Lord of the Source

Chapter 75 A Swap

Because of the chaos of the blue sea tears necklace, everyone hopes to get such a good necklace.

Jiang Feng also stared at it with wide eyes, although he knew that in addition to refining elixir, another aspect was refining. In Kirin's memory, there is no memory of the refinery, which is also normal. After Kirin becomes the real body, the scale armor is the best armor, and what other weapon can resist their own flames for the best attack?

Not only Jiang Feng, Luo Xuerou is also obsessed with this thing that is being auctioned. How she hopes to have such a necklace, not only because it is practical, but also because it is so beautiful. White reveals blue light, which fascinates all women who love beauty.

"Don't worry, everyone. Listen to me. There is still a condition for the auction of this necklace. Can you listen to me? Yuxin looked at the noisy scene and slowly said the conditions given by the mysterious alchemist.

Sure enough, Yuxin's words were transmitted to the ears of everyone present through the special loudspeaker of this era. All of a moment, everyone consciously calmed down. They were curious about whether there were any conditions to buy something.

Seeing that the scene has stabilized, Yuxin is very happy. After all, this is her second auction, and it is already very good to have such a good effect.

"This condition is not a matter for our Magic Gold Business Association, but the alchemist who sold this necklace hopes to exchange one thing with the person who bought this necklace. It means that he can do something for this person, but this person must also help him do something. After saying that, Yuxin looked at the quiet auction house and did not surprise her. Another reason why she didn't want it at the beginning was that she was afraid that she would not be able to complete that person's conditions.

Of course, if you don't want to finish it well, he is also a super alchemist. I'm afraid that the strong appeal is not something that ordinary people can resist. And powerful people may be embarrassed not to fulfill their promises!

"Well, the requirements have been said. Now the auction will begin. There is no low price, and each price increase cannot be less than 1000 diamond coins." After saying that, Yuxin stood on the auction platform and waited for the people below to bid.

After a long time, no one offered, not because they couldn't afford it, but because it was too precious. Everyone was afraid that their price was too low and did not speak. They were all waiting for the leader.

Seeing that no one offered, Yuxin began to be a little anxious, which was also the reason for her lack of experience.

Jiang Feng could naturally know the strangeness coming. Seeing Yuxin on the stage, she was a little flustered and sighed in her heart, so she called the waiter.

"The price is 10,000 diamond coins."

The waiter retreated to convey Jiang Feng's quotation.

"Guests in No. 4ya room bid 10,000 diamond coins." Yuxin, who received the news, began to look a little relieved and quoted the price given by Jiang Feng's elegant room. Naturally, she did not know that Jiang Feng was helping her. But that's enough. As long as someone starts everything, many people will do it.

As soon as Jiang Feng's price was quoted, many people began to bid.

"1 million diamond coins..."

"12 diamond coins..."


There are still many people bidding, but most of them are people in the square, and none of the distinguished guests in the elegant room have bid. They still disdains to bid with the people below. They will not bid until the price reaches a certain point, so as to better reflect their identity.

I felt that it was boring to watch the bidding of the people below, and Jiang Feng didn't want to wait any longer. Luo Xuerou still stared at the necklace with an excited face, and Jiang Feng looked at Luo Xuerou's excited look like a smile, so he called the waiter.

"10 diamond coins."

"There are 100,000 diamond coins in No. 4 Yajian. Do you have any higher ones?" Yuxin heard that someone finally quoted a barely suitable price, and it was from the VIP room, and she knew which rich owners were finally going to take action.

The price quoted by Jiang Feng suddenly overwhelmed other people's prices, and the scene suddenly became much quieter. 100,000 diamond coins are not something that many people can afford.

The silence did not last long.

"200,000 diamond coins, guests in No. 1yajian are willing to pay 200,000 diamond coins. Is there any higher price?" Yuxin's voice once again surprised the people below. 200,000 diamond coins are not something that ordinary people can take out casually. *There must be some*.

"No. 2 Yajian 210,000 diamond coins."

"No. 7 Yajian 250,000 diamond coins." Yuxin's face began to become a little rosy, because she was too excited, because at this time, the price of the necklace had exceeded the estimate of the magic gold auction.

40,000 diamond coins jumped at once, which made many people wonder who was so rich.

After a short time, there was still no bidding, and Yuxin thought it was time to end.

"250,000 for the first time, 250,000 for the second time, 250,000..." Yuxin just wanted to talk about the deal, but a new price almost made her faint at the beginning.

"There are 300,000 diamond coins in No. 4 Yajian, and there is anyone with a higher price." Yuxin's excited voice resounded through the auction house, and the auction house was also in an uproar because of this number. Everyone was thinking about which prodigal son it was! Although this necklace is very valuable, it is only about 200,000 diamond coins at most, but now some people buy it at such a high price, either to coax girls' joy or something.

At this time, Luo Xuerou in the No. 4 elegant room looked at Jiang Feng like a ghost. At the beginning, when Jiang Feng quoted the price of 100,000 yuan, she began to withdraw her eyes and stared at Jiang Feng for a while, making Jiang Feng very uncomfortable. At this time, Jiang Feng reported 300,000 yuan, which made her unbelievable.

Jiang Feng is like this. In fact, he has his plan. He has never worried about alchemy, but he lacks knowledge of refinery. How can he let go of such a good opportunity now? As for the necklace, he doesn't care much. He knows that as long as he learns the knowledge of refining, he will be able to make better things.

But Luo Xuerou didn't know that she looked at the stingy man just now and suddenly became so generous that she couldn't believe it.

"What are you looking at? Does my face make you so obsessed?" It was really uncomfortable to be stared at by Luo Xuerou, and Jiang Feng could only speak.

"Oh, my God, I'm not dreaming! A perish is willing to buy a necklace at a high price. Are you an idiot? That necklace is only worth 200,000 yuan. Luo Xuerou looked at Jiang Feng with an idiotic expression.

"Miss, you are not dreaming or my idiot, but the conditions of that necklace make me look forward to it." Jiang Feng said helplessly.

"What a loser." After looking at Jiang Feng for a long time, Luo Xuerou finally came to a conclusion that the prince was obviously a prodigal son.

For Luo Xuerou's 'praise', Jiang Feng could only grit his teeth and endure it.