City of Dimlight

Chapter 264 Poison

When the hot feeling outside gradually cooled down and Simon's wounds recovered with the help of the abandoned blade, Leo slowly pushed open the iron door - there was a dark wall outside, leaving traces of the fire.

There are two doors side by side in the room where Leo and they live. Leo and Simon tried the iron door and did not move - it seemed to be locked inside. At the end, there is another door that looks bigger. "Maybe it leads to the back area," Leo said. "Why don't we take a look at the two doors here first?"

Simon did not object. Leo gently pulled out his machete. Under the injection of fighting gas, the machete became extremely sharp, but it was a very easy knife and opened a mouth on the door. Leo waved the machete repeatedly and quickly opened a hole in the door.

He leaned over the hole and looked at it, "It seems that there is nothing in it!" So, go in and have a look!" Simon said that the abandoned blade in his hand also quickly opened a hole in another door and reached in to open the door: "Let me see what's inside!"

Leo answered and opened the door on his side and soon found that it seemed to be the same. Although it looked like an alchemy room, there was still nothing valuable. "Teacher, I don't have anything useful here," Leo turned around and saw Simon coming out. "Where are you?"

Simon made a helpless statement, which should also be ineffective.

"Then let's move on," Simon said, "I'll open the back door!" It is not difficult to open this door. Behind it is a large activity area, which seems to have a large living area, but it is also disorderly and should be abandoned - Leo and Simon searched for a long time and did not find any passage to move forward.

"It's not right," Leo found an abnormal place. "Teacher, look, the number of beds here should be at least dozens of people living here, but the rooms we just saw seem to be small and don't need so many people to work!"

"It should be somewhere else," Simon guessed, "There should be another area later!" The two looked carefully behind for a long time and found no trace. Suddenly, Leo was attracted by an object on the ground - this thing seemed to be a bit like the stairs he had seen!

Leo suddenly looked up. It was really good. There was a large entrance above his head, which seemed to be another area, and the thing that fell on the ground was a kind of metal staircase leading up, which was just destroyed.

Under the floating technique, the two easily arrived at the top.

The environment above is much wider, and there is a tunnel inclined to the north. Leo is a little excited. Although he wants to know whether this tunnel can reach the ground, he still moves forward slowly without any panic or rushing.

After passing through nearly 200 meters of passage, they came to a wide cave. On the left side of the cave are some simple rooms, and on the right side is a very spacious square. There are several deep traces in the square. It is strange to see that some huge machinery and traces on the ground have been parked here. It shows all this, and along the trail, there is a tunnel at the end.

Or it used to be a tunnel - Leo first went to the entrance of the tunnel to look inside. It seemed that it had been sealed by collapsed stones and soil. Even if it used to lead to the ground, it could not be used now.

"Teacher, can you send a ghost to check how deep this landslide area is?" Leo said quietly. Although the feeling of disappointment caught him in an instant, Leo was not discouraged by it - for so long, even if he couldn't find it, it was reasonable.

Simon released a ghost and ordered to go through the cracks in the rock to look for it, but he soon got a response - although there were still some gaps in it that the ghost could pass through, it was the same all the way to hundreds of kilometers. It was tightly sealed and could not be excavated at all, let alone Passed.

"Forget it, I didn't expect to find a tunnel in the caveman field!" Leo sighed, "It seems that we still need to continue to look for it here!" Simon nodded and said, "Yes, let's check it and find a way back!"

Speaking back, Leo suddenly came up with a solution, "Teacher, let's simply use stealth skills and sneak through those dragon eggs," he said, "I think this may be better than floating from above!"

"You can try it," Simon thought for a moment. "I guess it's more likely!" As they spoke, they walked to the room on the other side and began to look for anything else of value - since the dragon valued the things in the ruins so much, it might be useful to find so many things.

A strange picture on the wall attracted the attention of the two people: the front is a strange machine, which looks like a carriage, but there is a huge sharp angle in the front, with a spiral pattern, and behind it is a square box with a lot of wheels installed, and next to it are some The mark seems to be used to explain and analyze the machine; behind it is a road map, which bends and points out a path like a nautical chart.

Leo looked at the pattern in front of him and felt very familiar, but he didn't expect to see it there, so he took down the picture and put it in his space ring - the picture looked like a special substance, but it had not been destroyed for so long.

I have seen everything in the room. Although it was packed in a hurry, the main things were basically left, and some of the things left in the room now have become some powder, and I can't see the original appearance.

