Future Thor

Chapter 360: Get the Big Brother

"Brother, stop it. It's not too late for you to stop now. I will definitely explain everything to the master. I believe you didn't deliberately kill the fifth brother!"

There is a man standing above Huangyan City. He is wearing a green robe. He seems to be 42 or three years old, exuding a soft green breath of life.

This person's name is Yuanyi, who is the adopted son recovered by the old man Yuansheng and his first chief disciple. His strength has long been at an extreme level.

Rumor has it that Yuanyi once fought with the old monster of the Huashen period, and finally was able to escape calmly. His strength is already an extremely powerful monster in the Yuanying period.

Ordinary infancy monks are similar to ants in his eyes.

This time he came to Huangyan City in person to find his fifth and seventh brothers who had disappeared for a long time. Unfortunately, he could not feel the breath of his brother.

On the contrary, when he first came, he was attacked by a strange spiritual array.

Originally, he didn't value Huangshi City much. After all, his eyes are almost the same as the old monsters of the ordinary Huashen period, and he has always had a feeling of being above them.

All the younger brothers in the ordinary days also have extremely respect for him. As long as he comes out, Huangshicheng will be afraid no matter how strong he is.

It's just that things didn't develop as much as he imagined. When he was attacked by this array, he saw the man standing in the array.

The terrorist power released by him is not weaker than himself. On the contrary, the power of the combination of two different breaths is even more strange.

For a while, Yuanyi got rid of the idea of forcibly capturing Huangshi City at the beginning, and it was not the imperial way.

"Big Brother!" Huang Shicheng stood in mid-air. Through the array, he saw the super disciple in front of him, and suddenly a sneer appeared at the corners of his mouth.

Can you finally provoke a big man? I can finally do this. Huang Shicheng did not have any surprise in his heart at this time. On the contrary, he felt very happy in his heart.

When have you been so face to someone? When did these big brothers and two brothers and that damn master look at me?

At the beginning, these hypocritical guys never paid attention to my life and death. My strength was strong or weak had nothing to do with them.

"Eh? Brother, you are still my brother. I hope you don't go astray!" Yuanyi looked at Huangshi City, where the person in front of him did not look like a demon, and suddenly longed for it. He understood the strength of this boy, and his potential was not very strong under the master's door.

But it's unbelievable that he has grown to such a point in less than a year. What secret is he hiding?

As long as he can promise me, I will definitely** him.

Yuanyi has regarded Huangshi City in front of him as a dead man. He is dedicated to getting the magic practiced by Huangshi City. As long as he gets this secret, he may be able to break through the divine period, and even his strength will be stronger than the master.

He can't give up such a big opportunity.

"This boy, I call him so kindly now that he should listen to me." Yuanyi looked at Huangshi City with more confidence. In the past, in the sect, which of those brothers saw that he was not bowing.

Is it just that things will really develop as he imagined?

"Big brother? What kind of brother are you? Do I know you? Huang Shicheng suddenly laughed arrogantly, and the two turbulent breaths on his body began to shake with his loud laughter, which strongly made the whole space expand quickly.

The power of the array flashed with a stronger light, and for a moment, it began to attack Yuanyi's body.

Yuanyi did not dare to hold it big. He only saw his body jump backwards and flashed back 30 to 40 meters in mid-air.

The light could not shine on Yuan Yi's body, and then withdrew it again and wandered next to the array.

"I didn't expect to be quite cautious!" Huangshicheng thought so in his heart.

"I'm your big brother, don't you remember?" Yuan Yi wanted to run away, but he didn't expect that the power of the array would be so strong. He could only calculate the array eyes of the array and calculate the way to break it, while looking at Huangshi City in front of him intending to chat and delay time.

Originally, he wanted to calm down the storm in Huangshi City and delay the time, but he didn't expect that his words caused more violent energy.

"Bulls, do you know my name?" Huang Shicheng raised his hands and only felt a strong light on his two palms.

One green and one black, two different breaths began to rotate around his body, as if it had turned into a Taiji pattern.

