City of Dimlight

Chapter 167 On the Road

It's really a painful journey. I never knew that a person might have suffered to this extent!

They all wanted to go to the Stone City with me. I know that it was to avoid my outbreak. I didn't know this mood - at that time, my anger, even Aurora woke up from a deep sleep!

I chose to return alone, not because I think the so-called ninth level is a fearless strong man, but because I think I should sneak in quietly - I think Nicole has other possibilities, and she will not be an unkind person. But due to the persuasion of my friends, I had to choose to give in - I took Zach and Obix, and the little angel who had been following me. Now I know that I can no longer act as I want. There are many things in the world that are important, even more important than emotions!

In this world, desire seems to be a legitimate or even noble thing. We all embark on a journey in order to venture, and for families with noble traditions, the desire to revenge and restore the family's voice and status cannot be underestimated. It is not known whether Nicole has something secret.

The road to the stone city will not seem easy. There are many dangerous and wild lands between the Great Angel Fortress and the area east of the city of Qianfan. The main roads have been occupied by the army and cannot be passed through. If we find those unknown mine entrances, that is, The so-called underground road will definitely have greater difficulties waiting for us, but I am surrounded by a group of friends who are ancient and strong in martial arts, so I am not afraid of monsters - at least I am not afraid of monsters that can fight with swords. No, my fear of this journey is focused on the possibilities in the future, and I can't know what will happen.

Hope for the future may be the biggest lie we tell ourselves. It takes the beautified past as the standard to look at the present emotionally. For some people, it can bring us some comfort and make us feel ourselves and our roots again. But I'm worried that for most other people, it will only distort their memory and thus be unaware of the reality around them.

I doubt how many people are longing for "a simpler and better world back then". They have never seen that they were actually simpler and better than the world!

I doubt that it has changed a lot now. After the initial anger, I understood the reason for this anger, perhaps the sudden loss and sadness, but I thought a lot on the way and gradually accepted this result. As the little angel said, "The world does not exist for me alone." I can't Reversing all this, but I can't deny my change - I don't know what I have changed, but I know that I should be different from before.

Or I really have changed. I don't know why, but I know that now I have really grown up and am no longer the person who didn't know what to do before!

As a ninth-order strongman, I hope to find a breakthrough in the master's record. According to common sense, I should be able to live for centuries, but no matter who is, the emotional development and growth in the first decades of life are not much different from low-level warriors and even ordinary people. I also remember the ideals and vitality I had when I was younger. At that time, the world was not complicated for me. Every time I took a step forward, right and wrong seemed to be clearly written on the road ahead - perhaps because of my special situation, my early years were full of terrible experiences, and the environment and what happened at that time I can't bear it, so I feel that it's much better now than at that time. At least now I have found a goal, can find my own position, and I can do better.

Does this make me more optimistic about myself and the world around me?

Many people, especially middle-aged human beings, continue to look back on their paradise and keep saying that when they were young, the world was better than now.

I can't believe this: in some special cases, it may be true that a tyrant has replaced a compassionate ruler, and a turmoil from the dead world has ended people's healthy years, but I believe that I must believe that people in this world are rising. Even if the natural progress of civilization will not continue to progress in a straight line, the long-term trend will still make the world better. If someone finds a better lifestyle, all people will naturally be attracted in that direction, and I am the one who does it all! This makes me feel very gratified, and I am also full of hope that this trend will continue. Maybe one day, I can save all human beings and make everyone live a better life from now on! Chaotic sand dunes, the gosquire ethnic group and those who live at the bottom will get a better lifestyle.

All people, whether men or women, will live better because of this change.

For the nobles living in the world, or those who live at the top, they don't care about the way of life. Most of them enjoy a rich life, and almost all of them will not lack food and joy. It may have nothing to do with them returning to the ground, but this is not It represents most people. Those who live in hunger and cold, and even in depravity and corruption, like their parents and their parents, sell their bodies, souls and even personalities just to be able to survive. Why doesn't a serfs at the lowest level of society want to change their living environment? Will this change make his children live a better life?

