Lord of the Source

Chapter 282 Liu Jiao's Test

"Jiang Feng, your name is Jiang Feng, right? Unexpectedly, you can get a temporary residence permit from the general. However, you should also know. Everything here is respected by strength. Although, at Gan General, you get what you deserve. However, I have to try it myself." A middle-aged man appeared in front of Jiang Feng at this time.

Jiang Feng has always been puzzled. Originally, he was fighting with the generals. And, in the end, he felt the power that he could not resist.

Finally, he had to take out the silkworm cocoon. He didn't know what happened next. Because he has fallen into a coma.

When he woke up, he found that the cocoon outside his body had disappeared. Moreover, Fang Hong also looked at himself with strange eyes. The skeleton gave itself a strange token, which is the reasonable residence permit here.

However, Jiang Feng did not come here to travel or live here. He just came here for some reason. At this time, he has been anxious about his family.

Yuanguang Continent is bound to be in chaos, but the strength you have is not enough to face everything. Without hosting in person, he doesn't know how long his father can last. After all, the royal family of today's earthly continent has died in name only. Fortunately, the Golden Continent promised to support them

However, Jiang Feng does not know when the Golden Continent will let his magician's Guild settle in.

Of course, if he knew that the Jiang family still has the right to speak on Yuanguang mainland, he doesn't have to worry so much.

Xiaotian has returned to the earth continent for a year. In the past year, his strength has also been cultivated to the level of Wu Zun. Anyone can't help marveling at his speed of cultivation. Even if he is also a practicing madman, it is just Wuzong at this time. However, with the increase of Jiang Feng's direct cultivation, it undoubtedly increased the Jiang family's voice in the world.

Now, Xiaotian sits alone in the garden, looking into the distance with a worried face. If someone pays attention, they will definitely know that this direction is the golden continent, that is, the place where Jiang Feng disappeared. This year, he has completely succeeded Jiang Feng in all forces. This is because Jiang Feng gave him a token before he left.

This is Jiang Feng's purple gold sword token, which is Jiang Feng's highest order token. Anyone who is loyal to Jiang Feng knows that seeing the token is like seeing Jiang Feng himself.

In the past year, Xiaotian has grown up enough. Jiang Feng was right at the beginning. If Xiaotian had imitated himself at the beginning, he would never have achieved today.

Xiaotian is already a name known to the whole continent.

The behind-the-scenes planner of the Fantasy Gold Business Association and the leader of the Fantasy Dragon Legion. Of course, there is another news that the whole continent is shocked. That is, the Magic Golden Building. This is a mysterious organization, and few people can know how powerful it is.

The Holy See of Light and the Holy See of Darkness initially wanted to suppress this force, but in the end they found that the role of this force had exceeded their role. They have penetrated into the center of major forces. If the Bright Holy See and the Dark Holy See really want to suppress them, then they will expose the weaknesses of the two Holy Sees to each other.

In the end, they all compromised. As long as the fantasy building does not sell the core secrets of the major forces, then they will let it develop.

This is also an achievement made by Xiaotian's efforts, and I have to say. For the commander-in-chief, Xiaotian seems to have extraordinary talent. In just one year, he mentioned the weakest Jiang family in the whole world pattern to the point where he now has a strong voice. It can be said that he is an excellent politician.

Jiang Feng doesn't know about all this. Now, he can only fully deal with the difficulties he faces.

The strength of Liu Jiao in front of him made Jiang Feng feel an illusion. It seems to be familiar again.

"Yes, maybe you don't know what I'm good at. Well, it's okay to tell you. Who let me have a great advantage in dealing with you? Liu Jiao's voice was so flat that Jiang Feng could not feel any threat.

Because of this, Jiang Feng knows that this kind of person is actually the most horrible.

"My strength is dream. I can plunge my opponents into dreams, and even let them die in dreams. Are you ready?" Liu Jiao looked at Jiang Feng, although he was excited. However, so many times, he has learned to hide. What's more, give yourself a hint in your heart and don't give too much hope. Otherwise, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

"Dream Wheel, start!" Looking at Jiang Feng, Liu Jiao waved her right hand, and Fang Hong had already floated away to the side. At the same time, a gray light flew out of his hand and went straight to Jiang Feng.

Seeing Liu Jiao's attack, Jiang Feng naturally dared not neglect. A milky white shield appeared in front of him, and at the same time, Jiang Feng was ready to attack.

Defense is never what Jiang Feng wants most. The best defense is to attack, which is the deepest reminder for Jiang Feng.

However, under Jiang Feng's surprised eyes, the gray light came through when it collided with the shield he drew. In the absence of reaction, he integrated into his body.

With the invasion of the gray light, Jiang Feng only felt a whirlwind. Then, he fell into a coma.

When Jiang Feng woke up, he found himself in the place he wanted most.

A small building with three floors, isn't this your own home?

"Xiao Feng, what are you doing? Why don't you go home? Hurry up and prepare dinner. Your father is coming back for dinner today. Just then, a woman with the deepest memory in Jiang Feng's heart appeared. It was his mother.

In surprise, Jiang Feng has walked into the small building, together, exactly as in his memory.

"Mom, there are a lot of frogs on the road today! I heard that animals have visions, which may be caused by disasters!" At dinner, Jiang Feng almost blurted out.

"Hehe! Xiaofeng, when did you become a prophet? Why do you still like fantasy when you are in college? Maybe Ruinian is coming. Finish dinner quickly. Our family will watch TV later. My mother's voice is still so gentle.

"Boom!" A loud noise broke the silence of the night market.

"Mom, Dad, come on, there's an earthquake." Jiang Feng suddenly woke up, then left his job and stood up and roared.

The earth began to tremble, and the house was as weak as the grass in the wind, and began to shake with the swing of the earth.

Jiang Feng wanted to use his strength, but he found that since he had returned to an ordinary human body.

"Was it true that I was dreaming before!" He asked himself doubtfully, and Jiang Feng followed his parents and rushed out of the door.

Jiang Feng's parents rushed to the door after his reminder, and Jiang Feng followed closely.

In an instant, Jiang Feng's parents rushed out.

Jiang Feng is the farthest from the door, and he can go out one step away.

Suddenly, the house collapsed.

"Xiao Feng..." Jiang Feng heard the heartbreaking shout. However, he didn't feel any pain. Those stones downstairs penetrated his body like this.