a sudden wave of his left hand, the purple-gold arm instantly bombarded the jade hand. With one punch, the infinite combat skills converged into a torrent, destroying the withered and rotten to the jade hand.

But the door of wisdom is under the fist.


The ancient gate trembled violently and was directly smashed out by a punch, and the wise heavenly girl has grabbed the tombstone. The fist hit it domineeringly. On the spot, the tombstone burst out with extremely heavy force, and the shaking jade hand was shattered. In the ancient monument, nature exudes a strong divine brilliance, which faintly resonates with the six tombstones in the body of Emperor Shitian.

turned into a streamer and then got into the emperor's body.

falls straight into the heart. Suddenly, an ancient word 'death' appeared on the tombstone. Suddenly, this is a dead tablet. Inside, it contains countless terrible means of extermination.

At the moment when the heart fuses with the ancient monument, it becomes immortal!!

War, war, law, power, life, death, swallow seven tombstones, directly integrated into the emperor's body.

"Brother Shitian, for my brother, you can also take it."

The ghost emperor of the capital and the emperor Shitian had no way to resist each other. Naturally, he would not hesitate. The tombstone in his hand was thrown out directly.

Without any hesitation, under the washing of the emperor's blood, the famous tablet showed his true face.

Drilled into the left leg.

At the moment of integration, Di Shitian has a strange feeling that only needs to take a step and immediately appear anywhere at will. It seems that the territory of heaven and earth can no longer bind its own footsteps. The speed has reached an incredible peak.

"Eight tombstones are all in my body, and there is another one."

Di Shitian felt that incredible changes were taking place in his body. Each trick was waking up quickly. Inside, there was a divine residence, which was constantly resurrecating. In the trick caves, countless soul imprints that had been swallowed in at the beginning turned into a devout believer. They fell around the divine residence and prayed the most dev Sound.

"You are the omnipotent master, the omnipotent emperor, fate is the sword in your hand, and the years are the river of bathing..."

Countless devout believers, almost countless, have sent out the purest power of faith one after another, constantly gathering on the same mansion as Emperor Shitian in the hole. The power of faith in the divine mansion is constantly pouring into the imperial fate in the body. The one in the life grid has condensed into substance, and countless devout believers appear on the imperial pillar that has reached the ultimate law of heaven and earth. The ancestor of Baidu Demons, Tianhuo Dragon King, provides a vast power of faith and pours it into the pillar of heaven crazily.


Hiddenly, the countless laws in the imperial pillar are being washed under the power of faith, and with the support of countless believers, every 129,000,600 chains of imperial laws are incredibly condensed into a purple-gold divine chain like the emperor. On the divine chain, there is a supreme power of supreme rules.

A law requires the belief of living creatures and the worship of living creatures.

If there are believers to worship, it represents their own way, which can be recognized by thousands of creatures. The law is invisible, and the rule is tangible. It is the power of faith to promote invisible promotion. Really reaching yourself is the supreme level of Tao.

How many souls were swallowed in those years. At this moment, they prayed at the same time, exuded endless power of faith, and were crazily poured into the fate. In a blink of an eye, the laws in the pillar of heaven are constantly merging into the power of powerful rules.

A rule, which turns into a divine chain and integrates into the flesh and blood of the whole body.

The emperor's body is the rule, and the rule is the body.

Outside the body, the sound of the sky rises everywhere, and thousands of believers continue to emerge. The foil is like a divine residence, which is extremely noble and noble. It can't be blasphemed at all.

A stream of purple-gold qi and blood rose to the sky.

The vast pressure is like a tide, crushing crazily in all directions.

"You actually know the secret of promotion."

The wise girl's face suddenly changed greatly, and she clearly felt how incredible the magical transformation that happened to Di Shitian at this moment was. This is the promotion of the ancient god. The laws in the body are changing to the rules.

"God of money, hand over your tombstone."

Di Shitian ignored the wise girl at all and directly paid attention to the money god.

"The tombstone is not on me." The money god refused directly. There was a deep look of fear in his eyes.

"Humph!! Do you think there's nothing I can do if I hide it? Emperor Shitian snorted coldly and said categorically, "The eight monuments are in my body, and the remaining tombstones. Listen to my edict and come back quickly."

In the emperor's body, countless gods and demons, divine mansions, countless weapons, countless power of life and death, and ancient monuments. At the same time, it burst out with a brilliant brilliance, and the call of the same origin swept out in all directions in an instant.


I saw that on the ancestor, an ancient sacred monument burst out of the body, and the great power emanating from the tombstone rolled the qi and blood in the ancestor's body on the spot, and a mouthful of reverse blood spewed out on the spot.


The tombstone, like a swallow returning to the nest, rushed straight to Di Shitian. He got into his right leg on the spot.

Nine monuments gathered!!

I saw that the tombstones that were closely integrated with the emperor's body flew out of the emperor's body one after another.

A tombstone undergoes a magical transformation at a speed visible to the naked eye.