City of Dimlight

Chapter 141 Castle Entrance

"Valley of Guardians." Leo said seriously. The group of partners stood on a high and prominent place, looking at the broken ground hundreds of feet below and a deep rock canyon. When the north wind roared past my ears, everyone was teetering, as if they were about to fall down.

"How are we going to go down?" Bosco sighed, because both sides are absolutely vertical, just like the canyon was deliberately cut open.

The little angel flew out of Leo's arms, "I don't care. It's mainly about you!" It flew high: "Looking like this, I'm the only one to help you find it!"

As long as there are people, there must be a way! This is the entrance to the castle, so it is not difficult to find the road. Sure enough, he soon found this path in a hidden dense forest.

He took his friends around to the east edge of the canyon, then looked west and saw the peaks of the three nearest mountains. You are now standing on the fourth peak," he explained. "These three peaks look like the original trees, and their roots are connected."

"Three peaks look like one." Garlock recited an old proverb, which was one of the lyrics they were familiar with when they were young. The three peaks should look like one, so that the sun faces behind you.

Leo moved around to find the three mountains in the west in a straight line, and then slowly moved to the edge of the canyon to look down. We have come to the entrance to the valley. He calmly announced that although his heart was beating because of the discovery.

The other three walked over to meet him. Just below the edge of the canyon, they saw a curved walkway that continued to extend down the surface of the cliff, and the protective lines of the stone perfectly ensured that the fortification could not be seen from other angles.

Bosk almost fainted when he looked down. He was almost scared to death when he thought of walking down the narrow stairs without armrests hundreds of feet. We will definitely fall down and die!" He chirping and then began to retreat. I'm afraid of heights!"

But others ignored him, and even Obix rarely chatted with him, but made a grimace as they passed him. Leo began to walk down, and the others followed closely. Poor Bosk had no choice but to follow. Garlock sympathized with his worries, and they helped him as much as possible. When the strong wind began to blow, he even protected him in his arms.

Even with Leo taking the lead, the process of going down was hesitant and slow, and it seemed that several hours had passed before they reached the bottom of the canyon.

"500 in the west, and then 100 to the north." When they reached the bottom, Leo read this from behind the map. He walked west along the mountain wall, calculated his steps of a certain size, and led others through a pile of towering stones, which belonged to some other eras, which seemed to fall from the edge of the cliff. Even the people of their own family who have lived here for centuries do not know any legends about the creation process or purpose of this pile of boulders. But whatever the reason is, they have been standing here quietly guarding the bottom of the valley for countless centuries. They were here before Leo and their arrival, casting a shadow on the future and making all the people of all the races who have sought fate here feel small.

These stone pillars turned the wind into a strange and sad cry, making the bottom of the valley have a different feeling of nature. They have no sense of time like the divine realm they entered at the beginning, and make bystanders realize their own inevitable disappearance, as if these stone piles are using their own eternity. The existence to laugh at them.

Leo was not troubled by these stone towers and ended his calculation.

500 to the west, and then 100 to the north, you will reach the hidden place of the secret gate.

He carefully looked at the mountain beside him to find the sign of the last passage into the castle.

His friends also came to help find it, and Garlock**'s hands were also moving on the smooth wall. Are you sure it's here?" After many minutes of searching, he asked Leo because he didn't feel the crack at all.

"I'm sure!" Leo declared, then took out the map and pointed to the last paragraph: "I don't think it's wrong - all the signs are right!"

Even if they searched repeatedly, they didn't get any results. The night began to drop, and they stood in the darkness outside the entrance, ready to rest for a while. The trial waiting in front of their target is the most difficult trial along the way. Leo began to doubt himself and wondered if he had made a mistake. He read the passage again, trying to find out if there were any clues he had missed.

When dawn came and the snow began to reflect the light of the dome again, the group of friends still did not find any clues. After confirming that he had not gone wrong, Leo stopped blindly searching and began to change it in another way.

