Lord of the Source

Chapter 272 Millennium Secret

The Queen of Chaos and Jiang Feng were silent with each other, and no one was talking. Jiang Feng even felt a sense of murder from the woman.

However, Jiang Feng did nothing but looked at the queen of chaos calmly.

"How do you know?" Finally, the Queen of Chaos compromised. Although her voice was cold, she was not murderous.

"This is very simple. My spiritual strength is very special. You must know something about it for so many days. Just as I entered the cave, I searched around with mental strength. There was nothing else, but the wall behind me vaguely resisted my spiritual power. This makes me strange, so I have to ask. Jiang Feng said lightly and was not ashamed of observing here privately.

Of course, he doesn't have to be ashamed. First, he and the Queen of Chaos don't know whether they are enemies or friends at this time. Second, when a person goes to a strange place, of course, he will subconsciously look carefully at the surrounding environment.

Jiang Feng has always been cautious. Of course, he will not be stupid enough to be sold by others and help others count money.

"Alas, Jiang Feng, I don't know how to evaluate you. Your cleverness is beyond my imagination. Yes, there is actually a secret that I brought you here. Now that you have found out, I won't hide it anymore. Staring into Jiang Feng's eyes, the chaotic queen found that there was nothing in her eyes.

"This is the key to the establishment of our chaotic land. More than a thousand years ago, my ancestors discovered it. At that time, his cultivation had reached the realm of a high god. According to my family, 3,000 years ago, this was the main battlefield for the battle of the gods. The ancestors came here just to reflect on it, but they found the difference here. Saying this, the queen of chaos stopped.

"So, this should be the remains of a god who was higher than your ancestors when the gods fought." Hearing the Queen of Chaos say that her ancestor was a senior god, Jiang Feng has guessed that the things here must be very good to make a senior god reluctant.

"I don't know about this, but all I know is that this is a forbidden place for our family. Except for the direct descendants of our family, only the three contemporary elders have the right to know all this, but even the elders are not qualified to enter here. Only direct descendants can enter here. This is the rule left by my ancestors at that time. Up to now, no one dares to violate it.

"You must be very confused. My ancestor is a high-level god. God's life is infinite, and naturally he will not die. So, where did he go? I can only tell you about this question. After the ancestors established a land of chaos, they left their descendants and left a prophecy and disappeared. As for where the ancestors went, we don't know, and the families of past generations don't know.

"So, the prophecy left by your ancestors has something to do with me." Hearing this, if Jiang Feng doesn't understand, then he is really an idiot.

"When the wind and clouds change, when the source light is sealed, the golden black came into the world, the combination of light and darkness, the darling of reincarnation, the mission of a thousand years!" The queen of chaos solemnly prophesied, and she looked so pious.

"This is the prophecy left by our ancestors, which is also known by the elders of the family. After so many years, the research of so many generations has finally learned something. It was not until your appearance that the elders in the family completely understood what the combination of light and darkness meant by the favorite of reincarnation. Saying this, the Queen of Chaos looked at Jiang Feng with her eyes shouting hotly.

"Well, I have to say that your ancestors' prophecies are very accurate, and you also brought me here according to the prophecies left by your ancestors. In fact, you didn't know at first, but when you saw the bird on me that day, you were sure, right? I didn't expect that I had been calculated thousands of years ago. While he was unhappy, Jiang Feng sincerely admired the senior god.

The divine consciousness has mastered prophecy, but it is only a general prophecy. Those who can predict the period a thousand years later must be at least the peak of a high-level god. It is even possible that he has stepped into the divine level with half a foot.

"Yes, that bird must be the so-called Jinwu. Although I don't know why this strange bird is mentioned in the prophecy, since everything is the same as the prophecy, I have no reason to refuse." Saying this, the chaotic queen who was sitting slowly got up.

Then, he bowed his head respectfully to Jiang Feng.

"Jiang Feng, my task has been completed. However, I beg you, let me see what this shackle that has bound my family for thousands of years is. And my mother also sacrificed herself to break free from this shackles. Now, I want to see what the ancestor left me. I want to know what made him so cruel that it made our whole family guard for a thousand years. The Queen of Chaos is already a little unstable.

For her ancestors, she undoubtedly admired it. However, for thousands of years, they have paid too much to understand this prophecy and find the opener of the prophecy. It can be said that without this layer of shackles for so many years, I'm afraid their family would not have worked so hard.