After searching the ruins, the two found nothing useful and had to start returning.

"It doesn't matter," Leo was afraid that Simon would worry about himself, but persuaded his teacher: "We will definitely find the tunnel to return to the ground and fulfill your wish and Mr. Matthew!" I firmly believe this," Simon said, "It's just that time is running out - but I think even if we can't find a tunnel in this continent, we can find it elsewhere!"

The two said that they were almost at the entrance of the tunnel. Leo made a careful gesture, and then quietly used his escape, ready to have a look first.

He carefully poked out his head, but he didn't expect that there was no nine-headed dragon underneath! Although the egg is still here, the nine-headed dragon has completely disappeared, which is really strange!

According to common sense, the enemy has only arrived here, and the nine-headed dragon is also intelligent. How can not all the guards leave? Even if the nine-headed dragon thought that both of them were buried in the fire, they would not finish walking - Simon came over curiously with a stunned face when he saw Leo turning his head. Something should have happened outside," Simon said, "So all the nine-headed dragons have gone out!"

Leo thought for a moment, "Whether something happens to them or not, it's a good opportunity for us - we'd better pass here quickly and go outside. Even if the nine-headed dragon fights with us outside, at least there is a place to hide!"

Since the idea was made, the two began to move forward quickly along the tunnel. As soon as they walked, they heard the madness of the nine-headed dragon outside. They quickly came out of the hole and saw that the whole lake was like rolling waves, and countless nine-headed dragons roared in it - the lake began to turn black!

"Dead toxin!" Simon shouted in surprise, "I don't know which undead did it?" Are we the two left behind?" Just as Leo and Simon were talking about this matter, the Nine-headed Dragon found the two people appearing in the gap. They couldn't help but blush. After a hiss, overwhelming magic came.

"It's not good!" Leo suddenly shouted and ran along the lake with Simon. The gravel and mud flew all over the sky behind him, as if he had been baptized by a forbidden spell - fortunately, it was much more spacious, otherwise even ten Leo and Simon could not resist.

While the two were running wildly, Leo suddenly saw something lying by the lake. Looking carefully, it was the living body of the caveman - his chest had been cut open and he was still in the lake, and the black undead toxins kept pouring out of him and entering the lake.

Everyone knows that living corpses are poisonous, but the toxicity of living corpses mainly exists in internal organs, and even living corpses can't bear that kind of pain - because living corpses are not ordinary undead, but a monster with a soul, so you can feel this pain, and when it slowly heals, it will bring endless Feeling of tearing.

Simon suddenly pulled out the abandoned blade, cast a huge magic shield on himself, and then ran towards the living corpse - "Teacher, you! ..." Leo suddenly shook his head after shouting and rushed away with Simon.

Simon was first attacked by magic. At the moment when the magic shield was about to be broken, another magic shield suddenly appeared on him and blocked the meteorite that spread over the sky - "Teacher, go first!" Leo struggled to support his magic shield, "I'll block it!"

Simmon grabbed the living body and released two skeleton horses to ride it. "You also get on the horse!" He shouted and rushed out.

After Leo saw Simon get on the horse, he jumped on the skeleton horse. At this moment, the magic shield of withdrawal was broken into countless pieces and flew in the air.

"Quick!" Leo's skeleton horse rushed out and followed Simon all the way, while the nine-headed dragon behind him continued to release magic angrily and did not leave the lake where they lived.

After running a few miles, Leo and Simon put down the living body. Looking at Simon injecting the spirit of the dead into the body of the caveman's living body, Leo complained, "In such a dangerous situation, teacher, why are you still going to save this useless guy!"

Simon stood up after injecting all the qi of the dead spirit and watched the living body slowly healing. He sighed, "Leo, the reason why I saved him is not because he is useless to me, nor because it is dangerous and not dangerous, just because of a very simple reason--" Simon took a breath and looked at the sky. The dome said word by word, "Just because I am the Lord of the Dead, they are all my subordinates - so I want to protect them!"

Although this passage is very simple, Leo and the living corpses on the ground are shocked!

This is a simple truth, which makes Leo instantly understand the gap between many superiors and teachers - that is, one treats his subordinates as tools, and the other treats his subordinates as siblings!

Leo nodded and had a lot of thoughts in his heart, but he didn't say anything for a while.

When the living corpse heard Simon's words, he couldn't figure out how the undead could do this to him, but he finally understood one thing, that is, the so-called lord of the dead really regarded himself as his subordinate, and it was not different because of how he came from.