Lord of the Source

Chapter 253 The Second Jiang Feng

"You can't kill me, or you will become like those sanctimonous guys!" The bloody Jiang Feng has been extremely panicked at this time, and now he has fallen into death.

From Jiang Feng's memory, he also knew that the end of the heart demon was just complete extinction. No one will allow such a threat to the existence of something.

"What's wrong with being sanctimonous? At least, it won't happen to make me almost doomed, right? You should also know how much your existence threatens me!" Jiang Feng looked at the blood fog and said faintly. He has never been kind, and he will never forgive his enemies.

"No, I know a secret. As long as you let me go, I'll tell you." Seeing the cold expression on Jiang Feng's face, the bloody man panicked.

"Secret, although it's a secret, I'd rather not know it than your threat to me." Jiang Feng still did not let go.

"No, you will be interested. In your memory, the unicorn is like your lifesaver, and he passed on his memory to you. It generously gave its bloodline to you, but do you know that there is a strong breath in that bloodline? That's not the breath of Kirin. I once explored it, but it turned out to be almost purified. The blood man looked at Jiang Feng and quickly told him.

All he has to do is to arouse Jiang Feng's interest. Only in this way can he have a chance. You know, it hasn't been long since he was born, and he is even more curious about the world. Therefore, he doesn't want to disappear so quickly.

"Oh, isn't it? However, this still can't make me forgive you. At that moment, you really made me feel the crisis of life and death. Jiang Feng's voice was still very light, but when he heard the blood man say that there was another breath in Kirin's blood, Jiang Feng's heart suddenly had more questions.

"The demon, after all, is still the demon. He will not lie, which is inevitable. If there is another breath in the blood of Kirin left me, then who does that breath belong to? Why didn't Kirin tell me?" Jiang Feng asked in his heart, but unfortunately, no one could give him an answer.

Out of gratitude and respect, he has never checked the blood left by Kirin for so many years. Fortunately, he didn't go for a check-up, otherwise, I'm afraid this body would have changed owners long ago.

"Are you not interested? Ha ha, in fact, I'm your demon, that is, another you. Do you think it will be good for you after I dissipate? Is a person full of righteousness? That's not you. We both know each other. Why do you have to panic with me? You are also worried, aren't you? In this case, why don't you leave me? Maybe I can suppress him. The heart demon talked. From the perspective of Jiang Feng, he hasn't taken action yet. Based on his understanding of Jiang Feng, his life has been saved for the time being.

"You know me very well, and I know you very well. Now, I'll give you a chance, this little man! I can rebuild a body for you, and I can also let you move outside freely. However, you must sign a life-and-death contract with me. The content of the contract is that if I die, you can't live. If you die, I will lose half of my strength. Jiang Feng thought for a moment. After all, this blood man was made by himself. If it dissipates like this, isn't it apologment to himself?

"If you don't do it, don't do it, I'm thanks to you! Not only that, I also have to worry about whether you are in danger all the time. You can ignore my life and death. I want to be worried every day. That kind of life is not what I want. Hearing Jiang Feng say this, the blood man immediately shook his head like a rattle.

"Oh, don't you want to? In this case, it's not my fault. I don't know. You should have thought the same as me, how could you suddenly become so stupid? Now that I agree, there may be a chance to survive. If you refuse, the only way is to dissipate. Jiang Feng shook his head with a regretful expression. At the same time, the milky light on his body became stronger and stronger.

The reincarnation kept walking upstream and downstream, with a trace of excitement. As long as Jiang Feng gives an order, they will not hesitate to rush over and devour the bloody man.

The source of reincarnation can not only nourish people's gens and souls, but also devour people's souls and gen gods. Not only that, they can also make each other fall into illusions without their knowledge. This is undoubtedly the greatest help to Jiang Feng, who is practicing illusions.

After this change, Jiang Feng believed in these reincarnations. At the same time, he also found that these little guys are like children who have never seen the world. I am full of curiosity about everything. Fortunately, they had to obey Jiang Feng's orders. Just like Jiang Feng is their elder.

Not only that, the blood ginseng next to Jiang Feng also cooperated with Jiang Feng. In the sea of strong consciousness, the continuous flow of reincarnation liquid condensed, and a huge bloody net took shape in an instant.

