Lord of the Source

Chapter 324

In a blink of an eye, three years have passed. In the past three years, Xiaotian, Muyun, Shuanglin and others have successively become true gods.

At the same time, all the hegemons in the sea have also broken through and become true gods. Today, the strength of Yuanguang Continent has reached a certain level. In particular, Jiang Feng's strength has reached the level of horror. For three years, Jiang Feng has been looking for knowledge about creating a new continent almost every day.

The memory of Kirin and Space Bamboo is undoubtedly the greatest help to him. In the past three years, Yuanguang Continent has been the quietest. However, everyone knows that there will be some changes here after a hundred years. However, these have been ignored by Jiang Feng.

In the secret room, Jiang Feng thought alone. He has almost done the preparation work now. Now, what we need to do is to start building a new continent. The continent in his imagination is obviously much larger than the current Yuanguang continent. At least, it should be able to accommodate enough people.

He is even thinking about whether he can build a earth similar to his previous earth. In that case, the required area must be much smaller. However, this idea is still being imagined. He doesn't know how to get gravity.

If it can't be done well, it will be invalid.

"Jiang Feng, you have been hiding in the secret room for a long time. When are you going to hide?" While Jiang Feng was thinking, a somewhat coquettish voice sounded outside Jiang Feng's secret rooms.

"Oh, Shuanglin is coming. Why haven't you practiced today? Now your strength has not reached the intermediate god. At most, it is just the peak of low-level gods. You know, your Xuerou sister is already an intermediate god. Your sister Fang Hong is at the peak of the senior god. As long as you practice for a hundred years, you will definitely break through to the level of the main god. Open the door and look at this little sister you love.

Jiang Feng's face has not changed much. After reaching the true god, his appearance can be changed at will.

"Brother, Sister Fang Hong said that there seemed to be some changes in the hall of the Holy See. It seems that there is an additional portal, as if there is a lot of strong breath coming out of it. They are all over and waiting for you now. Shuanglin is still so attached to Jiang Feng.

"Oh, let's go there quickly." Hearing Shuanglin say that the bright Holy See has finally changed, Jiang Feng's face showed a smile.

He has been waiting for this day for three years. Three years, the archangel, like a cancer, pressed on Jiang Feng's heart. Although, he is not afraid of the angel god behind the so-called archangel. However, the angel family has the support of a master. This is not to let Jiang Feng think about it. If it attracts the attention of the master, then he will have to escape with his family.

The anger of the master is not something that ordinary people can bear.

In the hall of the Holy See, a huge space door is opening. However, outside the door of space, Fang Hong, Muyun, Xiaotian, Lingtian, magic whale, extinction, dragon turtle, nine-headed dragon, blood-stained cherry blossoms, abys magic dragon, and Titan giant ape are all here. This is already all the true god-level strongman of the whole Yuanguang continent.

There are ten true gods, plus Fang Hong, a senior god, even in the face of the main god level. This kind of strength is not afraid at all.

Suddenly, two figures appeared faintly in mid-air.

"Young master, Master!" When several people saw Jiang Feng, they all greeted him familiar with him.

"Ha ha, everyone doesn't have to do this. We are friends, and we don't have to do this in the future. Jiang Feng and Shuanglin slowly landed in the middle of the crowd.

"This space gate seems to be one-way, doesn't it? This angel god is easy to calculate. He is just provoking us to see if we have the ability to get through. The power of the seal of Yuanguang Continent today cannot be broken through even by the master. He has some ability to open up such a one-way channel. Jiang Feng knew at a glance that this was a one-way space portal.

"If you have any ideas, just say it." Jiang Feng thought for a moment and couldn't decide whether it was the past or not.

"Master Jiang Feng, I think we can ignore them at all. After a hundred years, we will also have to face them. At that time, our strength will inevitably rise a lot. The dragon turtle is obviously conservative.

"Senior Dragon Turtle, I have different ideas. Master, we don't know what the environment is like outside. The decisive battle in the future will certainly be unfavorable for us. Xiaotian thought about it and still put forward his own opinions.

After all, today is different from the past. Nowadays, Xiaotian's status opinions have reached a certain level. In particular, he also has a special title, Jiang Feng's only disciple.

