Lord of the Source

Chapter 143 Unrivaly Valley

(Although it is Valentine's Day, Xiaoyue is still in the hard code words, and it will never be updated!!!)

"Your Highness, the pursuers behind us are chasing us. What should we do? If we continue to go towards Fengcheng, we are bound to be intercepted by the rebel army, so that we will be attacked by the enemy. Our army of less than 30,000 can't break through this one million troops." The counselor stood behind Jiang Ba and said with a worried face.

"I know, but our task has been completed, hasn't it? The second brother and the third brother have successfully rejoined, which means that my father and the emperor are safe. Jiang Ba stood on the top of the mountain with a careless face.

"Well, yes, our previous task has been completed, but we still have another task to complete. Did the eldest prince forget His Majesty's will and make you have to arrive in Luan City safely?" The counselor knew that Jiang Ba was no longer planning to escape.

"Yes, my father said that I should go to see him and Luancheng to see him. However, outside, the military order will not be accepted. We only have more than 20,000 people left now, so there is no need to lead the enemy to the third brother. Jiang Ba was worried that he would go to Luan City, causing the army behind him to attack Luan City.


"Well, Yang Mu, you have always been by my side. Can't you understand my temper? Let the sergeants choose to stay if they are willing to kill the enemy with me, but tell them that I don't plan to join the three places. If you don't want to stay, give them some of the rest of the military pay and let them make a living!" Originally, the counselor wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Jiang Ba's plain voice.

"Report!" Just as Yang Mu was trying to persuade him further, suddenly, a messenger ran over.

"Is the enemy chasing you? Yang Mu, go and arrange all the things I just said!" Jiang Ba is still very calm, as if he has thrown his life and death away.

"It is not Your Highness, but a message from the Third Prince. He said that he would rush us to the Valley of Despity, and he would personally pick us up there. The messenger has left, and we saw him take out the token of the Third Highness, so it should indeed be the message of the Third Highness. There was joy in the voice of the messenger, and the letter from the third prince was undoubtedly a help in the snow.

"What are you talking about? How could the third prince go to the Valley of Desperation? It's a dead place! Isn't it good to gather the army quickly and send a letter to Luancheng to ask them to immediately take the army to the Desperate Valley. This time, the third brother is in danger. Jiang Ba's voice was full of worry, and he forgot what happened just now.

"Yes, Your Highness." The messenger retreated.

"Unrave, there is a dead place. There is only one way to get in and out. As long as you go in, there is a large army outside, then it is really difficult to fly. Doesn't the third prince know the terrain of this ruthless valley? As long as he is trapped, ten * will be wiped out. Yang Mu frowned and thought if it was a trick.

"Yang Mu, you don't know that although my third brother is extremely smart, he doesn't understand the terrain of many important places in the country. It seems that this time there is a spy in the third brother's army, and his status is not low. This time, the third brother is in danger. I hope we can make it in time!" Jiang Ba said his guess.

"But is this the enemy's strategy? They have mastered our method of delivering information, so they deliberately confuse us." Yang Mu also said his ideas and could become Jiang Ba's right-hand man. He did have his own advantages.

"Well, I hope so too, but unfortunately the third brother was tricked this time. No one else will know how to deliver the message between the third brother and us, and no one can imitate it. It's not a letter just now, but it can explain all this. Our news network is a single connection with the third brother, and the third brother's tokens and the person who transmits the message are the only one. Unless this person betrays, it can't be fake. But it is more impossible to mutiny this messenger than to destroy the rebel army now. Jiang Ba sighed that this time, maybe it was not just him, even Jiang Feng was in danger.

Just as Jiang Ba was worried about Jiang Feng, Jiang Feng led the army to the Valley of Desperate.

"Your Highness, not far ahead is the Desperate Valley. The terrain here is easy to defend and difficult to attack. As long as we meet Your Highness here, we can smoothly return to Luan City from the other side of the Valley." Long Er looked at Jiang Feng and said with excitement.

"Ha ha, thanks to you this time, I was still thinking about how I could return to the station after meeting with the eldest brother. There are several armies of major forces chasing behind the eldest brother. I don't know what it looks like in Desperate Valley. Both sides are transparent, which is really expected. Jiang Feng was also a little happy, and he appreciated Long Er even more. Long Er is very prominent in both military and cultivation talent. More importantly, Long Er once traveled all over the empire with his father and knew the terrain of many places in the empire very well. Jiang Feng knows. Time, location, and people are the three necessary elements for the victory of the army. Now with Long Er, he is like having the right time and place. With the return of his father, this time his army even has people.

"Your Highness is flattered. Shall we speed up a little, otherwise it will be difficult for us to get there before dark. I'm afraid that Your Highness will leave instead of seeing us after arriving there." Long Er urged Jiang Feng with a worried face, but no one knew why the specific intention was.

