Future Thor

Chapter 330: Entering Huangyan City

"Bah!" Liu Shu's figure sat on the ground. He spit the saliva mixed with blood on the ground, and then he looked in the direction of Haofeng with a cold face.

Haofeng waited for the one-eyed captain to answer, but did not see that Liu Shu behind him had recovered and sat on the ground and looked at himself coldly.


A slight sound shocked Haofeng's ears, but at this time, Haofeng felt as if he was covered by a huge figure behind him.

Then the frightening sword shadow hit Haofeng's forehead in an instant, without much showing off, just as if the first ray of sunlight under the sun burst out.

"What a murderous intention!" Haofeng's eyes widened, and he was unwilling to hide his strength at this moment.

He took a step forward with his left foot, and all the center of gravity covered this point in an instant, and then his body rotated quickly.

However, although Haofeng has used all the strength of his body and the assistance of some demonic powers of Qinglong, he is a human after all and is not as invincible as in the movie.

The moment he turned around, he only heard Liu Shu's voice in front of him come coldly: "You are too careless. Don't you know? Can't you put down your guard until the last moment of life and death?"

"Puff!" Blood splashed out in an instant, and a large amount of blood spilled into the sky.

"Hm?" Liu Shu looked at the scene in front of him, and his eyes were more unbelievable.

I only saw Haofeng standing in front of him standing where he was. His shoulder was severely split by this knife, as if he was going to cut off a large piece of flesh and blood.

Blood sprayed out for free, which has dyed the nine-ring machete red. Haofeng's right index finger and middle finger are clamping the blade of the machete with strong force.

The blade could not continue to be cut, but the powerful metallic destructive power has invaded Haofeng's body.

"Puff!" Blood also flowed out of Haofeng's mouth, and the metallic force has destroyed his body.

"Hey!!!" Liu Shu was obviously very excited to see Haofeng's situation. He smiled excitedly. As long as he killed the boy in front of him, he still had a chance to grab the captain of the 23rd team.

That is a supreme right, and the road and cultivation will be better in the future.

"Your move is really fast!" Haofeng smiled at Liu Shu in front of him and said, but there was no difficult feeling on his face at all.

This is far from death. At this time, Haofeng is only one arm that can't move, and it is far from Liu Shu's goal.

This is more shocking than Liu Shu.

"Why doesn't this boy look like he's dying? This can't be done! I must work harder!" Liu Shu showed crazy thoughts in his heart, and then roared, and his palms exerted his strength to breastfeed.

"Ah!!!" Liu Shu's two eyeballs were about to stare out, and the blood-red and murderous eyeballs seemed to be about to ejected out and hit the face of the boy in front of him.

"The tiger is so powerful!" Haofeng's fingers trembled violently, and it was obvious that the huge force almost destroyed the clamping force of his two fingers.

The power from the feet is also huge, which is obviously telling how fierce the tiger power of the man in front of him is.

It's just that no one noticed a scene at this time. Haofeng's two fingers suddenly turned green, and some small armored green dragon scales grew on it.

"Me ah!" Liu Shu saw that there was no way to eliminate the man in front of him, and he suddenly felt that his back was creepy.

If you know that there is no way to kill Haofeng in such a situation, it means that you are 100% not Haofeng's opponent, as long as you get out of trouble.

Your own end will never be good!

"King Kong Punch!"

Li Shu loosened the machete held in both hands, and his right hand still used the strength to eat milk to split down. His left hand drew a circle in the air and turned into a shining golden fist, which hit Haofeng's abdomen with a punch.

Is this stumbling me secretly? Haofeng's eyes were very sharp and immediately saw this scene, but he completely disdained such a move.

And the machete on the shoulder is obviously not so strong.

"Bang!" When the fist hit, Haofeng's other palm finally moved. He gently put it in front of him, hit it with his fist, and was directly caught in the palm of his hand.

A faint green breath was released, and a faint wooden spiritual power overflowed from Haofeng's palm. The strongest attacking golden spiritual power hit this wooden spiritual power and was slowly absorbed by the wooden spiritual power.

How is it possible? How can you block my punch so easily!" Liu Shu was shocked and looked at the man in front of him with bulging eyes, as if he were looking at a monster.

His golden spiritual power is to destroy energy, and the destructive power is very strong. This move uses a lot of spiritual power condensed by Jindan in his body, and the King Kong punch can't even scratch the skin of Haofeng's palm.