"Are you so sure that I am the legendary person? If I weren't, you wouldn't have expected it for nothing. Jiang Feng looked at the woman, and at this time, even he couldn't help sympathizing.

"I'm not sure, but this is an opportunity. Over the years, our family has tried many times. Although they have failed, this time, I believe in you, Jiang Feng." With that, the queen of chaos slowly raised her hand and lifted the hat on her head.

The dark hair fell on her back like a waterfall, and her beautiful face made Jiang Feng a little dull. Beauty, it's not that he has never seen her, but it's the first time he's seen such a beautiful woman. The cherry-like mouth, the eyes that seem to be fascinating, the slightly straight nose, the pink face, everything is so harmonious and perfect.

Indeed, it is perfect, really perfect. Jiang Feng was shocked. He didn't expect that this woman's appearance was so beautiful in addition to her beautiful voice.

"Jiang Feng, everything is so true. Do you think it will be fake? Everything about you is in line with the prophecy. Do you think you can escape? Do you think a thousand years is not enough? On that beautiful face, there was no smile at this time, but trembled.

Yes, the queen of chaos at this time is not a superior queen, but a woman, a woman whose heart is already tired.

"Well, I'd like to have a try." When people let themselves see her face, there is no doubt that it is trust. True trust, how can Jiang Feng refuse the request of such a beautiful person in the world when people trust him so much?

"Thank you, now, you get out of the way first. The hole here is the magic array set up by our family to protect here later, and then the blood of the family's direct descendants can pull out the power of the array." With that, the slender white fingers of the chaotic queen gently raised, just an idea, and her fingertips had broken a small opening.

"Thousand years of fate, thousand years of protection, open it. I take the bloodline of the Fang family as the proof, and the soul of the Fang family as evidence. Open it, it is the guardian array!" Just as Jiang Feng left, the queen of chaos shouted, and at the same time, three consecutive drops of blood shot along her fingertips on the hole wall behind Jiang Feng.

A strange scene happened, and the blood merged into it when it touched the wall of the cave. This is not over yet. Shortly after the blood melted, an ancient breath of vicissitudes permeated from the wall of the cave and scattered throughout the cave.

Then, a little golden light flashed, followed by, and the golden light wandered around the wall of the cave. The place where the golden light passed did not fade, but emitted the same light as the initial golden light.

"What kind of formation is this? Why haven't I seen it? Even in Kirin's memory, it is not recorded. Looking at the traces of the golden light on the wall of the cave, Jiang Feng quickly saw that this was an array, and the golden light wandering was the precursor of the opening of the array.

"The mission of a thousand years is finally about to be completed." Looking at the scene in front of her, the chaotic queen's face showed a confused look. I don't know whether her heart is empty or looking forward to it at this time.

At this moment, the whole cave shook violently. If Jiang Feng is outside at this time, he will see that this cave is shaking, and the whole mountain is shaking, not only the mountain, but also the whole island.

The vibration of the break went straight to the sky with a huge sound. At this time, the space storm condensed crazily.

Liu Xiu and the masters of the Dark Holy See who came here and far away from here. Looking from afar, their faces showed a look of astonishment.

"Son, is it an earthquake?" A bloody man asked Liu Xiu.

"I don't know. Tell everyone to watch carefully. Such a violent shock must be caused by the storm on the island. Even if Jiang Feng is strong, she will never survive under this storm. The only chance is to rush out. And when he rushed out, it was when he died. With that, Liu Xiu clenched his fist fiercely.

In front of him, the space storm has actually superimposed to 30 meters high. From afar, it looks like an enlarged version of a tornado. However, this power is thousands of times stronger than the tornado.

"Six elders, please disperse separately to prevent Jiang Feng from escaping. I will guard this direction myself. Once I find Jiang Feng's trace, others can leave and rush there. Never let him escape." Liu Xiu looked at the four elders beside him and sneered in his heart. How can he not know that these people's hatred for Jiang Feng will not be less than him.

While making a scene outside, Jiang Feng calmly stayed in the cave. The sudden change made the queen of chaos a little panicked. However, Jiang Feng didn't think so.

He knows the power of the storm outside, but until now, this cave still exists, which shows a problem, that is, this is a place that cannot be invaded by space storms. Instead of rushing out to hide, it is much safer to stay here safely.

(The update has been broken for so long, and it has been restored and updated. Classmates, it's only one month before the college entrance examination. Are you ready? Come on!