City of Dimlight

Chapter 42 Secret Transaction

The world is like this. At the same time, some people lose, some people win, some people cry, some people laugh, some people are born, some people die, some people are killing and some people are being killed.

When Boban was encouraging his lips and tongue to lobby Leo, the clerk was reporting the situation to his master in the small hotel next to the Brendon Arena. At the same time, what was the silver-corpsed young man Leo saw when he entered the city?

As the king's capital of the kingdom of the Free Alliance, Buringden Stone naturally also occupies an extremely important position in trade. Many large transactions eventually have to be concentrated and traded to buyers through here. The most famous are the Solomon family, a weapons merchant, the Edwin family, a grain merchant, and the materials and magic crystal trading. Chris Chamber of Commerce.

Today, an important guest was welcomed in the lobby of the Chris Chamber of Commerce.

The army of Atlantis has three giants, the Marquis of Zaro in the northern war zone, the Duke of Himmes in the central war zone and the Marquis Cass in the southern war zone. Each of the three war zones has its own characteristics. Under the three-legged tripod, the empire has been prosperous for hundreds of years, and any one of them is a famous figure on the mainland.

Today's guest is Colin Case, the youngest son of the Marquis of Case and the commander of the "Red Wings" Legion in the Southern Theater.

"Come on, refill the tea for the major general!" Chris saw that the tea in Colin's cup was a little low and said, "Young General, it seems that the things here need to be numbered for a while. Otherwise, I will ask them to continue to count. I will accompany the general to the inner room. By the way, how about you please help me comment on a few collections?"

Colin stood up quietly and moved his head and neck: "That's good. It's so annoying to count the goods here. I'll go with you to watch it and see Boss Chris's baby by the way!"

The fat on Chris's face piled up: "There are no treasures. It's just some gadgets. You can only watch and play for fun. Please don't laugh at the young general!" As he spoke, he made a gesture of invitation.

Colin said a few words to his opponent and followed Chris into the inner room.

Through a heavily guarded iron gate, he entered a silent corridor. Halfway through, Chris stopped. He stretched out his fat hand and darkened it a few times at the bottom of a magic crystal lamp.

With a creaking sound, the magic crystal lamp recessed into the wall, and a downward staircase appeared in the depression.

Chris smiled and said, "Major General, wait a minute. The organs inside will be automatically locked in three minutes. Now anyone who goes down will be attacked."

Colin smiled and said, "No wonder my father always says that there is a reason why Boss Chris's business is big. You alone don't know how much better than others - are things in it?"

"Of course, I will put what the young general wants in the safest place," Chris said with a trace of pride: "If I lose something here, I will have no face to do this business again!"

"This is the best, my dear boss Chris. If things are missing, I don't know how angry my father will be!" Colin's words showed strong self-confidence, and his tone made people understand how bad this could be.

Chris showed a confident smile: "That's absolutely impossible! - It's almost time to go in. Please follow me and don't touch anything!"


The gem in the box shines with charming colorful light under the light of the light stone. Judging from its shape and the buckle next to it, this is the sword handle gemstone of a weapon.

"It's so beautiful!" Colin exclaimed. He closed his eyes, put his hand on the box, and felt the surging power from the box. This impact quickly showed joy on his face: "It's true, oh, I can't believe that we finally found the gem of the "abandoned blade"!"

The smile on Chris's face became stronger: "It's my honor to serve you, so now, can I ask the Major General to show me your things?"

Colin took out a small bag from his arms and threw it to him, but his eyes never left the gem.

Chris poured out the things in the bag, which contained several huge magic cores and a magic crystal card, checked the quantity, and then checked the numbers on the magic crystal card with his portable tools and put the things into a cabinet next to him.

"This... Major General, there is no problem you brought. Er, should we go out? It's almost time!" Chris carefully reminded that although he felt that time didn't matter, his main fear was that if he came in for too long, the private transaction would become as noticeable as trading on the street.

Reluctantly withdrew his eyes, Colin turned his head to Chris and became as calm as ever. He nodded, put the gem into the box and put it close to him.

"Please remember the following points: First, we came in to visit Master Caratina's famous paintings "Lonely Elf Girl" and "The Scream"; second, we have different opinions on the authenticity of the painting "Scream" - you insist that it is false, of course, it is indeed false; third, I gave you a bottle Expensive Milles perfume to thank you for the Dark Elf Short Sword you gave me last time!" Chris reminded cautiously.

Colin smiled on his face - this guy is definitely the most cautious businessman he has ever seen!

