Lord of the Source

Chapter 168 Mirror Flower Water Moon

"Although the life skills of Warcraft in your conscious world are very strange, this is not enough. Don't forget that this is the sea and my home!" The magic whale still has no intention of wanting to.

"Well, then continue!" Jiang Feng knew that he could not pass easily, so he continued to attack without thinking about it.

"Mirror flowers and water moon!" A wave of the magic whale's body suddenly disappeared in front of Jiang Feng, and then Jiang Feng's attack directly penetrated the sea and disappeared into the distance.

"The battle has only begun now. Although the field cannot be used, this is the sea. Even if there is no field, I am still not afraid." The sound of the magic whale kept coming from all around, but I couldn't tell exactly where it came from.

"Jiang Feng, be careful. This is another horror skill of the elders. In the deep sea, no one has ever cracked this skill. Now, he hasn't attacked yet. When he attacks, there will be many illusions attacking us together. It must be handled carefully." Blood sacrifice Sakura and Muyun both came to Jiang Feng's side. The three of them turned their backs and focused on their own side.

Jiang Feng suddenly felt tight. As soon as he heard the mirror, he thought of the character in Death. One of them was like this. He didn't expect to meet him.

With his eyes bulging and looking at the sea around him, he didn't know when there was a white sword in his hand. The sword exuded domineering, and even Xiaotian and the blood sacrifice cherry blossoms could obviously feel it.

Suddenly, a water fluctuated on the side of the blood sacrifice cherry blossoms, as if an attack was coming.

"Change positions, Sakura Overlord and Muyun exchange positions, and then attack forward with all their strength!" Jiang Feng suddenly passed a spiritual power to the evening clouds and the blood sacrifice cherry blossoms.

The reaction speed of the two was unusually fast. As soon as they received Jiang Feng's order, their bodies flashed and exchanged.

"Life Trial!" With a delicate drink, a powerful green light attacked the sea in front of the cherry blossoms.

"Bang!" With a loud noise, a huge figure was forced out, which was the body of the magic whale.

"I didn't expect to meet my opponent today, hehe! It seems that I need to pay more attention. The old man's voice just came from the mouth of the hill-like magic whale.

"Jiang Feng was careful. This person showed his own body, and his attack power doubled. In addition, although it is huge, its speed is not slow. With the cooperation of illusion, I don't know how many god-level masters will die under this move. The blood sacrifice cherry blossom saw the magic whale's body and immediately issued a warning.

"Well, since its field cannot be released, we have another glimmer of hope of victory." Jiang Feng said lightly.

"Haha..." The magic whale suddenly laughed loudly. In the laughter, his huge body suddenly began to separate. Soon, another exactly the same magic whale appeared in front of Jiang Feng and them.

This is not over yet, and then, the body that had been separated was separated again, one into two, two into four, four into six... So illusory, not long after, countless huge whales surrounded Jiang Feng and others.

"Brother, I can't tell this out. How to fight!" Muyun looked around with almost no difference. Although he knew that there was only one ontology in it, once they attacked wrongly, they would reveal flaws and be taken advantage of by the magic whale.

So, the three people's bodies glowed differently, and Jiang Feng did not dare to be careless. Powerful water elements formed small whirlpools around him to protect him.

"Blood sacrifice senior, your left front gull, and then Muyun also gulls to the right front." Jiang Feng suddenly said calmly, and at the same time, his body suddenly shot upwards.

Although the blood sacrifice Sakura and Muyun didn't understand why Jiang Feng made them flect, when they received Jiang Feng's spiritual power, their bodies moved at the same time.

"Sword of Life, broken!" The blood sacrifice cherry suddenly rushed to the left front, and a green sword suddenly appeared in his hand, splitting at the body of a magic whale in front of him.

"Crash and crack!" A huge yellow ball of light suddenly appeared on Muyun's hands. He wanted to attack the attack in his hand on the body of a magic whale in front of him.

"Now, all attack!" Jiang Feng's rushing body suddenly stopped, and the white sword in his hand slowly transformed into a huge blood sword.

A strange breath immediately rushed out of the sword, and there were vicissitudes and blood in the breath. More importantly, a strong pressure immediately permeated the whole sea.

"Break!" With a loud shout, the only three star Dan in Jiangfeng Dantian that could operate quickly rotated, and a blood light flew out along the sword and split the body of a huge magic whale above.

"Oh!" A surprise sound came from the mouth of the magic whale around at the same time, and then the huge body of all the magic whales was covered with deep blue light, directly covering the color of the sea.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, Jiang Feng's attack immediately had a close contact with the abdomen of the body of the magic whale above his head, but it was blocked by blue light.

followed, the yellow light ball of the twilight cloud followed, and the same attack was in the place where Jiang Feng had just attacked.

"Boom!" The photosphere exploded and the sea swayed around. At this time, the sea seemed a little unstable, and there were no winds and waves, so that many old fishermen collected their nets back.