"I agree with Xiaotian, but Yuanguang mainland is our base camp, and we can't do without divine masters." Ling Tian said seriously.

"I also think what Xiaotian said is reasonable, and what the senior dragon turtle said is naturally a good way today. However, I can open up a space portal to the outside, and we can completely ignore this door. We will go out from other places and explore one or two first. If feasible, we will destroy all the forces of this angel god, which can also be regarded as reducing some burden in the future. If not, we can send it back. In this way, let's see if it's okay. Jiang Feng can open the door to the outside space, and his inheritor of space domination is not bragging.

"If it can really be like this, that's good." Dragon Turtle also felt feasible when he heard Jiang Feng's arrangement.

"In that case, let's go back and prepare. We left this time and announced the news. This time we left, the time is set for ten days later, and all the true gods will leave. Remember, the message should be appropriate. It's time to clean up the interior. Jiang Feng's voice was extremely cold.

Now he has enough strength.

Hearing Jiang Feng say this, the dragon turtle and others couldn't help but stiffen their muscles. At the same time, they also secretly congratulated themselves that they surrendered early. Now with Jiang Feng, they can get the benefits. However, many can not only have a top-secret practice place, but also break through the realm they dream of.

What else do they have to ask for?

Jiang Feng also knows that the Yuanguang mainland is just calm on the surface. In fact, the mainland is still surging. What he wants to do this time is to kill chickens and monkeys. In those years, his reincarnation liquid was bought by a mysterious figure. Moreover, during this period, according to the investigation of Huanjin Building and Huanjin Chamber of Commerce, it was found that some of the reincarnation source liquid they sold were actually sold to someone.

This also attracted Jiang Feng's attention. If these people suddenly make trouble for him in the future war, then he will suffer. Moreover, once, he also felt a sense of indifferent thoughts to investigate himself. Although he retreated quickly, he was still noticed some differences by Jiang Feng.

Later, Jiang Feng couldn't find where this divine idea came from. However, the only thing Jiang Feng can be sure of is that there must be other powerful gods on this Yuanguang continent. He doesn't like this *. So, this time, he has to solve it.

"Yes, young master." Hearing Jiang Feng's cold voice, everyone knew that Jiang Feng was serious this time. However, they are still puzzled. Isn't the current Yuanguang Continent the world of the Jiangtian Empire? They really couldn't imagine which side dared to challenge Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng returned to the palace with his own people.

"Master, is it true that there are other forces peeping into the source land? Today's Yuanguang Continent, who doesn't know that you have become the master. Xiaotian asked doubtfully.

"Ha ha, you still don't understand. Let's wait and see. I believe that someone will not let go of such a good opportunity. Humph, if you want to fight against me, don't see if they have the ability. Jiang Feng's eyes are cold, and he will never be polite to those who can threaten his family.

When necessary, he will even use his hidden strength.

Now he is not alone. Don't forget that behind him, there is also the support of people with the same lineage. At the beginning, the reason why the reincarnation master had many scruples was that Jiang Feng had such a strong strength behind him.

Ten days later, all the true gods belonging to Jiang Feng gathered in the palace of the Jiangtian Empire. Here, Jiang Feng opened a space portal to the outside. Several people have a little expectation.

In particular, dragon turtles and nine-headed dragons. They have always been eager for the outside world. Even if they break through the true God now, they have their greatest wish, but it is a secret that has been buried in their hearts to walk outside.

"Guys, I don't know whether I will live or die this time. No one knows what the strength of the other party has reached. If they are too strong, maybe we won't be able to come back. This space portal may not be safe. Everyone must know the truth. Jiang Feng said seriously. Although this plan can be said to be seamless, he can't guarantee it.

I don't know whether the master of the angel will appear or not. Although the probability of it appearing is too small, what if it appears? Jiang Feng has always been considered, but if this angel master really appears, he doesn't know how many people he can bring back.

"Follow the young master, but it is glorious to die." Several people's faces are full of firmness. They also know that although the risk factor is very low this time, they do not rule out accidents.

"In that case, let's go." With that, Jiang Feng was the first to enter the space portal.

After everyone entered the portal, there was a strange movement in the fire continent.

Not only is the army a little unstable, but also among them, carrier pigeons are constantly flying out.