Future Thor

Chapter 77: Force me?

The back of Karp's hand made a sad sound of broken bones. On his face stained with nosebleeds, his two eyes were round, and he looked at the back of his twisted hand in disbelievably.

"Impossible! This is wrapped in a large amount of source gas. How can it be so seriously injured? Karp is in a state of panic.

It was just a kick, kicking the center of the back of his hand inward, and the surprise had made him forget the pain.

He looked at Haofeng's body in horror, and a strong thunder current condensed on his body, as if he were wrapped in lightning.

When he saw the blue lightning energy of Haofeng, his mouth suddenly opened as a boss and couldn't close it.

If you were surprised just now, you are shocked now.

Attributes? Is this an attribute? The attribute of source gas? Only the generals can cultivate the source gas attributes! How can a freshman be able to cultivate it? How is this possible? Is it possible that this freshman is a general? Karp was stunned at this time. He didn't know what to say.

Since the establishment of Nanjing University, no freshmen have entered the war.

A wisp of sweat on Karp's forehead condensed on it. At this time, he stared at the direction of Haofeng. He knew that some evil geniuses could cultivate the attributes of vitality when they were warriors.

But those are all legendary characters. There have been two or three such new students in Nanjing University. The most recent one was a year ago when a beautiful woman who could turn her source into an ice attribute.

This person is even stronger than some senior students now. She is already the cultivation of a general, and ordinary generals are not her enemy.

This beauty Haofeng also knows. She is Yan Xiaosu's sister Yan Xiaotian.

Karp would rather believe that Haofeng is a general than believe that Haofeng's potential would be so good, so he subconsciously did not imagine in this direction.

"Ha ha!" Haofeng calmly looked at Karp's direction, and there was a playful atmosphere in his eyes. Karp also played too much, and he did not hesitate at all.

His feet hit the ground hard, and the whole person bounced up, spinning a powerful force in the air, and his right foot slammed over Karp's abdomen.

Haofeng did not show any mercy. The strength of the other party is not weak, but now he is stunned by him. This opportunity is his grandson.

Puff!!! Karp's abdomen was directly kicked down, like a two-meter-high body of a hill. He was directly kicked up by this foot. He covered his abdomen and fell heavily to the ground.

The chin hit the ground abruptly, and blood came out of the corners of his mouth.

The severe pain instantly met Karp's face, and the Chinese face immediately twisted into a state of pimples, and the blood mixed with saliva spit out from his mouth.

"What a great figure!" Shen Tao knew Haofeng, but in those years, Haofeng was a weak scholar and even studied with a book on psychology every day. Although he is also wearing black-framed glasses, the power between his eyebrows has been revealed.

"The boss's kick just now is not much different from my full blow." Shen Tao is a soldier who has been trained in the army for seven or eight years. He has always wanted to protect his boss Haofeng with his fist when he meets his boss one day.

But this meeting after not seeing each other for many years, if the boss hadn't taken action, I guess he would have been injured.

What has happened to the boss in recent years? It's no less than me to have such a strong strength, but over the years, I have been practicing hard, and even most of the time during this period has been hovering between life and death.

Now, even a 100-person special forces force 20 years ago can be easily destroyed.

Shen Tao looked at Haofeng and narrowed in his eyes.

Haofeng stabilized his body from the air, floated gently, and stood on the ground. The dust could not touch his body at all.

"It's quite resistant to beats!" Haofeng looked at Karp just spit out a mouthful of blood, and then he could stand up. He was considering whether to give the other party an eternal memory and let him know what would happen if it threatened his life.

Da! Da! Da! Haofeng's footsteps slowly came in the direction of Karp. At this time, the thunder and electricity on his body surface were still lingering on it, and the energy contained in the blue lightning was as high as thousands of volts.

"No matter what you are, leave an arm if you want to kill me." Karp's deep voice came out, and he lowered his head as if he would die at any time.

Haofeng heard this sentence and frowned. He was not a careless person, and then his footsteps became slower. He wanted to see clearly what cards the Karp man had.