"You're right. If you pass the order, the whole army will move forward at full speed." Jiang Feng rushed out with the joy of seeing his relatives and walked in the front of the army.

"Yes, Your Highness, slow down." Long Er advised Jiang Fengdao, but in a corner that others could not see, he showed an evil smile. Several people around him were the same, smiling knowingly. Unfortunately, Jiang Feng has urged the war horse to go far away and didn't see it.

In the direction of Luan City, Longyi was arranging accommodation for Jianglong's army, but a messenger ran over.

"Report, Your Highness's letter, the general will check it." The messenger handed a black eagle to Long Yi.

Long took down the letter and waved his hand to let the messenger go down.

"What, how...how could it be like this. The person who came immediately called all the staff to the hall and said that I had something urgent to discuss with everyone in detail. Although Long Yi was shocked, he immediately calmed down.

"But Your Highness has just..." A messenger kindly reminded Long Yi.

"Didn't you hear what I said? Go and deliver the news immediately. It's delayed. I've killed your whole family. Go, go quickly." Long Yi almost slapped the messenger to death on the spot, but he still resisted.

Seeing that Long was angry, the messenger knew that the matter was serious, so they rushed out as quickly as possible.

In the hall, Long Yi walked back and forth with letters on his face full of anxiety.

"What's the matter, Long Yi, find everyone in such a hurry." Xiaotian was the closest to the hall. He just heard Long Yi's roar and rushed over.

"Xiaotian, what should I do? What do you think I should do? Look." As soon as Long saw Xiaotian, he handed the letter in his hand to Xiaotian. Obviously, there was nothing he could do at this time.

"Wow! If you stay here, I will rush there now. After you discuss with everyone, you will bring someone over immediately. I know who it is. If this young master... I will definitely smash him into ten thousand pieces, no matter whether he escapes to the ends of the earth. Xiaotian took a breath, suppressed his anger, returned the letter to Long Yi, and was about to walk out of the hall.

"Xiaotian, who has provoked you? Why are you so angry that you still want to smash thousands of pieces of people' bodies?" People looked at Long Yi and Xiaotian in the hall and couldn't help joking.

"Brother Mu, you came just in time, Xiaotian. This incident is critical, and it won't make much use for you to go alone. You first came to pass on our military order, so that my father has already mobilized 500,000 troops and the second brother immediately and immediately prepared to go on an expedition. Let them not ask why, just say that this is Your Majesty's will, and the imperial decree will be later. Arrived." Long Yi ignored Mu Yun's joke, but looked at Xiaotian and said.

"I know, I'll go. If this time... I will definitely kill that man's whole family." Xiaotian didn't forget to say a cruel word when he left.

"What's going on, Long Yi, what happened? What's wrong with you and Xiaotian at this time? You were joking just now. You actually faked the imperial edict and mobilized 500,000 troops. Mu Yun found something strange and couldn't help asking.

"Look at it yourself. What about your majesty? Without your majesty's will, even if the 500,000 troops are ready, they will not set out." Long Yi sat on the ground decadently and couldn't help but blame himself because he didn't stop Jiang Feng from leading the army out in person.

"How could this be like this, Brother Jiang, Long Yi, this letter is true. If it's true this time, then Brother Jiang, no, it's the young master..." Mu Yun couldn't believe that this is true. The person who was still talking and laughing with him during the day today is now in such a great crisis.

"This news is correct. The young master has indeed fallen into a dead end. This time, it can only rely on us, otherwise..." Long Yi couldn't help raising his head and sighing.

"I'll gather the people of the twilight family immediately. You stay and tell your majesty about it. When everything is ready, you will let me know." After saying that, Mu Yun did not wait for Long to answer, but rushed out in a fiery way.

It didn't take long for Jiang Aotian and the blood sacrifice cherry blossoms to have arrived together. Later, all the principals came to the hall.

"Long Yi, what's going on? On the way here just now, I heard a large-scale military movement in the barracks." Jiang Aotian guessed that something big must have happened, otherwise it would not have been like this in the barracks.

"Your Majesty, I ordered the five fathers to mobilized 500,000 troops, which also requires your majesty's imperial army to be able to set out." As soon as Long heard Jiang Aotian ask him, he did not hide his private mobilization of the army.

"Oh, let's talk about it. The mobilization of 500,000 troops is not a joke." Jiang Aotian was also shocked by Long Yi. The mobilization of 500,000 troops was a very large-scale military mobilization.

"Your Majesty, please have a look. This is the news from the eldest prince, this time..." Long Yi did not want to say it, but handed the letter to Jiang Aotian.

Turning his head and saw the blood sacrifice cherry blossoms, the dragon's eyes suddenly lit up, as if he had caught a savior.