Lord of the Source

Chapter 79 News that shocked the whole continent

Jiang Feng's retreat did not attract much attention, but one news made the whole Yuanguang mainland crazy. That is, the thing that the Magic Gold Business Association will auction on the last day - reincarnation source liquid.

At the same time, the Magic Gold Business Association has also welcomed many uninvited guests. Naturally, the Holy See is the first batch. Who will let others be the landlords here?

At the headquarters of the Magic Gold Business Association, Mu Tianfeng sat on the chair, and five people sat opposite her.

"President Mu, you also know the purpose of our coming. This is the presiding judge of the Holy See." Yuanmu pointed to a middle-aged man and introduced him to the twilight phoenix.

"I've been looking forward to it for a long time. I don't know if Judge Feng Long came here for the news we released." It's not surprising that I knew them back a long time ago.

"President Mu is a smart person. Naturally, I know the purpose of my coming. I hope President Mu can give us an explanation." Feng Long looked at Mu Tianfeng and knew that this was a smart woman, and he had no hope. After all, that thing was too mysterious.

"Since Judge Feng Long is here, I can't let you go back empty-handed. Anyway, everyone is a partner. Our auction did receive a message from a mysterious strong man who was willing to let us auction three bottles of the legendary reincarnation source liquid instead of him. After our special test, it is indeed the reincarnation source liquid. To make a joke, our Chamber of Commerce has also shouldered three conditions!" The phoenix talked in the evening without any uncomportation.

"What kind of mysterious strong man is that? I don't know if Mu Tianfeng can reveal one or two to us?" With the confirmation of Mu Tianfeng, fate couldn't help asking.

"The deputy judge seems to have forgotten our rules. Not to mention that we don't know, it is absolutely impossible to disclose any buyer or buyer's information. This is related to credibility. I hope adults will be cautious. However, since the deputy presiding judge asked, and even the chief judge came in person, I can't help but give you face. I'm sure to tell you what I know, but this is just a private story and has nothing to do with our Chamber of Commerce. I hope you can understand our suffering. When Mu Tianfeng saw the anxious appearance, she sneered in her heart.

"What President Mu said is that fate is too anxious. I hope the president won't be surprised. Today's matter is just our private matter and has nothing to do with the Fantasy Gold Business Association." Hearing that Mu Tianfeng taught his men a lesson in front of him, Feng Long increasingly felt that this woman did have the strength to lead the whole chamber of commerce.

"That was a mysterious old man. His hair was silvery white. Although it was late last night, when he approached our council hall insipidly, I found that everyone except me was unconscious. At first, I also thought it was because everyone was too tired, but when the old man spoke, I knew that he did all this. In front of him, I can't feel my existence at all, and although he has done nothing, I dare not resist from the bottom of my heart. Mu Tianfeng was also a genius of acting. As she said, her eyes were also blurred, as if she were recalling a terrible thing.

"What happened later?" Seeing that the twilight phoenix was in a confused state, he didn't go on. Feng Long did not doubt whether her words were true. If they were false, then Mu Tianfeng was really too good at pretending.

"Later, he told me that he needed someone from our commercial association to auction three bottles of reincarnation source liquid instead of him. At that time, my brain was blank, and the reincarnation source liquid! That's the legendary problem. I don't know if it's true. I don't know how long it took. When I came back from the shock, the old man was still there, but there was an extra bottle in his hand. Saying this, Mu Tianfeng also listened, and her eyes revealed memories.

"At that time, he told me that it was tested by our Chamber of Commerce, but he said that once the test was true, we had to promise him to do three things for him unconditionally. And the first thing was to auction the remaining three bottles of reincarnation source liquid for him. At that time, I heard that I could actually encounter the reincarnation source liquid in my lifetime, so I was curious and agreed to him. He will give us the rest of the source liquid on the last day, so I can't show it to everyone. After saying that, Mu Tianfeng stopped 'memory' and looked at the five figures of the Holy See.

"Oh, can you be sure it's true later?" Feng Long continued to ask.

"If what is recorded in ancient books is true, then it is indeed the source of reincarnation, but I don't believe it, so it can only be applied. It was not until the end that I believed that it was true. The person I have tried has actually changed from a three-series martial artist to a whole martial king, and his body still has enough energy. As long as he wants to, he can be promoted to the martial emperor at any time, but he is not greedy, so he is still a martial king. Mu Tianfeng has long known Xiaotian's strangeness. At this time, he will not be used to deceive people. When will he use it?

"Really? Can you let me meet this person? Hearing Mu Tianfeng's effect, Feng Long finally had a trace of excitement. According to ancient books, the reincarnation source liquid does have the effect of transforming the human body.

"I have known for a long time that the judge wanted to see this person. Come on, and tell Xiaotian to come in." Hearing Feng Long say that he wanted to see Xiaotian, Mu Tianfeng knew that today's matter was finally settled, and there will not be many people to inquire about it in the future, because many people in the Magic Gold Business Association at this time were secretly listening to the conversation between Mu Tianfeng and Feng Long.

Feng Long naturally knew it, but he didn't care much. Since others didn't appear to disturb him, he didn't need to know these people for the Fantasy Gold Business Association.

Not long after, Xiaotian came in in blue.

"My subordinates meet the president!" Xiaotian naturally colluded with Mu Tianfeng. Looking at Xiaotian's acting skills, the bow was really good. What an actor, that's it?

"These are some of my friends who want to see your body. You relax and let them watch it." Mu Tianfeng said to Jiang Feng with a smile. She was also surprised that Xiaotian's acting skills were too high.

"Yes, president." After saying that, Xiaotian walked to Feng Long and stood in front of him and closed his eyes. The meaning was obvious: You can check it as you like!

Feng Longshen walked around Xiaotian's body, as Mu Tianfeng said, and his heart was also excited.

took out a compass with some trembling, and Feng Long said to Xiaotian, "Child, drop your blood on it."

Seeing Feng Long take out the compass, Mu Tianfeng was shocked. This is the compass that really tests the reincarnation liquid. Only when it meets the real reincarnation source liquid will it shine. But she couldn't make a sound at this time, and she also thought of a solution in her heart. She would say later that she had been cheated.

But what will happen? Did it surprise the evening phoenix and make the people of the Holy See excited, or let the evening phoenix disappoint and make the Holy See disappointed?