What kind of power is this?

The boy younger than him in front of him actually has such a strong strength. You and his uncle came out to practice.

Liu Shu's incomparable contempt for Haofeng. He is almost 30 years old to have such cultivation, and he is also a genius in the Black Dragon Army. After all, most captains are 70 or 80 years old. Because the Jindan period can live 500 years, 70 or 80 years old is only a teenager.

But I never thought that the boy in front of me was in his early twenties. How could his strength be so perverted that he had no power to fight at all.

"Four times...Thunder Fist!" Haofeng showed his snow-white teeth and smiled. As soon as he finished speaking, he grabbed Liu Shu's palm and loosened Liu Shu's fist. In an instant, a powerful force burst out and immediately smashed into Liu Shu's face.

Does the boy in front of him dare to hurt me? Let's smash your face first.

But the situation has changed here.

When Haofeng's four powerful moves of thunder fists were about to hit Liu Shu's face, the grandson said in horror.

"I admit defeat, don't do it!"

"I wipe, give up?" When Haofeng heard this sentence, a nameless fire suddenly appeared in his heart. The guy in front of him shouted and rushed forward and stabbed himself. Now he casually admitted defeat and planned to equal it?

Where is such a delicious toad in the world?

The one-eyed captain took a look at the scene in front of him. He looked at the wooden breath on Haofeng's fist. Suddenly, his heart was also hairy. His strength was only stronger than Liu Shu. This boy beat Liu Shu and hit a falling dog, and it was easy to clean up.

If you intervene at this time and stop Haofeng, it's okay to say. If you can't stop it, so many team members here will be ashamed.

So he was silent.


Haofeng's fist with green demonic spirit still hit the tip of Liu Shu's nose. He only saw Liu Shu in front of him showing a frightened expression. Obviously, he did not expect that the boy in front of him was so rude.

I have admitted defeat...

Bum! The huge fist hit the tip of Liu Shu's nose directly. He only felt that his eyes were black, and his whole body flew backwards.

"Go!" Haofeng's fist touched the tip of Liu Shu's nose, and then did not separate, but stepped forward with his right foot, and the blue veins on his right hand burst in an instant.

His red three-headed muscle seems to be doing push-ups. With a strong push forward, great strength burst out in an instant.

Liu Shu poured out a distance of ten meters, and the back of his head directly knocked on a raised sharp stone, and blood flowed out in an instant.

"This!" The team members around were a little daze and didn't expect that a great monk of Jindan period would end up like this.

Haofeng pulled out the machete that was still stuck on his shoulder and splashed a lot of blood.

At this time, the one-eyed captain also rushed over, glanced at Haofeng, and then paid more attention to Liu Shu.

The other party is obviously unconscious and his life is not in danger.

"Save him!" The one-eyed captain ordered the team members around him and then looked in the direction of Haofeng.

"Come with me, and I'll take you to sign up for the competition of the captain of the Black Dragon Guard the day after tomorrow!" At this time, the one-eyed captain looked at Haofeng's eyes changed, as if he had become a little cautious.

You should know that if the man in front of you fights with him, I'm afraid he may not be an opponent.

This boy used to greet him and treat him as a little brother. Now he knows that Haofeng's strength is not simple, and his tone is not so bad.

"This boy is likely to be the captain of the 23rd team in the future. It's still good to have a good relationship!" The one-eyed captain looked at Haofeng as the captain.

"Good!" Haofeng nodded and replied. He stroked his palm on his wound, and a stream of wooden spiritual power was released on it, slowly healing his wound.

"It's a pity that I didn't bring my spiritual fruit!" Haofeng looked at the slowly healed injury, and he had a headache.

The captain of the one-eyed black dragon guard is obviously in a high position. When he walked into the gate guard, the guards quickly greeted him with respect.

Haofeng followed him all the way to the center of the city. From time to time, he looked around. Huangyan City really lacked many people.

There are not many people walking in the huge street shop, and the second class of the store are dozed off.

"I didn't come in to see it as a black dragon guard. Now I didn't expect Huangyan City to become like this!" Haofeng sighed.

"follow closely. There is a taboo array behind it, which is the range guarded by Jinlong's personal guards. Keep a low profile, okay?" The one-eyed captain continued to walk forward and said.

"Golden Dragon Guard?" Haofeng nodded.