If there are still artifacts in the world, then the "abandoned blade" must be one of the most famous. Whether it or not, it is said that Hephaistos, the god of fire and craftsmen, personally forged this weapon and gave it a powerful sword spirit. Later, this artifact was damaged in the fire of war and divided into five Parts: front-edged sword, full-edged sword body, rear-edged sword jaw, swallowing gold sword handle and sword handle gemstone. Now Chris found and sold it to Colin that it was one of the parts - the sword handle gemstone.

Back to the lobby, the materials and magic crystals have been basically finished. Colin smiled and said, "This time, thanks to Boss Chris for helping us buy such a large number of magic crystals and materials, I would like to thank you on behalf of my father. If you have the opportunity to pass the station of our Southern Legion, please come and sit down - but your Shout is indeed fake!

"It doesn't matter whether it's true or not, mainly because I like it," Chris said, but there was a disdainful look on his face - everyone knows that Boss Chris likes this "Scream" very much, although it has been evaluated as a fake by several people: "I will definitely bother you if I have a chance. A few days!"

Colin smiled generously, and then led his men to ride on his own white Wolf Warrior - is he ready to return now?

"Then see you again, my dear boss Chris!" Colin gently patted the Wolf Warrior's head and left, leaving only laughter all the way.

Looking at Colin's figure coming out of the door and turning the corner, Chris muttered and complained: "I don't know any famous paintings! You guys come here and I'll tell you how shame he is..." Chris replied with the appearance of a vulgar businessman, called his guard and housekeeper together, and began to tell the young general's poor eyesight and vulgar jokes.


After walking dozens of miles out of the Stone City and turning into a fork in the road, a sentry had shouted loudly: "The major general is back, the major general is back!"

In the woods at the end of the fork, more than 200 tough soldiers rushed out. Colin couldn't help laughing when he looked at everyone's dress.

The soldiers have changed into ordinary mercenary clothes according to their own requirements and rode on the most common rock lizard. Colin nods his head slightly. The soldiers did it together and quickly moved several boxes of materials and magic crystals from the cart to the car they had prepared.

Without instructions, the two captains re-signed the cart back to the avenue, followed by more than 200 mercenaries and supply vehicles. Anyone seemed to be the Atlantean merchants who returned from the Stone City all the way from the Stone City.

The team left quickly along the southern road, leaving Colin and his relatives.

Looking at the dust and smoke of the team leaving, Colin put the white wolf into the contract space, and then quickly changed his equipment with everyone and put on the military uniform of the ordinary free alliance kingdom. Subsequently, a magician summoned eight acupoint antelopes from the space. Several people put on the saddle armor next to them and rode them up.

A team of summons from the Kingdom of the Free Alliance!

Looking at the dress of himself and his men, Colin put his hand on the hilt of the sword, touched some cold weapons he was not familiar with, shouted, and took the lead in running west!


"Do you think this is FB brushing equipment? Don't look at your own weight!" Leo patted the table angrily and startled several members who were arguing.

With a doubt on his face, someone boldly asked, "Mall, what is FB?"


"Nothing, I made a mistake in time and space!" Leo showed his signature smile and decided directly: "Don't think about it. Go to the Karas Mountains to deliver vegetables to your door!" Just as I said, Bosco, Garlock and Zac are ready to go on a mission with me!" - Leo himself simplified the name of Zaknahim.

Under Leo's vicious eyes, several league members quickly shut up.

"Also, Uncle Larry, how's your injury?" He said he asked Larry, but Leo's eyes looked at Mr. Mei clearly.

Slowly pouring the glass full, Mr. Mei raised his head: "Larry is 80% better, and I guess he will fully recover in two months - you'd better not take him, so as not to come back!" In a word, I almost returned Larry's anger to his pre-treatment condition. Mr. Mei's teeth are really poisonous!

Within waiting for Larry to speak, Leo nodded: "Uncle Larry won't go, but I have something else to trouble you!" Neither of these two predecessors is a fuel-efficient lamp. If they quarrel, it will be over today. Just use something else to open it to avoid trouble.

"Trouble? How troublesome is it?" Larry's curiosity was raised, and he deliberately showed an uninterested look: "If it's not difficult, just call this old man. Don't bother me!"

Leo lowered his voice and put his head close to Larry: "I want to build a blue mermaid base camp. Do you think it's difficult?" He tried his best to make this as mysterious as possible to attract more attention and ignore the fact that he was going to take people to the mountains of Karas.

"Wow~~~!" Several students reacted as soon as possible, and a cheer shocked everyone, and even Mr. Mei dropped the cup to the ground.

"It's a pity for a good glass of wine," Mr. Mei looked up at the wine glass and glanced at Leo with a complicated expression: "You really dare to think about it!"