Lord of the Source

Chapter 239 Borrowing Alchemy

The city lord's mansion has been silent for a long time. Since the death of the eldest lady, there has been smoke here. Of course, all this was provoked by Yang Jiaxun, the witch, but now it is extremely lively.

In the hall, Jiang Feng and Xiaotian sat at the upper table at a huge dining table, and Jiang Feng was surrounded by Yang Hong and his wife. Xiaotian sat on the other side of him.

"Father! Second mother!" Just as everyone was sitting down to eat, a sweet voice suddenly came from outside the door. This voice is very familiar. It is Yang Jiaxun, who has disappeared for a day.

"You're here. Forget it. You're blessed today. Brother, take out what we have prepared!" Yang Jiaxun wiped her small waist with her hands, still full of breath, but everyone could see that she had completely changed. That waywardness has disappeared.

Hang Yi appeared with her at the same time, but he held a plate in his hand. There is a faint fragrance on it.

"You girl!" Hang Yi looked at Yang Jiaxun dotingly and then shook his head. Then, he walked to Jiang Feng with the plate.

"Your Highness, this is the food specially prepared for you by our little princess. This is a good thing." With that, Hang Yi still smiled mysteriously. Jiang Feng was a little moved. Although he had already opened the valley, he never refused for delicious food. Moreover, he has always maintained the habit of eating.

"Oh, what is it?" After a day of familiarity, Jiang Feng has become familiar with Yang Hong's family. In particular, although this Hangyi is young, his strength is not weak. If Jiang Feng himself is not too strong, I'm afraid he would have fallen into his hands yesterday. Moreover, Jiang Feng also found that this person is extremely smart except for being a little impulsive.

Such a person, as long as he is a little trained, must be a rare talent, and it is no wonder that Yang Hong will accept him as an apprentice.

"Hey, why are you like this? Just open it and have a look." Yang Jiaxun had already sat next to the ring and blinked her big bright eyes at Jiang Feng.

"Okay, I also want to see what kind of food my daughter has prepared for you. Today, we have taken your oral mouth. My girl is very knowledgeable about the food between heaven and earth." Yang Hong laughed and then looked at his daughter and wife dotingly.

What else can he ask for with a harmonious family and a prominent position?

"Wow!" When Jiang Feng opened the plate, a fragrance completely conquered everyone present.

Jiang Feng looked at a crystal clear bird on the plate and was full of shock.

"This is, Skybird!" Jiang Feng couldn't help asking.

Skybird, as the name implies, does not need to rest at all. People rarely see it, because it always lives in high clouds. No one knows where its habitat is, and Jiang Feng is now looking for the feathers of the bird's tail.

"Of course, this is the skybird. I have studied them since I was a child. I was always bored, so I asked Brother Hang to take me to the sky to see the clouds. That day, I accidentally saw a little bit, so I spent a whole month tracking it. You know, that month, my father thought I was missing. I also got in touch with Brother Hang with the family secret method to ensure that we are not safe, so I can rest assured. Yang Jiaxun stood up proudly.

"Moreover, this bird is very smart. At that time, it took us around the chaotic land for a full month. At that time, I was wondering how this thing can fly so much. Is it really as everyone thought? It doesn't need to rest. Just as Brother Hang and I wanted to catch it, it began to lower its height. And the speed is like a flash of lightning. If we hadn't been staring at it, we would have really let it run away. Yang Jiaxun said proudly and didn't notice the changes in Jiang Feng's face at all.

To say, what Jiang Feng is looking for now is the bird tail feather. Because this thing is really difficult to find, even the gold continent gave Jiang Feng a piece. For Jiang Feng, this can only be refined once. Although as many as five parts of other medicinal herbs have been backed up, the heavenly bird tail feathers are too rare. Because it is rare, it also has another name, called phoenix tail.

Because the medicinal materials in his hand are extremely rare, he has not been able to refine the elixir.

Sanxian elixir: Sanxian elixir requires the highest level of reincarnation source liquid as a medicinal guide, and then paired with seven-star Haishan, red sandalwood, ten thousand years of snow spirit, phoenix tail flower, humanoid head black and other Jiang Feng has never heard of big drugs.

And this day, the bird tail feather is the phoenix tail that Jiang Feng has been looking for.

"Do you mean, have you found the habitat of this kind of thing?" Jiang Feng did not wait for Yang Jiaxun to finish speaking, but stood up and asked excitedly.

"Eh, what's wrong with you? That's right. I know their habitat." Yang Jiaxun was shocked by Jiang Feng's sudden action. After a brief consterion, she nodded to Jiang Feng.

