City of Dimlight

Chapter 175 Bad News

Dolin was a skinny and dark-skinned man. Perhaps it was his first time to attend such a meeting. His eyes had been staring around uneasily, looking quite nervous - when the old duke mentioned him, he almost jumped up from his chair.

"Dolin, now you can tell you in detail about what you found!" The old Duke signaled, "Be as detailed as possible - maybe you missed it in your last report."

"I'm the captain of the second investigation team," he stammered. "A few days ago, we were ordered to go to the periphery for investigation work," he pointed to the old Duke to explain the doubts in the commander's eyes. "We belong to the Duke!"

Enrique nodded. He knew that the Duke had trained such a force for a top-secret mission for the kingdom. Now it seems that there is no object of loyalty and belongs to the Archangel Fortress.

"We were at the beginning," he continued. I didn't meet the enemy - but when we got to the back, we found a situation," he looked around at the other speakers. We heard footsteps in a valley. When I went out to check, I found that the enemy was gathering!"

"Gathering?" Leris was not surprised: "They have been gathering all the time, but every time they are scattered by us," but when he saw the blame in his father's eyes, he couldn't help asking, "What's the difference this time?"

"This is not an ordinary gathering," Duolin knew the identity of the person in front of him. "There are too many of them - I have never seen so many undead!"

"Specifically, how many are there?" Enrique said, with some reproach in his words, "Didn't you confirm the specific number?"

"There's no way to confirm," he waved his hand: "It's too much!"

"Humph," althoughxi ous did not face Dolin, he said to Aslan: "It seems that your men are so scared - they are so panicked that they can't count!"

"This is the misunderstanding of our dark part," Aslan didn't care. "You asked almost all the questions that fools would ask, and I just asked Dolin to explain," he repeatedly satirized his opponent. "Come on, Dolin, tell them why there are no specific numbers to explain this question. Question - or can you estimate it?"

Dolin thought for a moment and slowly stretched out a finger.

"100,000 people?" xi ouS seized this opportunity and began to fight back: "It's just a hundred thousand undead, and they make a fuss - it seems that you haven't seen a big scene!"

Duolin shook his head. Although he was very disgusted with the commander's sarcasm to his old boss, his words were still in accordance with the regulations: "Not 100,000, it's a million! - Dear Commander, there are only one million low-level undead, and only a lot more!"

Siovis was a little surprised. Although he heard before the meeting that this time was mainly about the large-scale gathering of the dead, he did not expect that there would be so many.

Dolin continued to explain: "We found this situation and prepared to come back to report - but since the Duke initially asked us to pay attention to the proportion, I took a closer look - there was no high-level or even middle-class undead in it!"

"You mean a million, all of them are low-level undead?" Enrique asked, "Are you sure?"

"Swear in my honor, I haven't seen a high-level undead, not even a middle-level undead!"

"Do you know what's going on now?" The old prince slowly opened his words: "Such a valley gathers a million undead, among which there are no intermediate and advanced undead - then even according to the most basic proportion of the undead, there are at least 100,000 middle-level undead and hundreds of high-level undead!" He looked around, "And there are no non-dead creatures in it," he paused: "This is just a valley, a valley found by chance - we don't know how many valleys there are left!"

Everyone is silent. For the undead, the low-level undead is equivalent to the first-level arms of human beings. Even if civilians meet, they may win. Their combat effectiveness is about the first-order samurai, and the simple holy water can cause great damage and then destroy them. As for the middle-level undead, it is equivalent to 4 of human beings. The water products of the 5th-order warriors can face human warriors to attack head-on. They are dressed in armor and holding iron weapons. The holy water can hurt them, but serious injuries cannot be caused, let alone destroyed. This is the main force of the undead world, and it is also mentioned in the data recorded by the Kingdom of the Free Alliance for many years; but the higher-level undead are the most terrible. They are equivalent to the 7-8 warriors of human beings, and they can even fight against the ninth-order strong with their strong recovery ability - this is a nightmare for all human beings.

After the initial consternment, the conference hall began to make noise, and everyone was thinking about how to face such a question.

