Future Thor

Chapter 392: Spiritual Cultivation Finale

Two men in snow-white robes appeared in front of them, and the huge wind character was carved on the back of their robes.

This is written in a kind of traditional Chinese. When Haofeng saw the two figures rushing to this side.

He was also shocked, and the Dharma that had comfortably devouring the strong fairy spirit around him was also loosened.

"Stealing immortal things, there are still some Taoist ants, but the crime has been killed. Let's kill him!" A man in a snow-white robe like a Confucian scholar said to his partner next to him.


"Sword of the Fairy!" With a slight lift in their hands, two snow-white swords appeared in the palm of their hands, and their left hand pinched the magic decision, aimed at the top of their right hand.

The violent energy burst out of the blade, and they did not hesitate to aim at Haofeng's body hidden in the clouds and directly cut it down with a sword.

"It's so fast!" Haofeng only felt that his eyes lit up, and then the blade was already a meter above his eyebrows.

This speed is even faster than him, and the speed of the two people in front of him is not comparable to him at all.

"Dragon Thunder Sword!" How dare Haofeng hesitate? He immediately pulled out his right hand from the clouds. His mind moved, and a long sword with the dragon's hilt releasing white thunder and lightning appeared on his palm.

Haofeng crossed his dragon thunder sword forward, and the blade of the other two had already been split.

The sword spirit formed by the convergence of two snow-white fairy spirits directly hit Haofeng's wrist, and the unbearable force acted in his own tiger's mouth.

"Damn it!" Haofeng just cursed, and then his figure flew out by the other party's violent fairy.

Haofeng stood in the distance. He looked at the two thin men in front of him. The two immortals were filled with a strong fairy spirit.

His face was very surprised. He broke through the realm of transformation, and even the perfect monk of the real realm of transformation had only 20% or 30% of the certainty that he could escape.

But he suffered a sting here, which surprised Haofeng.

Of course, Haofeng has just broken through. He can only use 50% of his power for the time being, but this is no longer comparable to ordinary immortals.

"Yo, I didn't expect this boy to be quite fierce. We two brothers fought together. Even if the earth fairy could fight in the later stage, this boy was only slightly injured!" The two immortals in front of him were obviously more surprised than Haofeng.

They are real immortals. They also recognize that the teenager in front of them only belongs to the mortals below, but can the mortals actually block the attack of the two of them?

"Do it, use the fairy weapon!" The two immortals were obviously very dissatisfied with the result. They read the formula, waved their sleeves, and two transparent blades appeared in front of them.

As soon as the blade appeared, the fairy spirit around was stirred up, and a stronger force than just now began to condense.

Haofeng's face changed. When he saw these two transparent blades appear, he already had a sense of crisis. If he still stayed here, I'm afraid he would be killed here.

"Go!" The two immortals acted exactly the same and suddenly pointed to Haofeng's body, and the two transparent blades passed directly through Haofeng's body like lightning.

It all passed through the heart of the teenager in front of him.

One hit, but the two immortals did not look happy. On the contrary, their faces were a little ugly.

At the same time, the figure of the teenager in front of them slowly turned into nothingness and disappeared.

"Have you gone back to the mortal world? It took two minutes in total. Unexpectedly, he persisted for two minutes in the fairyland with his own Taoism before disappearing. This boy is also strong enough!"

"Forget it, brother, anyway, let's tell the fairy official about this!"

The two immortals talked for a while, so they sped in the other direction.

In the hanging high-rise building, Haofeng's figure suddenly appeared in place. He fell to the ground and made a violent vibration sound.


Haofeng hit the ground and almost looked a little unconscious. He gasped, and a drop of blood on his palm condensed in his palm, and then hit the ground.

No one found Haofeng's situation at this time. He lay on the ground and looked a little weak.

"The fairy power contained in my body is enough for me to break through to the middle of my incarnation!" Haofeng nodded and felt the energy in his body.

Even if he soared now, I'm afraid he is at least a fairy level.

Just between Haofeng and the world, a line of fonts appeared on the originally clear sky.

"You have a deep cultivation, and you have to stay in the world for a long time. Leave!"

This line of fonts has been seen by many monks, and most people are surprised. This is a vision of heaven and earth that no one has ever seen.

"Are these the hands and feet made by the spirit of heaven and earth?" The nine-tailed little fox, who had been playing with Yan Xiaotian, suddenly flashed into the sky. She looked at the font in the sky and looked back at Haofeng, with a little surprise on her face.

Do you want me to make a decision? If you don't make a decision, will you attack me immediately?" Haofeng felt the feeling of rejection between heaven and earth.

At this time, he could not breathe the spiritual power of heaven and earth, and could not feel the support of heaven and earth.

