Future Thor

Chapter 231: Tricky

An hour later, the frozen space returned to its original calm. Haofeng touched his buttocks and walked forward with some resentment.

The two big demons of the green dragon tiger also appeared beside Haofeng at this time. In fact, they could have appeared, but after all, they are not the bodyguards arranged for Haofeng by the nine-tailed little white fox, so they will not appear often.

At this time, they appeared to see how horrible Haofeng was in the foundation period.

You should know that the previous Haofeng is already very strong. Ordinary warriors at the peak will not be Haofeng's opponents, let alone how strong Haofeng is now.

Now Haofeng may be said to be absolutely invincible under the King of War. No one is his opponent. I'm afraid that even the King of War can't suppress him.

Perhaps only the king of war at the peak of the first level can let Haofeng escape.

It's just an escape. It's not ideal to kill Haofeng, and there are many more life-saving moves for Haofeng who has learned magic.

Haofeng did not have so many spells, and as Haofeng with the strength of the foundation period, he no longer has to suppress his cultivation.

In this area, except for a few warlords who can kill themselves, it is no longer a big problem to use spells in front of others.

"As long as I don't meet a particularly perverted King of War, I don't think there will be any problems. At least there will be no big problems in this forest. After all, the teacher of the King of War will not come in here." Haofeng touched his chin and thought for a moment and then said.

Haofeng walked forward quickly. Now he has successfully built the foundation. The monsters are rampant outside, and the safety is indeed not so intact. In fact, it is better to return to Nanjing now.

But this is the school's assessment, which takes three months, but it only takes one day to pass.

"Let's have some fun. That tree demon king must have a big secret. I can just go and see what the hell this tree demon king is doing!" Haofeng secretly thought that he would run to the Qiyanguo Island where the Tree Demon King was located.

Far away...

In the direction of the forest on the other side, more than 40 teachers and directors stood in place, and most of them were full of anger and helplessness.

The more than 70 monsters in front of them did not mean to look at them at all. They just turned into humanoid and fell asleep on the treetops beside them.

However, although they did not watch the human war kings, Director Li and others believed that as long as they moved, it was estimated that the other party would wake up immediately.

Some teachers have begun to secretly click on the communication watch, and they need support.

There are many fifth-level cities on Thursday. Although there are not many war emperors, there is no shortage of war kings, so you can also find support.

For them, who have hundreds of war kings, the current 40 war kings are just a small wave of forces.

So although they are trapped by monsters, they are not yet nervous. After all, if monsters attack them, it will only take less than five minutes, and the strong king of war will come.

And it will never be such a simple junior war king. It is likely that it will come to President Wei and other people if President Wei appears.

I'm afraid ten of these monsters are not opponents of President Wei.

Just when the teachers didn't know what was going on in the forest and were about to click on the communication watch, messages entered their communication watch.

"Help me!! Teacher!"

"Save my director."

"Director, we have been destroyed by the monster group. Come and save people!"

A large amount of information rushed into the students like a river, which was unimaginable. Almost all teachers were stunned at the first time.

Then they immediately replied to the message.

The content of the reply is: What is the situation and why it was destroyed? Is what you said true?

yi tiao tiao xin xi enters the communication, but most of the prompts are that the other party's communication watch has been damaged. Even if the communication watch is not damaged, their information is like a mud cow entering the sea and there is no news.

This made the teachers panic.

The students are very important pillars of the future. Among the millions of students who enter, there are hundreds of warriors.

Many of them are promising to attack the King of War, which is their fresh blood.

If something happens, the number of human war kings in the vicinity is much less than that of monsters.

This will be a big deal.

"What on earth did you do to send monsters to kill our human beings?" Director Li couldn't stand it at the first time. He immediately stood up and pointed to the leading monster opposite and roared.

His roar was so loud that the demon kings with their eyes closed around opened their eyes, and their eyes were full of a ruthless murderous atmosphere.

