Lord of the Source

Chapter 5 Despicable Collusion

After Jiang Feng fell into a coma, he came to his conscious world. In the middle of the world was the power of Kirin's blood emanating blood, followed by the light source left by Jiang Fenglin.

While Jiang Feng was thinking about how to build a consciousness space, a shout of killing came into the depths of his consciousness. He heard clearly the screams of the people in the group, and he woke up angrily.

dragging his tired body, he walked out of his room. When he saw the situation outside, tears couldn't help flowing down. These were his brothers and sisters who had been together for five years, but now they have fallen into a pool of blood one by one. Is he going to lose his home again?

It seems that the main battlefield is no longer here. Jiang Feng, with anger, went to the place where the shouting of killing came, where the parliament hall was located.

As Jiang Feng approached, more and more people fell into the pool of blood, and his emotions became more and more excited. How powerless he was when his parents died. Now he doesn't want to try to lose his loved ones anymore. In his heart, he has already regarded this place as his home.

"Twilight punishment, are you still obsessed? Look at the members of your regiment. They all deserved to die for you. If you had promised to return to us earlier, would they have walked on Huangquan Road? They all died because of you..." A sharp voice shouted, but before he finished speaking, his voice suddenly stopped, and a head flew up. It was the person who had just spoken.

"What's the right of your group of buildings to shout here?" A cold voice sounded from behind the crowd. The speaker was Jiang Feng, who came here. A murderous atmosphere surrounded Jiang Feng, and the crowd unconsciously gave him a way.

Without managing the crowd, Jiang Feng went straight to the place where the members of the Wind Wolf Mercenary Regiment were.

The twilight sentence has been seriously injured, which makes Jiang Feng very surprised. Generally speaking, no one in the Liu family can hurt the regiment leader to such a level. Is there a helper?

Most of the people in the regiment are concentrated here, and they are all injured. It seems that the wind wolf mercenary regiment is in danger tonight. In any case, today we will coexist with the Wind Wolf Mercenary Corps. It seems that Kirin's kindness can only be sorry for it. Jiang Feng thought, but he promised Kirin, which made Jiang Feng very uncomfortable. He was not an ungrateful villain.

"Godfather, is everyone all right? I'm late. I'm sorry."

"You stupid child, why don't you run away? Why do you come out! Hey! We didn't expect that the Liu family would collude with the Dark Holy See. This time, there are many masters of the Dark Holy See, including a senior magician and a war sect. My injury was injured by their joint hands. It seems that God is going to kill our wind wolf mercenary corps!" Mu Tian Xing said to Jiang Feng that he was helpless in his tone, and he was much older.

"May I ask which one is the head of the Liu family? Can you come out and talk?" Jiang Feng calmly analyzed the current situation. The combat effectiveness of the two sides was incomparable. He had a plan in mind.

"Who are you? You just killed our members for no reason, and now you have any tricks." A man with a sinister face came out and saw his thief's face, which showed his insidious pride on his face. It seems that he is Liu Fengqiao, the head of the Liu family. Next to him are five powerful old men and two ordinary old men. It seems that this is the elder and the elder of the Liu family. Looking at the appearance of the two elders, they should have reached the peak of the Wuhuang's counterattack. In addition, there are three black-robed people next to them, which seems difficult to escape today. Jiang Feng calculated in his heart, not to mention fighting, but the probability of escaping was almost zero.

"Dare to ask the owner of the Liu family what the reason for attacking our wind wolf mercenary regiment is, and you don't want a dead regiment. But what the owner of the Liu family said is related to the survival of our group, and we can't force others. Can you give us some time to think about it? Although the situation was very critical, Jiang Feng said calmly.

The people of the Liu family did not give an answer immediately, but a group of people walked to the black-robed people. It seemed that they wanted to discuss it.

"Liu Sacrifice, I don't know what you think."

"The owner is polite. If the head of the family hadn't been completed in those years, how could there be Liu Xiu today? The head of the family should call me Liu Xiu!" Although the man in black was very polite, the pride of his expression had already betrayed his heart.

"Liu Sacrifice, although you are still a member of my Liu family, now you are a silver sacrifice of the Dark Holy Religion, and you can't mess up the rules. Please ask Liu Sacrifice to decide what to do. Liu Fengqiao said with a flattering face. He was still grateful for the decision 20 years ago. That year, a man in black was hunted down by the Holy See of Light and ran to the Liu family in scars. Liu Fengqiao saw what he was wearing and recognized that it was the symbol of the Dark Holy See, and his status must not be low. So he saved the man in black. After the man in black robe recovered from his injury, in order to repay his kindness, he promised that the Liu family could accept a member of the Liu family into the Holy Church. At that time, Liu Fengqiao knew that the person he saved was a senior alchemist of the Dark Holy See. For alchemists, no matter where they are placed, they are in demand, because those who can become alchemists are too demanding. Not only should the soul be strong enough, but also the willpower must be dozens of times that of ordinary people. This is also a secondary reason why Jiang Feng can have a high status in the Wind Wolf Mercenary Corps. At the beginning, none of the Liu family could be found. Later, the man in black took Liu Xiu of the Liu family to the Holy See to worship another master.

