Lord of the Source

Chapter 223 Rebirth or Death

The whole sky suddenly darkened, but Jiang Feng did not stop, and powerful energy was constantly transported to the strange black light symbol through his hand and sword.

Compared with this, although the sea dragon tornado is magnificent, it has become a little decadent. The blue tornado looks a little isolated in the black space.

Hailong felt extremely uncomfortable at this time, and a sense of despair rose from the bottom of his heart, giving him the illusion that he would definitely die here today. However, he doesn't want to believe it. After all, Jiang Feng is just a holy magician. How can he kill himself?

Although he is not his own territory in the sky, he is a Warcraft after all. As a human being, not to mention his strength is not as good as him. Even if he is at the same level, it is impossible to completely kill him.

However, that feeling is so strong that he doesn't want to fight.

Although he is exerting his strongest attack, he feels that he is so powerless. Even he has begun to regret. Why should he be greedy? If he tells his eldest brother to come with him, won't he solve these problems?

"Damn, if the eldest brother had been here, Jiang Feng would have been killed long ago. How could there be a chance to perform such a horrible thing?" Hailong thought angrily in his heart, and at this time, he also divided a little energy to go out.

When he knew the urgency at this time, he found that Jiang Feng became a little unpredictable. In the face of Jiang Feng in the dark, he had the feeling of facing his eldest brother. Although it's ridiculous, it's true.

"Fluorescence, annihilation!" It was as deep as the voice from Jiuyou smashed in the ear of the sea dragon, like a life-threatening charm.

The sea dragon, which had already developed fear, suddenly became more frightened when it heard this non-human voice. If you don't accumulate power, the powerful blue tornado burst like this.

The powerful blue sword spread around and attacked the surrounding space crazily. Every blue arrow will leave a trace of light that obviously tore the darkness that tore Jiang Feng at that time. However, Hailong did not notice at this time.

He only felt that he had to attack and could not stop. Otherwise, he was not sure whether he would suffer the blow of Jiang Feng once he stopped.

From the moment the darkness came, he found that Jiang Feng, who had been locked by his spiritual power, disappeared like this. This also aggravated his inner fear. At this time, he didn't care about anything else and just wanted to get out of here and return to the sea.

At this time, he had some regrets why Yao Tuo chased Jiang Feng to the sky. At this time, he still had no awakening, and his greed hurt him at that time.

"Bad boy, where the hell are you? Don't hide. Come out and fight with me." The roar of the sea dragon kept ringing, but Jiang Feng did not appear.

He didn't know where Jiang Feng was. Ling Tian, who was locking Jiang Feng with his mental strength, also didn't find out where Jiang Feng was.

Just now, when the black rune was completed, Jiang Feng's breath disappeared out of thin air, but it didn't seem to disappear. Because his breath spread everywhere wrapped in darkness.

This is also the reason why Hailong should attack in an all-round way, because he felt that he was surrounded by Jiang Feng.

"Mirror, water and moon, break it!" Jiang Feng's emotionless voice suddenly sounded, and at the same time, the dark enveloped area suddenly contracted. Then, a blue light flew out, which was the attack of the sea dragon.

It was actually given up by Jiang Feng.

Looking at the blue light arrow flying towards him, Ling Tian suddenly frowned. Is this Jiang Feng's provocation to him? Still a warning.

Ling Tian did nothing, but a colorful light flashed on his body, forming a small energy cover covering him inside. When the blue arrow touched the colorful cover, it was like ice and fire, and the ice and snow melted.

"Jiang Feng, I'm not your enemy. If you provoke me again, I will treat you to declare war on me, and you should know what you represent. If the Golden Continent is declaring war on the Turkish Continent, that's not the result you want!" Ling Tian's mind forcibly broke through Jiang Feng's darkness with a cold breath and directly conveyed it to Jiang Feng.

After a brief calm, the darkness slowly opened a gap in the corner of Ling Tian, and Jiang Feng's pale figure appeared in front of Ling Tian.

"It turned out to be Elder Ling Tian. Just now, I thought it was a master of other sea clans, so I subconsciously attacked. Please don't be surprised." Jiang Feng floated in the air and worshipped Ling Tian gently.

"Ha ha, since that's the case, you go and fight. Don't worry, Shuanglin has been sent back to the sea by me. With my protection, her safety is not a problem. Let it go. I also want to see what you are and how strong you are." When he stared at Jiang Feng's eyes and found that Jiang Feng could look directly at himself, Ling Tian's evaluation of Jiang Feng in his heart was raised again.

"Thank you for your success!" After Jiang Feng said this, his whole body melted into the darkness again.

Just now, when he completed the rune, he found the existence of Ling Tian.

Thinking that there has always been such a person following him, Jiang Feng couldn't help but feel a little creepy. However, he felt that Ling Tian was like a vast ocean, and he could not see his strength clearly. You know, even the peak of the god level can't escape the sweep of Jiang Feng's spiritual power, but Ling Tian can.

According to the projection seen by Jiang Feng in Fengtian City, Ling Tian's strength must have surpassed the divine level. If it hadn't been for the divine, I'm afraid he would have left the Yuanguang continent.

I just tentatively borrowed the attack of Hailong. Unexpectedly, Ling Tianzhi was strong, which was completely unexpected by Jiang Feng. The energy contained in the sea dragon's water arrows can actually be easily dealt with, and it can only draw them out by borrowing special abilities.

Since Ling Tian is here, Shuanglin is naturally safe. Thinking of a master beyond the divine level personally guarding Shuanglin, Jiang Feng also put down the last trace of worry in his heart, and his whole body was integrated into the battle.

Looking at the sea dragon hidden in the tornado that had shrunk in half not far away, a smile appeared on the corners of Jiang Feng's mouth.

For the first time, he used a divine magic that can only be used in Kirin's memory. This is still because he borrowed the ability of light dragon and blood ginseng, and the effect of reincarnation source liquid can barely exert a prototype.

Although it is a prototype, Jiang Feng is already very satisfied. In this dark and closed space, he felt that he was the master and that he was a god. He is in the palm of everything in the dark. More importantly, the value added to his illusion.

Jiang Feng felt that even he could hardly tell that the breath created by illusion was fake. Because those breaths are surprisingly consistent, exactly the same as his own breath.

This is just a prototype. If Jiang Feng's strength improves again in the future, the power he can exert will never be so simple.

With a gentle move, a huge black gas appeared in Jiang Feng's hand.

"It's really strange. It's obviously dark. Why is it called fluorescence extinction? Is there any secret in this? But it doesn't matter now. What matters is how to catch this sea dragon alive. For refining things, if they can be refined directly with living things, the probability of success will be increased by more than one level? Looking at Hailong's pale face with fear and anxiety, Jiang Feng smiled treachery in his heart.

Although he is a little afraid of his so-called eldest brother, who Jiang Feng is? Although the Hai clan is a little afraid of him, after all, not every Hai clan is hostile to him. The octopus elder, and even the magic whale elder, have a certain affection for him. Moreover, humans and monsters have always killed each other, which has become a law.

This is just because the stronger the cultivation, the more difficult it is to kill in the same level. Not to mention whether it can succeed, but the battle between two masters with divine cultivation is not tolerable in the world.

This is also the reason why the Dark Holy See led Jiang Feng to the Valley of Desperateness.

With a wave of the right hand, the blood sword was also wrapped in black at this time, shining with a strange red light. A blood-black gas suddenly flew out and went directly to the sea dragon.

(There are still problems with the computer, alas, it's depressing!)