Millions of low-level undead, plus more than 100,000 medium-level undead, and finally, it is estimated that the number of humanoids or aliens that are not undead will reach more than 1.3 million.

But at this moment, the old Duke threw another bomb: "According to some circumstances, there are at least two valleys where soldiers are stationed!"

When he heard the old duke's words, he couldn't help but be shocked.

The dwarf representative hurriedly asked, "I don't know on what basis the Duke said that there are two such valleys - have you found these places?" His last sentence was to ask the captain of the dark department.

"No," Dolin said, "but I found this thing!"

A package was opened on the table, and there was a spine inside, which was removed from the unlucky skeleton soldier.

Dolin turned over his spine at the sign of the old Duke, with a 'three' character written in paint on it.

"This is a skeleton spine, but Doreen also found the same mark on other skeletons," the old duke said seriously: "I guess this is the number of their legion, that is to say - they may only be the third legion, so at least two legions are estimated to be like this!"

"350 to 3.8 million undead, my God!" Everyone calculated this number and was frightened by their own conclusions.

There are not so many soldiers in the world.

Try to calculate: there are 300,000 soldiers in the Kingdom of the Free Alliance, 400,000 soldiers in the Soros Empire, and only 280,000 troops in Atlantis. As for the least, there are less than 100,000 elves, 150,000 dwarves and 500,000 orcs, with a total of more than 1.7 million troops, excluding the people necessary for peace in each city. It is estimated that only 1.230 million troops can be made up, and the rest are logistics and heavy troops.

But can all kingdoms unite?

Is there any time?

All of this is a problem.

"What are you going to do, Duke?" The dwarf representative first raised this question, which is exactly what everyone needs to know, "What can we do?"

He hesitated for a moment. He had to admit to himself again that he had no other choice, and he could not retreat from this urgent task; if he didn't say anything, the archangel fortress would be destroyed to all the human world later. His position is quite delicate, which can be said to be balancing the relationship between the eldest prince and the new emperor, while restricting the country. He knows that he is now suspected, and some people feel that they will betray the kingdom and the Glotis family, but he has no choice now.

If he takes over the burden again, then he is the commander-in-chief of the United Army, and he may be called a powerful minister in history, which is the last thing he wants to see.

But is there any other choice now?

Duke Miweig was very hesitant to either save the world or watch them go to extinction, but he knew that he could not escape this time.

He looked around and looked into everyone's eyes. He knew that the current situation was like this. Even if he really needed a coalition, he would not be the opponent of the dead.

He felt sad, but he couldn't explain it.

He grabbed the small mallet on the table in front of him. He felt very strange. This is the first time he has used this thing. The old Duke gently knocked on the wooden table, and the sound pulled everyone back from thinking or fear.

"Establish a world coalition," he said in a small but firm voice: "Only by uniting the world may we be able to solve this crisis!"

He looked at the spine in front of him again: "I'm still sending people to investigate, but the current situation is no longer for us to wait. This joint force must be established immediately and ready to prepare."

Almost no one has any objection, and everyone only knows the importance of this time - if the investigation results are true. But everyone also believes that no one dares to make such a big joke.

"Then how should we fight against the enemy next," Aslan asked.

The old duke thought about it and was about to raise this question. I think..."

But in the next corner, there were several soft sounds - this was a signal that represented the need to speak, and they also had small mallet as a reminder.

The other representatives turned to this unfamiliar corner with a blank expression on their faces. The representative of the Soros Empire and the commander of the support army, Cambias, rarely spoke at the meeting unless he was forced to a corner by a direct problem.

Cambias was valued for the first time. "Now the meeting is addressed by a representative of the Soros Empire." He said that from his high and low tone, everyone despised it - because he had hardly participated in any battles. What he did here was drink, hunt, and constantly harass the bar waitresses around him, and almost got into trouble several times.

"Representatives," Cambias began tentatively, and his voice became sharp because of fear. Although I respect the Duke's resolution and think we should discuss the next steps, I believe that we still have more urgent issues to discuss.

This is a good start, Cambias thought, and I have attracted everyone's attention.