"Since the owner said so, I will talk about my opinion and let the owner refer to it. I think they are also dead fish anyway. They can't make any big waves. Destroying their whole group is just the most unwanted ending. Now it's better to give them some time to reflect our grandiity. It would be best if they could comply." Liu Xiu arrogantly said his already agreed opinion.

"Liu Sacrifice Gaojian, how about giving them three-pillar incense?" Liu Fengqiao did not dare to oppose Liu Xiu. After all, Liu Xiu's status is not the same as before. He was no longer a junior in his Liu family. If it hadn't been for Liu Xiu this time, they would not have the strength to capture the Wind Wolf Mercenary Corps.

"It's so good that all the masters are in charge." Liu Xiu saw that his opinion was adopted, and the expression on his face was even more arrogant.

Liu Fengqiao returned to the crowd with the people of the Liu family and said to Jiang Feng, "Well, we are not humane people. I will give you the time for three pillars of incense. Please persuade the head of the evening group, hoping that we can be satisfied."

"Jiang Feng thanked Lord Liu here, and I will try my best to persuade the leader." After saying that, Jiang Feng and the people of the Wind Wolf Mercenary Regiment returned to the council hall.

"Jiang Feng, do you really want us to surrender? How can that be worthy of the dead!" Mu Tianfeng didn't wait for Jiang Feng to speak first.

"Aunt Tianfeng, you misunderstood. I remember that there is an escape passage in the regiment. Please take some people in the regiment to retreat first." Jiang Feng said calmly.

"So what about you, what do you mean by some people? If you want to withdraw, you can quit together."

"Oh, not only can't retreat, but even the people who just participated in the war can't retreat. You withdraw quickly with those who haven't fought yet. I have my own way to escape.

"Really?" Mu Tianfeng obviously doesn't believe it.

"Five sister, it's true. Jiang Feng has discussed this matter with me before. You take Mu Yun and others who did not participate in the war and go to Kyoto first, and we will meet there." Mu Tianjing saw Jiang Feng's plan and persuaded him.

"Since the eldest brother has talked, let's go first. Let's meet in Kyoto." Mu Tianfeng saw Mu Tian Xing talking and dispelled doubts and was pressed for time, so she left the secret passage one after another with some people who had not participated in the war. Muyun walked to Jiang Feng and said, "Brother Jiang Feng, I know your plan. I will definitely live up to your kindness. I will definitely redouble my efforts to practice and try to avenge everyone as soon as possible." After saying that, he endured the tears in his eyes and walked into the secret channel. After staying with Jiang Fengyun for more than five years, how could he not know what Jiang Feng was thinking? But he knew that with its strength to get in and out of the sixth-level martial arts, he couldn't help anything. In addition, he didn't want to be sorry for everyone's sacrifice.

"Liu Sacrifice, they won't play any tricks! Beware of fraud." A man in black next to Liu Xiu said.

"Don't worry, my mental strength has been locking them. Don't forget that I'm a senior magician. I'm more spiritual than you. The main trunks of their group are all in it. Liu Xiu said confidently. It turned out that Liu Xiu had been locking in the people who had just joined the station with mental strength.

Seeing that everyone should leave, Jiang Feng said to everyone, "I'm sorry, I cheated everyone. I don't have any plan to escape. If you want to live, you can surrender. The head of the regiment and I will not blame everyone." Jiang Feng bowed to the crowd and continued, "Just now, there was a spiritual force that has been locking the people who have just participated in the war, so as long as someone escapes, no one can escape. I'm really sorry that I didn't have to say that." After saying that, Jiang Feng bowed again with tears.

After a brief silence, everyone's eyes were full of perseverance.

Seeing this, Jiang Feng did not say anything, but divided his refined elixir to everyone.

"Jiang Feng, do you regret it? In fact, you can leave. Even if you leave, I won't blame you." Mu Tian Xing took the elixir and said to Jiang Feng, "Although I'm sorry that you didn't escape, I'm also proud. I didn't see the wrong person."

"Godfather, I will never let you down. Now let's recover your strength quickly! I'll take everyone out as soon as I get a chance."

Jiang Feng ignored the crowd, sat down cross-legged, and began to search for a way to escape from Kirin's memory. To his despair, there is no way to use it. Under the gap of extreme strength, it can be said that it is now a dead place. Although there is no way to escape, Jiang Feng found a magic skill. As long as there is no legendary strong man, he can be directly reincarnated and his memory can also be saved. But the strength of this body will all disappear, and it must have Kirin's blood to protect the soul and consciousness to do it. No wonder Kirin said that he could save his life if necessary.

After a simple consideration, Jiang Feng made a decision.