Future Thor

Chapter 26: Play you to death

"But did you vomit blood?" The law enforcement officer surnamed Liu is a little worried. This is a big deal about him. He promised to give Wang Hai a lot of benefits. Now there is a little abnormality, and he is very nervous.

"It's okay. This boy's mental damage is too high. It's not that easy to control, so I spent two more energy. I hope Law Enforcement Officer Liu will remember my benefits!" Wang Hai grinned in the direction of the law enforcement officer surnamed Liu.

Of course, his words were said by Haofeng.

There is a slight sneer in Haofeng's eyes. He has also read a lot of legal books. Now he wants to condemn him, at most, to offend others, and Haofeng's injury to Huaxuan is not very serious.

Haofeng still has the opportunity to appeal for legitimate defense. If all of these are activated, Haofeng is likely to be acquitted and even claim compensation from Huaxuan.

If it is like this, the law enforcement officer surnamed Liu will get nothing.

Now there is only one way to kill Haofeng, that is, to change the confession and let Haofeng admit all the crimes and change the crime of malicious injury to the crime of attempted murder.

Killing a general in the city is a big deal, just as serious as killing a director in the national era 20 years ago.

If it succeeds, don't government officials feel that they are dangerous?

The war will be a treasure of mankind, so if the confession is established, Haofeng will be 100% sentenced to death.

Haofeng's eyes flashed with a trace of fine light, and his brain quickly rotated. The strength of the law enforcement officer surnamed Liu was also very good. When his strength reached a certain level, his mental strength would also increase.

If possible, Haofeng really wants to control this law enforcement officer and let him take his own fruit.

However, there is still a chance in the current situation. Haofeng has played a dark chess game.

"Then I'll watch your hypnosis, don't you mind?" The law enforcement officer surnamed Liu said politely with a smile, but he was worried.

"It doesn't matter!" Wang Hai pondered for a moment and said that it was not that Haofeng didn't want to drive him out, but that even if the other party rushed, he would not go out.

"Look into my eyes, when I snap my fingers, you will listen to me 100%, including committing suicide, including doing anything against my conscience." Wang Hai's bright eyes looked in the direction of Haofeng.

Haofeng immediately looked at Wang Hai's eyes and nodded like garlic, as if he had become a loyal servant.

"Good!" The law enforcement officer surnamed Liu immediately laughed when he saw this scene. He thought to himself that Wang Hai was indeed so powerful that he played with a person between applause.

"Okay, law enforcement officer, what's the matter with you? Ask now. It's only five minutes!" Wang Hai's eyes still looked at Haofeng without blinking, but his mouth said.

"Good. Five minutes! There is a little time, but it should be enough!" The law enforcement officer surnamed Liu said immediately.

"Do you know Hua Xuan?" The law enforcement officer surnamed Liu looked at Haofeng and asked a question.

"I don't know!" Haofeng was so dull that he followed a robot, but he sneered in his heart.

Let's see how I play you to death!

"Then why did you attack Hua Xuan?" The law enforcement officer surnamed Liu continued to ask that he wanted to guide Haofeng to a doomed place.

"Because he hurt my friend!" Haofeng continued to say 'mugly'.

If you ask like this, there is not enough time. The law enforcement officer surnamed Liu seemed to glance at his watch and felt that time was passing quickly. It was time to ask an important question.

"Then why did you kill Hua Xuan's younger brother!!!" The law enforcement officer surnamed Liu said coldly that he also knew the reason for Hua Xuan's appearance.

Is that madman Hua Xuan's younger brother? Haofeng recalled the madman who chased him but was killed by himself, and he immediately realized it.

Then there was another burst of panic. If I was really controlled by Wang Hai, then I'm afraid I'm really looking for everything now.

"I didn't kill him!" Haofeng pretended to be calm and said.

"Didn't kill?" The law enforcement officer surnamed Liu was just suspicious. Although the death of Haofeng is an important place, if he can find the clues of Hua Xuan's brother's death, I'm afraid Dean Hua will thank himself.

Many people in Nanjing know how much Dean Hua loves his grandson.

"He can't lie now, can he?" The law enforcement officer surnamed Liu looked in the direction of Wang Hai and asked a question.

"Are you doubting my major?" Wang Hai said coldly, and his face was full of anger. Of course, these expressions were all what Haofeng asked him to pretend.

"How can it be!" The law enforcement officer surnamed Liu said in a tactful tone.

What are you kidding? Now you are still waiting for this boy to help him. The law enforcement officer surnamed Liu also has a trace of anger against Wang Hai, and he hasn't asked anything yet.