I didn't answer this seemingly wrong question, but in response to this trip to Stone City, I gradually began to calm down and no longer think too much. "First love is sweet, but it often can't succeed." Mr. Mei finally gave me this sentence, and I also tasted it.

I believe that the hardships and sadness in life are necessary for us to find inner peace in past successes and failures, but if such emotions make us take some actions to restore the era that has been distorted by memory and deliberately painted with roses, especially when a person thinks that he Life is a failure, so this is nothing, and it is destined to cause greater frustration.

What's worse is that if nostalgic sadness sets an obstacle on the road to progress, then it is really bad, just like something that produces control over people.



He quickly described his life to Zack in the past few years, including: his encounter with the little angel; embarking on the road to the Freedom Alliance in search of memory; his fight with giants, which led to the task of guarding Obix; and going to the castle to find his fate because of the words of the Elf Queen. Zak knew that he was talking about all the experiences after leaving, and believed that he had lost his memory, but he couldn't believe that Leo had suffered so much. Even in the encounter many years ago, he still doubted the prediction of the elder. Now he is fully convinced that the elder's conjudgment of this human being is correct, and only he can It is enough to lead human beings back to the ground, expose everything and even defeat everything.

Even when Leo didn't explain his reason for going to the Stone City this time, Zak understood everything. He has seen that Leo has come out of pain and began to deal with this problem calmly, or he has buried the pain in his heart and begun to bring himself out of the shadows - which shows that Leo is no longer the Leo he used to be.

But when Leo began to cover up the explanation, our Naga just sat quietly and looked at him. Zak understood his pain. He did not spy on further information or ask Leo about his personal distress that he did not want to say.

"No matter what you want to sit on, I support you!" Zucker said seriously.

"I'm the same," Obix came over from the side. He didn't understand what the two were talking about. He just heard the last Zack's words, so he came over to express his position.

Zak fan hand, "Go! Let's see if it's ready. Don't come and eavesdrop on the adults!"

Obix looked at Zack with a smile - he has found that Leo is in a much better mood, so he dares to joke: "Master Leo, isn't this done to call you? - I also support Master Leo!"

"How can you support your little arm and calf?" Zak said seriously, "If you want to say this, practice your martial arts first!"

Although it was said that four people set out together, the little angel had been sleeping, so he had always been regarded as three people. Leo began to give more wild means to Obix, so he volunteered to cook along the way. After several times, he could still eat it, and it tasted good.

Today is no exception. Although it is a few pieces of wood cakes and minced meat, after being cooked on the fire, the entrance is warm and slightly salty, which tastes good.

Zak ate a few pieces, raised his head and asked, "The first level is ahead. How did we pass it?"

Leo thought for a moment and made up his mind: "The first level is the most important. I guess they are the most manned and the most closely guarded - so I don't think about it from here. It's better to take a detour from here to turn in another direction and find a tunnel out."

"Well," Zucker agreed with the decision: "I know that some roads can turn north from here, and then it is said that there is a passage full of beasts, which can directly cross most of the distance to the Giant Beast Fortress, and then come out!"

"Are you talking about the tunnel full of cave people?" He was a little curious: "Isn't the entrance there tightly sealed?"

"It's okay," Zucker smiled and said, "Although it was a wartime, there are still many adventurers in that tunnel to find medicinal herbs and rare ores, so the blockade is not very strict - as long as we can cross it, we can reach the giant beast fortress and return to the stone city!"

"I don't understand," Obix interrupted, "Why didn't we call directly from the level? Or sneak over?"

"It's impossible to fight," Zak explained, "If the war breaks with the new emperor, it won't do us at all - but if I sneak over, I'm afraid of sideways. Who knows how many night-eye whistles there are here? It's not beautiful to go to war at that time!"