If you come from a big Nanjing family, there will always be some cards in your hand to save your life. This Haofeng won't be surprised. This is why Shen Tao will also have two or three cards.

When Haofeng pondered, Karp's body quickly burst out a strong ink-like source, which was so strong that it was not the same grade as just now.

"Can his strength continue to improve?" Haofeng frowned at Karp who knelt on the ground in front of him. The other party has the strength to defeat the intermediate soldiers, if it is promoted.

That's a senior warrior. If that's the case, it is estimated that a fierce battle will start. Now Haofeng lacks rest, and the power in his body will not last long.

If his powerful thunder mana disappears, I'm afraid he can't even pry open the other party's source with his flesh fist. At that time, he won't want to hurt Karp.

Haofeng's black tights and long legs were slightly bent, and he began to accumulate strength. Now he is five or six meters away from Karp, which is caused by him to kick him and fly out.

Karp's body was buried in the dark source, and even his head could not see it. There was a deep murderous atmosphere in the condensed source.

"There is a strong gas in it!" Haofeng's eyes sparkled, and he said with a little shock. He saw a surprising red murderous atmosphere under the other party's source.

Boom!!! The other party's source air suddenly made an explosion sound like a drum, and the source gas wrapped around Karp turned into a whirlpool. Haofeng could feel that the aura between heaven and earth was swallowed into it.

Now the source of the other party actually made Haofeng feel an invisible pressure, covering his body.

"If you are late, you will change. You can't wait any longer!" Now Haofeng obviously didn't want to continue to wait. He got such an idea in his heart and disappeared to the same place.

When it appeared again, it was already in front of Karp. Haofeng's long legs slid past, as if it were a long whip with lightning, which swept over the other party's forehead.

No matter how powerful the source gas is, it needs to be controlled by the brain, which is different from Haofeng's mana stored in Dantian.

As long as the other party is dizzy, the source will naturally disappear without anyone's control.

How powerful is the sweeping foot of Haofeng? This is simply incalculable. It should be more than 500 pounds of strength, but when it comes.

pa!!! It seemed that the sound of clapping appeared in Haofeng's ears.

Haofeng only felt that his feet seemed to fall into some abyss swamp, and his thighs were directly caught firmly. His foot did not make the person in front of him take a step back.

Haofeng looked over quickly and couldn't help but be shocked. His leg was caught in the palm of a huge black palm, and Karp's face hidden in the black source gas finally rose.

His face has not changed much, but his two pairs of pupils are huge, like two exposed eggs, which have turned into a blood-red state, and a large amount of blood is covered in it, and the eyes can't be released by human beings at all.

This is simply the look of a fierce beast, and there is no ordinary look at all.

"Blood~~~blood~~~." The hoarse voice came from Karp's mouth, as if the evil spirit of hell had crawled into his body, and now what he wanted most was sweet blood.

"What a horrible look!" Haofeng was also stunned. He looked back with his long legs locked, but he was abruptly trapped by the other party and could not be pulled out at all.

Can't pull it out?

Haofeng frowned. What is the other party's state now? How can he be like a ghost?

"What a great strength, it's so much stronger than just now!" Haofeng was shocked. His palm turned into a palm knife and waved a knife according to the other party's arm. The power of the hand knife wrapped in a large amount of thunder and lightning was also very powerful.

Puff~~~ This knife really cut on the bone of Karp's hand, and Karp let out a dull and miserable howling.

This also made Karp let go. Although Karp is now in a strong state, he will also be injured in front of Haofeng's flashing thunder knife.

"Death!!!" Karp suddenly walked away at the moment of being hurt by Haofeng, and his whole body flew in the direction of Haofeng, as if to throw Haofeng to the ground.

"Do you really want to die?" Haofeng said this coldly, and the lightning hidden in his eyes, and on the contrary, an invisible nihilistic energy burst out from the depths of his brain.

The power of soul... Haofeng's soul power is very powerful.

Karp is already forced by Haofeng to use the power of his soul to deal with him.