Future Thor

Chapter 1: Haofeng


In the blue sky, beautiful clouds are floating in the red cross building.

Hospital construction...

Haofeng touched the remaining twelve pieces of flexible paper in the trousers bag, which were twelve pieces of Chinese coins, and said in his heart, "This is just enough to buy a bag of organic beef!"

In the hospital's commissary, Haofeng selected pieces of red fat beef buns illuminated by the lights in front of him.

The lenses in the black glasses frame shine brightly, reflecting pieces of tender beef.

He is thinking about choosing a bigger piece of beef, which is everyone's psychology.

The name of this hospital is North China Hospital, and he is a psychologist here. Although he is only 17 years old, he is already a doctor.

The only thing he is worried about now is that he doesn't have a certificate in psychology. As for how he can become a psychologist, there is another short story, which will be told in detail later.

Just as Haofeng was focusing on choosing beef, he didn't notice that someone was passing by.


"Ah!" A delicate voice came from Haofeng's ear at the same time.

Suddenly I felt that my left shoulder collided with a soft body,

Is this a bump into someone?

He quickly looked up and apologized for looking at the source of the voice.

This is a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl, dressed in a long hair and short skirt. The girl's forehead has reached Haofeng's ear, which is really not short.

The girl was still very angry, but after seeing Haofeng, some light appeared in her eyes and asked in surprise.

"You are Dr. Haofeng!"

Haofeng was slightly surprised, but later felt that it was normal for someone to know him when he became a doctor.

"Hmm!" Haofeng nodded.

"Hello, doctor, my father is just one of your patients, and now he is much better after your psychological counseling. Thank you so much!" The girl laughed and said, she smiled very sweetly.

But it's a little sweet... false.

At least Haofeng thinks so.

The girl seemed to open the chat box, quickly chatted with Haofeng, and chatted with Haofeng for 15 minutes.

Haofeng looked at his watch and found the passage of time.

Finally, the girl let him go. Haofeng smiled at the girl, picked up the piece of beef he had been paying attention to for a long time, and immediately paid for it and left the commissary.

I saw the back of Haofeng leaving.

The girl suddenly picked up her smart watch, played with it a few times, and dialed a number.

"Hey!" A little gloomy man's voice came from the other side of the phone.

"It's done, and he's going back. Are you ready?"

"Okay, your task is done, and you don't need to know so much about the rest!" The gloomy man refused to tell the girl.

The girl nodded and meditated for Haofeng in her heart.

Haofeng held his beef bun and smiled at the corners of his mouth. He said in his heart: Finally, he can eat meat.

Haofeng's environment is not particularly good, otherwise he doesn't need to come out to work so young, and a strong figure appears in his mind.

There are points in the figure that are similar to Haofeng, but they are more powerful.

"Father and mother, I will definitely let you live a good life!" Haofeng's eyes showed a real light.

The way back to the dormitory allocated by the hospital happens to be a dark corner alley that can only accommodate two people to walk side by side.

Haofeng just walked to the corner, and just around the corner, he felt a lightning-like dark shadow coming in front of him...

Haofeng had not had time to see what it was, but he only felt a strong pain like a beast tearing his forehead.

With a muffled sound, followed by a bang, Haofeng fainted on the ground.

His forehead was directly knocked out of blood.

Several young people came out of the alley, and one of them said in a low voice with an iron rod: "Wrap it in sacks and throw it at the living dead city behind the wall!"

A few young people quickly started to work quickly.

Haofeng fell into a coma and his blood kept flowing, but in fact, he didn't kill him with an iron rod. He just fainted.

But if he knew that he was about to be thrown into the living dead city, it is estimated that even if he is in a coma, he will jump up and run away.

The City of the Living Dead is a dead city, but the scope is very large, including bloodthirsty walking dead. They like to eat all meat, including human beings.

This is a forbidden area for human beings. Not many people are willing to go there, and those who have the ability to pass don't like the rotten things of this living dead city, so this has never been cleaned up.

The smoke-filled sky makes the sky over the whole city full of bad luck, and the smell of death makes the whole city quiet.

From time to time, only some living dead people with missing arms and few arms looked up at the crows in the sky and couldn't wait to pull down and grin.

This is an absolutely forbidden place, with only a few creeping snakes passing by, but they are all very well hidden creatures.

Haofeng lay on the hard cement floor with his eyes closed, and his blood had dripped on it and dyed a small piece of the ground red. This is a corner library.