"Where is it?" Jiang Feng had even forgotten where he was and walked towards Yang Jiaxun.

"Hey, I said, Your Highness, what are you doing? I'm here for dinner today. Why did you suddenly ask such a question? Don't you want to get a few more? Yang Hong saw Jiang Feng's excited look and suddenly didn't understand what was going on.

"Well, look at me, you may not know. I don't know how long I have been looking for this bird. I have only seen its appearance from the information, and I have been looking for it all the time. To tell you the truth, this thing is too important to me. Only then did Jiang Feng realize his gaffe and explained the reason. At the same time, he also returned to his seat.

"So that's it, Jiaxun, tell your Highness quickly. He is not an outsider, but also to repay his kindness to our family." Yang Hong frowned and thought for a moment. You know, the value of this heavenly bird is very rare and its value can be compared with that of the Phoenix.

However, now, Jiang Feng is too kind to their family. No matter from which direction, he should tell Jiang Feng.

"It's on a sea cliff near the sea, where there are a large number of skybirds. However, they are all very kind. I don't know why this skybird died on the sea. I saw it, took it back and kept freezing. I just took it out today." Yang Jiaxun has no intention of guarding others. However, she is kind and doesn't want Jiang Feng to hurt those birds.

"Ha ha, don't worry. If you don't mind in the future, just call me big brother. I'm looking for this bird just to get its tail hair. This is very helpful for me to refine the elixir. Jiang Feng naturally heard Yang Jiaxun's worries, so he explained with a smile.

"Okay, let's have this meal first. In the evening, I'll take my daughter to accompany you to see that place. I haven't seen this kind of bird either. It's just an eye-opener. Yang Hong said with a smile.

Then, several people began to eat.

I have to say that the meat quality of this bird is so delicious. Although Jiang Feng also ate all the delicacies in modern times, compared with this bird. Jiang Feng has a feeling that there must be something wrong with his taste. Unexpectedly, he feels that the previous ones are delicious food.

A meal is going on in a happy atmosphere. Cailing always picked up dishes for Yang Jiaxun. In the past, she wanted to have this opportunity, but she never had it. Not to mention that Yang Jiaxun doesn't want to eat with them. Even if she is willing, if she picks up vegetables for Yang Jiaxun, it will just end the meal time early.

Because, Yang Jiaxun always mentions leaving, but she hasn't eaten the dishes picked up by the color bell at all.

However, today she not only ate it, but also ate it with relish. From time to time, she even picks up dishes for the color bell. From time to time, the relationship between the two mothers and daughters has surpassed that of their own mother and daughter, and the diaphragm has disappeared for them.

Jiang Feng saw all this in his eyes and smiled in his heart. I'm afraid that from today on, this girl will vent her nose with the color bell. At the same time, he looked at Yang Hong with an expression full of sympathy and envy.

At night, Jiang Feng, Yang Hong and Yang Jiaxun went to the place Yang Jiaxun said. In order to hide their eyes and ears, they flew directly from the city owner's house after completely dark. Yang Hong took Yang Jiaxun and Jiang Feng alone. Xiaotian was left in the city master's mansion, because they just went to get some feathers. There is no need to let everyone go, and Jiang Feng also understands that Yang Hong is also worried about the news.

The place where birds gather, the fewer people know, the better. If he hadn't been very grateful to the Yang family, I'm afraid Yang Hong would not have returned to him.

The two people are very fast, and they are in the clouds. In the dark, even the god-level strongman will not pay attention to the sky from time to time. Therefore, Jiang Feng and others can be said that no one will find it.

"Lord Yang, it's still a little far away. Why don't you tell me about the pattern of this chaotic land? As you know, this is my first time here. It's not good to offend some people who shouldn't be offended." Jiang Fengfei was beside Yang Hong. It was really boring. He suddenly thought, why not take this opportunity to understand this chaotic place?

"There is no problem with this. Our chaotic land is divided into three parts, part of which is the place I rule. It is divided into two parts, one is the inner city and the other is the outer city, that is, the place to enter the chaotic city. There is no special force to pay attention to here. Secondly, it is the second chaotic place. I'm just in charge of the teleport here. Only those who really need to enter will let them in. Although it is not as lively as outside, the people who can enter it are all powerful people..." Yang Hong thought about it and chose something that could tell Jiang Feng.

"As for the third part of the chaotic city, to be honest, I don't know much. I only know that it is the place where the chaotic queen lives, and she is also the supreme ruler of our chaotic land." Finally, under the rapid speed of the three people, it only took three incense to arrive at their destination.