He thought that if there was a hollow sound of a stone, they could be sure that it was this place, so he put his ear to the wall and picked up the machete and knocked it all the way down with a handle - the homophonic sound of the hammer on the hard stone proved the perfection of the construction of the mountain wall.

But one hit did not hit the target. Leo hammered down, and when the hammer touched the stone, it was blocked by a large blue light. Leo jumped back and was shocked by the sudden light. A crack formed on the stone, which is the outline of the door. The stone continued to slide inside, and then separated to both sides, revealing the entrance to the destination.

The air that had been sealed for centuries rushed out with the smell of ancient times and pounced on them.

"Magic weapon!" Bosk shouted. How can it evoke the opening of this door!"

"When visitors come, they knock in with magic weapons?" The child asked.

Leo nodded, but now his attention is focused on the darkness in the wall. The room in front of them had no lighting, except for the faint light shining into the gate, but when they passed through the passage behind the entrance hall, they saw the light of the torch.

"Is anyone here?" Bosk asked.

"No," Leo replied, and he suddenly had a lot of memories, and all of them rushed back to this mysterious castle. The torches there are bright for the elf's life or longer. He passed through a gate and kicked the dust that had not been moved for 200 years on the ground.

"Today I confirmed with my own eyes that those legends are true," Leo muttered to himself. He turned to his friends and began to explain. This is a passage. People in the castle can never come out. They use magic mirrors to contact the members outside and guide them to act - members outside may also come back and enter the contract when they are old. But he quickly kicked the dust on the ground: "But from this place, no one has come in for at least 200 years!"

"Then are you sure they are still alive?" Bosk doubted, "Maybe it's empty!"

"No," Leo insisted on his opinion. Since the elf queen said that there is still information coming out here, there must be someone - the life expectancy of the elves is more than 2,000 years, and it doesn't mean that no one has been in or out here for hundreds of years!"


They crossed the channel and moved towards a deeper point.

These walkways, like other dwarf buildings, are not flat and barrier-free. Every few feet, there are walls that are dented, some are only a few inches to the end, and some extend all the way to the dark, connected to another channel network. Sometimes a board protruded on the edge of the wall, sometimes dented, which is designed to increase the shadow under the unquenchable torch. This is a secret place where dwarves create an atmosphere of isolation and protection.

This horizontal tunnel is actually a maze. No outsider can always choose the right road in countless forks, intersections and multiple tunnels. Even with a sporadic understanding of the logic of the dwarf miners who built this place, Leo often goes the wrong way. He chooses the wrong way more often than choosing the right way, and spends as much time retreating as moving forward.

However, there is still one thing he remembers. Watch your feet," Leo warned his friends. Now the tunnel you take is used to defend the castle, and the stone mechanism will take you to the bottom at once!"

In the distance they walked at the beginning of that day, they passed through many large rooms, which were hardly decorated and square, and there was no sign of anyone living there. This is obviously the tunnel that the dwarves later chiseled," Leo explained. Whether it is buildings, organs, or even the traces of opening gates on the back walls, it is a typical dwarf style.

They went deeper. An oppressive silence engulfed them. They could only hear their footsteps and the occasional crackling of the torches. Even if it was just these sounds, they seemed to be suppressed in the stagnant air. For Leo and the little angel, the environment here only reminds them of their experience in the divine realm, but for the other three people, the closure here and the feeling of hundreds of tons of stones above their heads are new experiences and make them very uncomfortable.

Even people who have been living underground are no exception.

The aisle began to tilt down, and there were fewer and fewer rooms and small passages next to it. After a sharp turn, they came to a large stone gate, and the only stone slab blocked the whole aisle. Is this a new room or an exit? Bosk asked, and he felt uneasy about walking in such a place.

"I also want to know!" Leo replied that he held the heavy door ring. Just a strong pull, a new scene appeared in front of several people in an instant!