Huangshicheng's talent is indeed very high. During the semi-demon cultivation, he soon understood how to contain the two forces together.

It is no exaggeration to say that his strength is now very horrible, much stronger than simple monsters or monks.

After all, demon qi and aura belong to two forces of good and evil. The two forces can be mixed together, but it is not a superposition of one plus one equals two.

And with the power of one person, the degree of cooperation between the two forces is also very powerful.

"You...call!" Yuanyi wanted to say the name of Huangshi City, but then he remembered that there were hundreds of disciples of the division, including more than 10,000 registered disciples. With so many disciples, he only remembered the names of the core disciples.

It is obvious that the disciple in front of him could not be ranked among the teachers at the beginning. How could he know his name?

"Break the source barrier!"

A ten-meter-wide invisible shield attacked Yuanyi's body, which was as fast as lightning and could not be avoided at all.

"Yuan Shen's body protection wood!" When Yuan saw this shield attack, his face suddenly turned aside, and then he suddenly drank it out, and the breath on his body burst out in an instant and wrapped his body in it.

A tree appeared in the sky, and a shield hit it.

"Break!" Huangshi City did not hesitate at all. He shouted coldly and pointed to the invisible shield in the sky.

A breath burst out from the fingertips.

The shield suddenly broke apart, and an invisible spear shot from it and instantly broke through the tree.


Yuanyi's body retreated three or four meters back. He only saw his palm blocking the invisible spear, but the spear actually pierced his palm, making a few drops of blood flow from the palm of his hand.

He was injured and became a great disciple for so many years. Although several of them challenged his brothers, which one could please him.

But today, he was injured by a younger brother who didn't know his name.

"How do you know the secret art? You, an inferior disciple, actually know one of the secrets of the master?" Yuan looked at the direction of Huangshi City, and there was a murderous intention in his eyes. This time, he finally had no hypocrisy and despised Huangshi City when he opened his mouth.

"Hypocrites, your brothers are all dead. Of course I know their secrets!" Huang Shicheng sneered. When he ate his brother, he had already got this information from Yuanying.

"You want to die!" Two lights and shadows suddenly appeared on Yuanyi's body, and a green divine wood vine armor appeared on his body, which released a strong light.

And a green tiger tooth hammer appeared in his palm, and his figure suddenly disappeared in place.


A hammer hit, and a huge source of gas was released from his body. Dozens of trees fell from the sky like spears, attacking the formation of Yellowstone City one by one.

The blow of rage was actually strong to the extreme.

Not many people in Yuanshengmen have seen the big brother's full blow. The sky is like rain falling trees, which is also shocking.

"The art of Yuansheng, you have also played to the extreme! But I can do this too!" Huangshicheng's eyes became extremely cold, and a beast's light was released from his eyes.

Although he does not have the state of monsters on the surface, the situation is not so good. On the contrary, his soul has become half human and half demons.

"The source of hundreds of trees!" Huang Shicheng released the same violent source of anger with his left hand, and he suddenly shot at the formation in the sky.


The source of anger was released and condensed into a huge tree, bursting into the sky, like a spear thrown out.

Yuanyi's trees are more pure. In contrast, there is a slight invisible pressure in the trees in Huangshi City, and the green branches and leaves on the trees seem to be a little dull.

Demon texts are carved on the wooden poles one by one.

The two trees collided.

"Boom!!!" The strong vibration exploded, and the surrounding buildings collapsed in an instant, and the central part of Huangshi City was once again treated as destroyed.

The two forces exploded, and the formation shattered.

Huangshicheng felt that his chest was undulating, and a stream of blood surged to his throat, and only felt that a sweetness was almost sprayed out.

His strength is always a little worse than that of this elder brother.

"Break!" Yuanyi's figure appeared in front of Huangshi City, and the tiger tooth hammer in his hand opened all the broken branches around him.

When he saw Huangshi City, he aimed at Huangshi City's forehead and hit it directly with a hammer.