"Break!" The green sword sacrificing the cherry blossoms also arrived the next moment, and the same attack was in the place where Jiang Feng and Muyun had just attacked.

"Bang!" With a soft sound, the blue energy circle disappeared, and the attack of the blood sacrifice cherry blossom successfully reached the body of the magic whale.

At this time, a stunned thing happened. The green sword sacrificing the cherry blossom directly penetrated the body of the magic whale and flew into the distance.

"No, Jiang Feng, be careful!" The reminder of the blood sacrifice of cherry blossoms is obviously late.

Jiang Feng spewed out a mouthful of blood and flew directly backwards, followed by a fluctuation that was difficult to see with the naked eye.

At this moment, the blood sacrifice Sakura gritted her teeth, and then her body disappeared into the sea. When she appeared, she had come to hit the track that Jiang Feng had just flown out.

"Shield of Life!" A green shield appeared in front of the blood sacrifice cherry blossoms.


"Puff!" The body of the blood sacrifice cherry blossom also flew backwards, and a mouthful of blood couldn't help spitting out, dyeing this piece of sea water red.

"It's useless. No one can crack my illusion except the senior dragon turtle. Jiang Feng, right? I advise you to go out until the end of the war. Here, I will bring you food regularly. I think it will be fine for a few years. The sound of the magic whale is not directed, but comes from the mouths of all the magic whales around at the same time.

"Cough!" A white light appeared around Jiang Feng and helped him isolate the sea water, so that Jiang Feng could breathe. In front of his chest, a huge palm print appeared on it. Obviously, it was attacked here just now.

"Blood Sacrifice, are you all right!" Jiang Feng flashed and came to the front of the blood sacrifice cherry blossoms.

"Well, there are a lot of restrictions on me here! But I didn't expect that I couldn't catch a single blow. The blood sacrifice Sakura's face was a little pale, but it was not a big deal, just a slight injury.

"This time I miscalculated. This magic whale did not show its ontology. It was just an illusion. Unexpectedly, we were deceived by him. Originally, if the body is big, it will inevitably cause water waves when moving, but if he does not show the ontology, then we can't find his exact location. Jiang Feng sighed helplessly.

"No, I have a way." As he spoke, Jiang Feng's eyes lit up.

"Magic Whale Elder, why don't we make a bet? As you know, if the blood sacrifice Sakura senior really let go of everything to fight with you, you can't win or lose for at least ten days, but we can't wait that long now. I don't think the elders want to be dragged here by us all the time!" Jiang Feng said faintly.

"Oh, although I don't care about time, for me, time has been forgotten. But you make me curious. Let's bet with you once. What do you think about gambling?" After a little meditation, the body of the magic whale immediately came out, but it was still so ethereal.

"I think the elder can also see that my body has been affected by the seal. In addition to being able to simply use some magic, my martial arts skills are not even comparable to ordinary martial arts kings!" Jiang Feng still said lightly. In this short period of time, Muyun had come to Jiang Feng's side and floated behind Jiang Feng with the blood sacrifice cherry blossoms to prevent Jiang Feng's back from being attacked.

"Yes, I can clearly feel that you have a powerful feeling, and there is a very familiar atmosphere in your Dantian. If I guess correctly, this is the seal of the elders of the Dark Holy See. But what does this have to do with our bet? The long and emotionless voice came again.

"What I want to bet with the elder is that if I can break the illusion of the elder alone in my current state, I hope the elder can let us go." Jiang Feng said confidently, but as soon as he said his words, he was immediately opposed.

"Big brother, this is a god-level master, and you are now..." Muyun is the fastest reaction. When he heard Jiang Feng say that he wanted to break the illusion alone, he immediately came to Jiang Feng's back.

The blood sacrifice Sakura didn't say anything, but his eyebrows still frowned slightly, and obviously he didn't agree with Jiang Feng very much.

"Haha, Jiang Feng, are you despheming me?" Suddenly, a sense of anger came mixed with the voice, and a wave of pressure also came.

Muyun was immediately pressed back a few steps. Looking at Jiang Feng, there was nothing. Even Jiang Feng has personally experienced the pressure of Tianjie, not to mention that this is just the pressure issued by a god-level master.

"The elder, don't be angry, but my teacher once taught me some ways to crack illusions. I just want to try it. If we fail, we will leave, and I, Jiang Feng, swear that I will never set foot in the sea again." Jiang Feng felt the anger of the other party, and there was no change in his face.

Is that right? But your tone is very big. OK, I'll bet with you once, but if you fail, I want you to stay in the sea forever and become my slave!" Obviously, the elder did not believe what Jiang Feng said. A god-level master was despised by the younger generation. No matter who was, he would be angry.

"Good! Let's start. In the process of cracking the illusion, the elder can attack me without having to keep his hand! However, if the elder fails, I don't know if he can pass on this mirror to Jiang Feng. Jiang Feng has always been curious about illusion!" Jiang Feng's eyes shot a light, and when Muyun was about to object again, he immediately said it.