Both ends of their mouths rotten, and the living dead with gray teeth smelled the smell of thin blood in the air, cracked their teeth, and moved to this side.

Their speed is not very fast.

But this is fatal enough... After all, Haofeng hasn't woken up yet.

They are one kilometer away from Haofeng. When they moved to Haofeng 500 meters, they saw Haofeng lying on the ground full of fresh blood.

"Roar! ~!" They went crazy and quickly ran to the side of Haofeng.

The shocking anger made Haofeng suddenly open his eyes. He stared around, and the bad feeling in his heart filled in an instant.

When I saw the two monsters in front of me rushing forward to tearing their blood-red eyes.

Haofeng's little heart was almost shattered in shock. He couldn't imagine himself being treated as a big meal and splashed with blood.

The ankles of the two living dead are twisted, so the movement speed is still not particularly fast.

The living dead are less than 300 meters away from Haofeng...

Haofeng didn't dare to delay. He quickly climbed up, but as soon as he stood up, he didn't expect that his head was still in a coma and lost his center of gravity. He fell to the ground again.

The two living dead have arrived 100 meters away from Haofeng and rushed over crazily, even seeing the dry and coagulated blood on their broken lips.

Haofeng struggled to shake his head a few times, and the blood on his forehead flew all around.

He controlled his body a few times and finally stabilized his body, but before he could be happy, the living dead had come to him.

The two hungry living dead, one running faster, has arrived at Haofeng's side. He directly caught Haofeng's left forearm with the right palm of two fingers.

Haofeng felt that there was no temperature in the cold and piercing palm, which made his heart cool down.

"Ah!" Haofeng also screamed in horror. He didn't want to die here.

The human potential stimulated is crazy, not to mention in 2022, he kicked out and kicked the flesh-and-blooded living dead.

It's not even called a belly...

Haofeng felt that he was kicked in the broken dry bones and piles of flesh and blood. Under his potential, Haofeng could not kick the living dead upside down like some novels.

It's just two steps back,

The living dead man stepped back a few steps, but how did he feel that his left arm was still coldly trapped by something? He quickly looked over.

The arm that held itself still held itself tightly, but it was broken.

The other living dead man had arrived. He rushed over directly and bit his teeth in the direction of Haofeng's throat.

"Damn it!" Haofeng couldn't avoid it, but he couldn't let the other party bite his throat, otherwise he would really die.

He quickly turned his body aside.

This living dead man directly bit his right shoulder and tore it aside...

" hiss~~~" Haofeng felt that a piece of his flesh and blood was directly bitten off, which made Haofeng grin.

Blood flowed down the shoulders, and the black tight clothes were also torn.

The living dead tasted the delicious flesh and blood, and it became even more crazy, and its teeth bit quickly again.

Haofeng was also bitten and caught fire. He picked up the broken arm on his left arm and aimed it at the forehead of the living dead, which fell from the sky.


The broken arm, with a loud shout like the sound of opening a mountain, directly hammered the forehead of the living dead.

With a tear, the living dead man's neck broke off, and his purring forehead hit the ground and rolled to one side.

The headless living dead man fell to the ground.

But Haofeng did not relax. The other end of the living dead, who had no arms, was close to him. It flew and bit him from one side.

This time, Haofeng was knocked down.

Haofeng's back was hit and almost vomited blood. He put his elbow against the chest of the living dead, but it still bit it crazily.

Haofeng made a fierce attack and stuffed the broken arm of the living dead man into its mouth.

Gaba ~~~ The living dead bite happily.

Taking advantage of the frenzy of its bite, he kicked the broken meat belly of the living dead, and the living dead were kicked up like a gang and fell back.

Haofeng didn't dare to be distracted this time. He wiped oil on the soles of his feet and ran away like an arrow.

The broken buildings still retain the style of the 21st century, and the old and rusty cars stay here.

Haofeng did not dare to run into the tall buildings. God knows how many of these living dead people are in it.

is the noise just now. In fact, many living dead have heard it, and some even watched Haofeng run in front of them.

They chased after them like headless flies.

I ran for about half an hour on the tattered black and blood-stained street.

Unexpectedly, a large group of dead people came in front of them, and a group of dead people behind chased Haofeng.

Haofeng was anxious. He saw a collection antique room next to him and ran in quickly.

Just as he was about to close the door, he found that the door was damaged...

And the living dead have been surrounded...

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