Maybe as long as the leading monster says a word, they will kill Director Li immediately.

"Ha ha, don't be excited yet. I don't know how many monsters you humans have killed us. Now it's just that some students have died, it's not a big deal!" The leading monster has an indifferent face.

In fact, his words are indeed true. There are indeed too many monsters killed by human beings over the years.

But for human beings, these are the same as the previous poultry. Killing is killing, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Now a large number of human beings are so excited to be slaughtered by monsters, and the leading monsters are extremely despised by Director Li.

"Huh, are you monsters comparable to us humans? You monsters also have monsters that give birth to hundreds of small monsters at once. Can we humans do it? You slaughtered our students like this, do you want to go to war with us!" Director Li can't stand a monster shouting at himself like this, although this monster is stronger than him.

But there is also a king of war with the same strength as this monster, and he is not afraid at all.

The rest of the war kings were also a little annoyed when they looked at the monsters. Of course, some war kings looked at Director Li and secretly felt that he was really a little impulsive.

After all, there are more than 70 monsters here, and there are only more than 40 human beings, nearly one or two scenes.

It's definitely a disadvantage to fight, and it's likely to kill people.

The achievements of the King of War are not simple. If one or two people die, it will also be a great loss to the city.

It's just that all the war kings don't understand why Director Li is so excited because he also received Li Qing's message.

And Li Qing wrote four words in his message: Demon King, help me!

Four simple words made Director Li understand that there was definitely a demon king in it, and he was slaughtering a large number of human students.

He finally figured out that these demon kings had no intention of going to war with them at all, just delayed them.

"Damn it, it seems that you want to fight against us humans!" Director Li's hand changed twice, two horn hammers appeared in his hand, and the magnificent source power began to condense in the air.

In an instant, the surroundings were shrouded, and a large amount of source air condensed on it as if there was a fog.

Director Li's breath burst out, and the demon spirit on the demon king around him also surged out, and a war seemed to be immediately touched.

At this time, Director Li's direction, the strongest mid-term warrior, waved his hand to stop Director Li's breath.

"Don't worry, by the way, I don't know what you call it?" The man in the middle of the war king looked at the leading monster.

"Jick, how about you!"

"My name is Yuan. Do you really think your activity can kill our students this time? We human beings have always been prepared for everything. Are you trying to force us to start a full-scale war? Yuan looked at Jike calmly and said.

If President Wei and other strong people have taken emergency measures, 40 war kings are the protection of the periphery.

But this is clear protection, but in fact, there is also dark protection in it.

"Haha, you humans are really interesting, much more cunning than us monsters!" Jack heard this sentence, but he was not in a hurry at all.

This looks a little strange in Yuan's eyes.

The other party has obviously arranged opportunities for a long time. Their cards can 100% ensure the safety of good students. He has a lot of information about his cards.

You should know that the more than 40 war kings present are not as safe as that card.

"Well, this is not cunning, but safety!" Yuan ignored Jike's sarcasm.

"Haha, but you are cunning, we also have countermeasures. Do you expect your high-level king of war to secretly protect your students? Jack suddenly said.

Hearing that the senior peak war king was said, Yuan's eyes immediately widened. He really couldn't believe that the other party really knew his own peak war king.

The most important thing is to know that there is still no panic. Is it possible that the monsters have a policy to deal with it?

It must be like this.

Yuan's face darkened.

"How do you know?" Yuan's breath has begun to move.

"Haha, because your so-called super strong Yuanhong has been blocked by the elders of our red mountains. Do you think you are the only ones with the strength of the senior demon king? Our bones are not weaker than your old man Yuanhong!" Jack laughed and saw Yuan's extremely gloomy face.

"Kill!" At this time, Yuan's body burst into horrible power, and a small dagger in his hand pointed at the other party's forehead and poked it.

Fast as fast as lightning.


Jick's arm behind him also turned into the shape of a monster's claws, which met the attack of the dagger and hit them together.


There is a lot of dust around.