"You...wait, let me think about it." The blood man saw that Jiang Feng was about to take action, so he began to shake.

Jiang Feng is right. If he compromises at this time, he may still have a chance to live, but if he refuses, he will die soon. He has never seen the world in person. Moreover, he also knows that Jiang Feng's strength is already very strong in this world, and it is difficult for him to die.

"I don't have time to spend with you. I'll count to three. If you still can't make a decision, then you can dissipate with your regret. By the way, you should know that when I count, I never count. Jiang Feng smiled, because he found that the blood man had begun to waver.

"One..." Jiang Feng's voice was deliberately pulled for a long time. In particular, the light on his body became stronger and stronger.

"Have you not decided yet? Well, I'm really sorry. Although you made it, I don't want you to threaten me forever. Three..." Jiang Feng's voice became extremely cold, and at the same time, his whole body instantly integrated into the milky light.

"You..." The milky light swallowed the last protection of the blood man in an instant and surrounded him in the middle. The winner has been decided. This time, Jiang Feng is the luckiest. When others fight with heart demons, it will take a few days at the latest. However, with the help of blood ginseng, it took him less than three incenses to finish it.

I have to say that blood ginseng is indeed helpful for breakthrough.

"Senior Sword God, I don't know when you came here. I'm really sorry to disturb you." As soon as Jiang Feng woke up, he immediately found the sword god floating not far away.

At the same time, his suspicions became stronger and stronger. Although he doesn't know the identity of the sword god, Jiang Feng can't feel even a breath from him now. It seems that he is not there at all. However, he was clearly in front of Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng has always had doubts about this person. This person always gives Jiang Feng a feeling that he is not a person of this world. Moreover, Jiang Feng vaguely speculated that this person seemed to be responsible for protecting himself. No, it's not to protect yourself, but something in yourself.

If you don't know at the beginning, then Jiang Feng has guessed it just after the confrontation with the blood man. At the bottom of the sea of his consciousness, there is another person in the blood of the bloody unicorn. And this is what the sword god wants to protect.

"I just arrived and saw that you were fighting with the heart demon, so I didn't bother you. Unexpectedly, you solved the demon so quickly. It's really terrible for later life. The sword god was surprised that Jiang Feng would wake up so quickly. In his memory of tens of thousands of years, he had never seen such a talented person as Jiang Feng.

"Ha ha, it's just a fluke. I don't know if the Elder Sword God came to see me. What's the matter?" Jiang Feng's voice was very flat. At the same time, he waved his hand and recruited the weak Guanglong back. Although he has contacted the contract with Guanglong at this time, Jiang Feng has completely trusted this old man.

Let it continue to stay in its own world of consciousness without any problem.

"You may also know that our world is actually sealed. The power between the starry sky cannot be transmitted to this continent, which makes it almost impossible for a true god to produce here. Just now, the servant of the real god guarding here was the servant, and just now, the middle god was also projected here. Fortunately, we responded in a timely manner, and we have sealed the world. The voice of the sword god is very serious.

"And the time of sealing is 300 years. That is to say, we only have 300 years, and the true god from the outside world will break through the seal. With his strength, it is enough to make the whole Yuanguang continent disappear. All we have to do is to gather all our strength as much as possible in 300 years and so on. At the same time, I will also find a way to make the strong here become true gods. Only in this way can we have a chance. All this is not important. The most important thing is that a leader is needed here. The sword god said this and stopped talking.

"Leader, are you talking about me?" Jiang Feng's eyes were very flat, and he was not interested in power at all. All he wanted was to protect the people he wanted to protect.

"Yes, but you are not qualified enough now. Only when you become a true god can I support you to become the leader here. And you only have 200 years. Within 200 years, if you can't become a true god, you will lose this opportunity. Another candidate is your sworn end-in, Liu Xiu. Maybe you won't think so, but soon, you will see the horror of Liu Xiu. The sword god spoke slowly.

"If Liu Xiu becomes the leader here, then your Jiang family will disappear in this world forever. I believe you know that." The sword god said confidently.

(I apologize for what I said yesterday. I'm dizzy. Obviously, I want to say that there are still two months for the college entrance examination, but why is it two weeks? However, the college entrance examination is really important. Now, everyone must be very tired. I believe that as long as you stick to it, you will definitely succeed. Don't give up, two months, neither long nor short.)