When something comes out, clean up this Wang Hai.

"Is there any way to make the other party say something he hasn't done?" The law enforcement officer surnamed Liu finally asked one of his most concerned questions.

Hearing this, Haofeng's chest was suddenly wrapped in anger. He really wanted to slap the law enforcement officer surnamed Liu directly on the ground.

This grandson really wants to do everything.

"Yes! However, this cannot be used in front of others, and some high-level warriors can see that it is hypnotized. Wang Hai's face was also a little unnatural.

"It's okay, that's good. I just need to organize these materials into files now." The law enforcement officer surnamed Liu said happily.

Then, he clicked on the communication watch and connected to the outside communication. Then he said, "You recorded what he continued to say for me. Don't make mistakes."

"I'll ask you again, have you killed Hua Xuan's brother or not!" The law enforcement officer surnamed Liu looked at Haofeng as if he were looking at a fortune cat, and he said greedily.

"Yes!" Although Haofeng wants to curse a few words, he can only say it now.

At this time, Haofeng had controlled part of his spiritual power to penetrate the side of the wall and rushed into the mechanical room. At this time, the staff was recording some of Haofeng's reactions with machinery.

When a female staff member recorded with a communication watch, Haofeng's transparent spiritual mind directly penetrated the depths of the other party's brain and controlled the other party.

Fortunately, this female worker is just an ordinary person. Haofeng also devours Wang Hai's spiritual power, so that he can control two people at the same time.

However, it was obvious that Haofeng was also very difficult. His chest was bullied crazily, as if he had run five or six kilometers, and he felt breathless.

"What's wrong with him?" The law enforcement officer surnamed Liu pointed to Haofeng's state doubtfully and asked. There was also a trace of suspicion in his eyebrows, and a strong gas began to appear slowly on his body surface.

He is not wearing police armor now, so he can only condense a strong source gas to protect himself. Haofeng saw this source gas, at least he looks like a high-level warrior.

I can't break this defense at all. The last time I was able to hurt Huaxuan, it was all because the purple energy in the healing machine used more than my own magic.

There is no way now.

"Hurry up and ask. The other party is saying something against his will, and he is mentally resistant. Wang Hai also gasped.

"Oh!" The law enforcement officer surnamed Liu nodded quickly.

"Then why do you want to assassinate Hua Xuan?" The law enforcement officer surnamed Liu continued to ask these questions.

"Because I hate him! If there is a chance, I must kill him, and I want to hurt my brother?" A ferocious look appeared on Haofeng's face.

I have to say that what Haofeng said is true.

"Okay, you are so contempt of the law. It seems that you want to be punished!" When the law enforcement officer surnamed Liu saw Haofeng say this sentence, he was immediately overcast and happy.

If Haofeng's words are introduced into the law enforcement court, the perverted robots there may directly bombard Haofeng into powder.

"Well, you officials, you know nothing, you know how to bully the weak. When you see people with big forces, you flatter their masters like tail dogs. What's the big deal?" Haofeng said sarcastically.

The law enforcement officer surnamed Liu originally wanted to be angry, but when he thought about it, he tore up the words like this, but he couldn't. After all, this was recording.

"Please keep your words clean. Our law enforcement officers are righteous and absolutely on the side of the law. You killed the grandson of the president of South China University and attempted to maliciously kill Hua Xuan. What else can you say now? The law enforcement officer surnamed Liu now said with a righteous face.

"*, what are you pretending to be? Why does a big black dog say such a nice thing!" Haofeng said with a big smile. Now Haofeng is very happy. How can he usually scold the other party, but now there is a chance. No matter how he scolds, the other party can't reply.

How can he let go of such a good thing so simply?

There will be no chance if you don't scold now.


"What a fart, you speak like this, and you can actually be the captain of a law enforcement officer. It's really a shame for Nanjing and for all mankind!" Haofeng scolded with a sniff. He wanted to spit all the unpleasant feelings on the law enforcement officer surnamed Liu and spit on the dirty saliva on the other party's face.

The law enforcement officer surnamed Liu's face jumped tightly, as if a steel knife could not be inserted.

He was extremely angry and was about to take care of nothing when Fan Haofeng slapped him.

Haofeng suddenly said, "What's wrong with killing Hua Xuan's brother? What's wrong with me killing Hua Xuan? I'm going to kill their grandfather and his whole family!"

The law enforcement officer surnamed Liu suddenly began to be furious again.

Haofeng calculated all this, rewarded the other party with a candy on the edge of the other party's rampage, and looked at the other party's calmness.

I have to say that the other party was abused at will.