Pome Star

Chapter 1 Mysterious Girl

Don't be greedy

Mo Gre sits on the sofa in the living room with a restless look. The room is quiet and can be heard even if a needle falls to the ground.

Just now, he received a phone call from his parents. Because of a temporary business in the company, his parents have to work overtime and will probably come back very late at night.

This also made Mo Greed his breath relaxed. After all, he carried back a girl covered in blood half an hour ago.

At this moment, Mo Cong's bedroom door was locked. When the girl refused to go to the hospital, Mo Cong immediately decided to send the girl to her home first and then find a way. After returning home, the girl took out a charm from somewhere, let Mo Cong about her back, and then let her lie quietly in the room.

Although he felt that the girl might hang up at any time due to excessive blood loss, he had to lock the bedroom door and sit alone in the living room.

What happened after starting the Gongkou magazine from himself has kept Mo Greedy's mind in a state of chaos, because too many things happened that made him difficult to understand.

Mo Greed and touched the jade bracelet on his wrist. If it hadn't been for the clear touch from his fingertips, Mo Greed might have really thought that he had just had a dream, and now he woken up.

But sometimes people are like this. They have an instinctive resistance to the unknown, but once they decide to accept it, they want to know more.

And now Mo Grebe has begun to study how to start the jade bracelet again, because in the battle with Niutou just now, although he was very afraid, the feeling of lightness and ease is very enjoyable.

After fiddling with it for a long time, Mo Greed never successfully launched the jade bracelet, so he had no choice but to give up.

At this time, the door of the bedroom opened.

Mo Greed quickly turned around and saw the girl appear at the door, but her loose hair and blood all over her body made her look more horrible at this moment.

Don't resist the impulse to scream. He looked at the girl carefully and found that the girl stood steadily, her legs did not shake, and it seemed that there was no big problem.

"How did you do it..." Mo greedy couldn't help guessing: "Relying on that strange Taoist charm?"

"Can I use it in the bathroom?" The girl asked calmly.

"Of course." Mo Grean nodded. Although this horrible picture has been deeply imprinted in his mind and can't be forgotten, Mo Grean is still very happy to watch it for a while.

With the sound of running water in the bathroom, Mo Gree returned to his room, rolled up the blood-stained sheets into a ball, and then took out today's homework.

Although I have experienced fantasy events just now, I still have to return to reality, and I still need to return to that uniform life.

No matter how strange it is, it is just a passing thing in life.

Moreover, the girl also said just now that this jade bracelet was not prepared for herself, but temporarily borrowed it for herself in a hurry. After all, it still needs to be returned to the original owner.

Mo Gree won't use the bracelet, and it is also a girl's jewelry, so Mo Gree naturally won't be greedy.

At this time, the sound of running water in the bathroom stopped abruptly, and then there was the sound of opening the door.

"All right..." Mo Greed up slowly stood up, and then the girl's voice also came.

"It's so hot... Hey, do you have any cold drinks?"

The moment he saw the girl, the blood all over his body coagulated instantly.

It's not because the girl is tightly wrapped in a bath towel. This level of killing is not enough to make him lose his mind.

The long black and bright hair is still with a little moisture, scattered on the shoulders, which sets off the white skin. The big apricot eyes are matched with cherry lips, and the fit is surprisingly high. The beautiful girl Mo Cong has never seen it, but she looks at it with her own eyes at such a close distance, coupled with such a killing picture. ... Mo Gre felt that his nostrils seemed to flow out of a warm**.

The girl frowned slightly and took out a pair of eyebrow thorns from behind as if nothing had happened: "Are you listening to me?"

The creature's instinct in the face of danger immediately made Mo Greed Lingtai clear.

"For popsicles, there should be a few in the refrigerator." Mo Greed out a popsicle from the refrigerator and handed it to the girl.

"Wow..." The girl took the popsicle and sat on the sofa with a happy face.

Mo Congman stood aside like a housekeeper, because he noticed that the girl's other hand was always holding the eyebrow thorn tightly, and he was afraid that he was ready to deal with emergencies.

"Ah, if you don't mind, can you buy me a set of clothes? After all, the previous suit was dirty and broken, and the combat uniform was a little too conspicuous. The girl handed a pink wallet to Mo Grean: "Go back quickly."

It is naturally incumbent to be greedy for beautiful women, and although the atmosphere here looks relaxed, it may be bloody at any time. It's better for you to escape away. Don't pick up your wallet and leave your home quickly

Half an hour later, Mo Greed on the sofa and gasped, while the girl had changed into an ordinary casual dress and stood in front of the mirror to sort it out. The hair of the shawl had also been tied up into a ponytail, which made the girl look more heroic.

"Well, the next step is to deal with the aftermath." The girl said to the mirror.

Don't get up from the sofa. He suddenly thought of a problem. The aftermath generally refers to dealing with the hidden dangers left behind. What happened today is too strange. It is clear that it can't be spread out. Isn't this girl going to kill people...

Thinking of this, Mo Greed's forehead was full of cold sweat.

"Hmm?" The girl took a strange look at Mo Greed, seemed to see through his thoughts, and smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm not a bad person or a member of an evil organization." After saying that, she took out a small silver-white stick from her pocket. The girl gently pressed the stick, and then pointed the two red lenses on it to Mo Greede's eyes: "Have a good sleep and forget all this when you wake up."

Don't stare at the little stick, which feels like a device used by the protagonist to eliminate other people's memories in the Hollywood movie Black Man you have seen.

"Okay, forget all this and go back to the same life as before..." Don't think about it secretly.

The girl was about to start the device when she suddenly glanced over Mo Greed's wrist: "Ah, by the way, before that, give me back the ethereal bracelet."

"Empty bracelet?" Don't repeat doubtfully.

"It's the bracelet in your hand. That's a girl's jewelry. Are you a fetish?" The girl stared at Mo greedily with contemptuous eyes.

"You gave this to me!" Mo Cong immediately replied, and then removed the bracelet with the other hand: "Ah? Why can't it be removed?"

"If you can take it with you, you can remove it. You can't use this as an excuse to leave the ethereal bracelet." The girl shook her head and said.

"It really can't be removed!" Mo said in a sweat, "Why don't you try it? After all, it's your thing."

The girl reached out and held the ethereal bracelet and tried hard to remove it, but found that the ethereal bracelet did not move at all, as if it had grown on Mo's wrist and become a part of her body.

"Wait a minute..." The girl stared at Mo and asked, "Have you dripped blood on it..."

Don't retort loudly: "Don't shirk your responsibility. It's clear that you dripped blood after stabbed my wrist just now!"

"There is no need to care about such a trivial matter!" The girl immediately retorted.

"That's the point of the problem!" Mo Greed loudly, and suddenly he remembered the plot of the online novel he had read and couldn't help but be happy: "Is this the legendary blood recognition of the Lord? From now on, this magical bracelet belongs to me. Can't anyone else use it?

"Are you dreaming?" The girl immediately extinguished Mo Gree's fantasy: "Blood is just a verification step. Only in this way can the ethereal bracelet achieve more than 100% synchronization rate with the user, but doing so will indeed make the bracelet impossible for others to use for the time being, but it is not without a way to remove it... Unfortunately, I didn't bring the tool with me. Well, if you go back to pick it up, you can't rest assuredly put you here... Well, then please go back with me."

"Will I go back with you? Where are you going? Don't ask doubtfully.

"Of course, go where people like us should go," the girl said with a smile, "And you seem to be very interested in these things..."

"Wouldn't you like to have a look?"