"What's going on? Don't you allow me to devour the spiritual power of this world to speed up the reduction of my life expectancy?" Haofeng felt the changes around him, and he was a little surprised by the occurrence of this kind of change.

"You have been cut off by the spirit of heaven and earth!" The figure of the nine-tailed little white fox appeared in front of Haofeng. When the perfect human beauty appeared in front of him, it still made Haofeng feel a little suffocating.

"Cut off the induction? Why did you do this?" Haofeng saw the arrival of the nine-tailed little white fox, and he was not surprised. Even with this cultivation, he still couldn't see how the nine-tailed little white fox appeared.

But he understands that the nine-tailed little white fox is here to solve his doubts.

"That's because your strength has exceeded the strongest level of this interface. If you stay here, you will feel a crisis in the spirit of heaven and earth itself!" The nine-tailed little fox opened its big round eyes and looked at Haofeng and said.

"Threat?" Haofeng frowned. How could he threaten the spirit of heaven and earth? Although he already felt that there were not many things that could bind him.

In this way, some people may not understand, but in short, Haofeng has broken through the law of the circulation of heaven and earth.

For example, life, old age, illness and death are all heavenly Tao, but Haofeng's strength is stronger than Tiandao, so it will form the possibility of immortality.

The immortality after this world violates the law is different from the eternal life in the true sense.

"Yes, if you are willing to fly up now, the spirit of heaven and earth will not stop you or give you any thunder disaster, because its current strength is probably similar to yours." The nine-tailed little fox smiled and said. She looked at the young man in front of her and sighed with emotion in her heart.

I guess this little guy doesn't know that he is much better than that devil. Now if he is tough, I'm afraid that even the mid-term immortals will be killed.

"No interception?" Haofeng frowned. He had already understood that in this interface, he had also reached the peak. Now even if he didn't want to fly, the spirit of heaven and earth would not be happy.

This is coercion.

Haofeng couldn't laugh bitterly in his heart. He was a wizard who cultivated to such a level and was forced to become an immortal by a heavenly way.

"The ordinary God period will not take action randomly. That's because the ordinary God period monks already have some spiritual power blocked. If they take action randomly, it will destroy the stability of this world. I guess you have also seen that some powerful gods period will tear this space with all their strength and form many The space crack will actually hurt Tiandao!" Nine-tailed little white fox said when he saw that Haofeng still didn't understand.

"So the cultivation of monks in the Huashen period is very difficult, because when it comes to the realm of Huashen, heaven and earth will not help anything, and in the following realm, heaven and earth will also provide spiritual power to help when practicing!"

"It's just that they are barriers to some spiritual sensing, and you are directly cut off!" The nine-tailed little fox covered his little mouth and smiled.

"What should I do?" Haofeng doesn't know what to do.

"Flying, there is nothing interesting anyway!" The nine-tailed little fox shook his head and said to Haofeng, but later added another sentence: "But you have offended a demigod, and it is estimated that you have practiced the formula and have been known by many gods. If you fly up, you may be locked by some gods, and then start to deprive your secret. Some gods are comparable to I'm much stronger now. I'm in a state of injury, and I can only use about 1% of my strength. Don't want me to protect you!"

The nine-tailed little white fox solved Haofeng's idea.

"I have soared, and my parents are going to stay here. They will live, old, sick and die. Even if I become a fairy, I can't solve all this!" Haofeng stood up and looked at the nine-tailed little white fox and sighed.

"Yes, even if you become a fairy, your parents will still die. Their qualifications are so poor that they can't become immortals!"

"Is there a solution?"

"Yes, when you cultivate to an extreme level, you can take them to fly up together. At that time, under the fairy spirit of the fairyland and my training, they will have a chance to become immortals!"

"Then I have no chance to practice now, no spiritual power!" Haofeng shook his head with a bitter smile. He was unwilling to abandon his relatives and fly alone.

"Haha, I am the invincible nine-tailed little white fox in the world. There is any way. I have a way to practice without spiritual power!" The nine-tailed little fox looked at Haofeng and said contemptuously.

"What!" Haofeng stared straight.

"Are you ready for training?" The nine-tailed little white fox showed its snow-white teeth, as if it had returned to the first time he saw it.

"Don't forget that you are a genius!"

The same coaxing words as those years, but this words did not make Haofeng swear as before. He smiled and nodded maturely.

Haofeng's new practice began again. He seemed to turn into the poor child of a weak scholar who knew nothing, and the childishness on his face reappeared again.

"In fact, everything in the world is a cycle. Sometimes I feel that the result is very important, but I haven't thought about the opportunity more than once. This time it won't work. Just continue next time!"
