Pome Star

Chapter 56 Surface Crack

(Sorry, the dormitory is out of power)

The Hummer drove alone in the desolate wild, and occasionally lonely zombies appeared in the sight of everyone. They wanted to catch up with the car and attack everyone, but they were soon dumped without a trace.

In this planet, which has been occupied by zombies, the air is full of the smell of death, but the intensity is different in different regions.

"...That's basically it, before I meet you." Mo Greed and shrugged his shoulders and said, "What's the matter with you? Even if you are tricked by those guys, you won't be fooled, will you?"

"Don't mention this to me..." Bai Wei replied with a dark face.

"Ha... It seems that the reasons inside are also very complicated..." Mo Gan seems to understand something: "But what should we do next? Obviously, it was calculated by the aborigines on this plane. Not only were the plane passage buried in the ruins, but also had to face the people who were still in the mysterious organization on this planet. There is always a sense of desperateness.

"About this issue..." The red leaf driving the car took out a pile of information from his pocket and handed it to Mo Gree.

Don't take over the information and take a look at it, except for a variety of mathematical formulas and obscure words.

"Uh-huh, um..." Mo greedy looked at the information carefully and kept nodding at the same time.

"Huh? Can you understand it?" Bai Wei came over and asked strangely.

"This kind of thing..." Mo smiled disdainfully and returned the information to Hongye: "... I can't understand it at all!"

"Are you playing treasure?" Bai Wei punched Mo Gree in the back of the head.

"Well...pain, pain, pain..."

"What's up there, Xiaoye?" Qingjing asked curiously by turning over the information.

"Theoretical report on plane cracks." Hongye gently held his glasses and said.

"What is that?" Bai Wei asked puzzledly.

"According to the law of conservation of energy in physics, energy will neither be generated nor disappear out of thin air. It can only be transformed from one form to another, or transferred from one object to another. In the process of transformation or transfer, the total amount of energy remains unchanged, but the emergence of plane channels breaks this An eternal law.

"When a person or object goes to another plane through the plane channel, for this plane, the energy contained in his whole body molecules, indeed disappears out of thin air, and the law of energy conservation is absolute, so this plane will instinctively repair errors and make up for losses, that is, in another A place forms a plane crack and waits for a person or thing that is enough to fill the energy loss, but is not formed in a fixed place, but randomly generated. This is why there are inexplicable disappearances in various countries every year. The novel always records that all kinds of people travel to various planes, no It's just bad luck to encounter a plane crack.

"Will it attract the surrounding things to the forced channel like a wormhole?" Mo Gre frowned and asked, "Why don't I have the invincible character of the protagonist in the novel..."

"No, plane cracks are not forced traction," Hongye said calmly, "After all, one plane cannot affect another plane, but if the appearance of plane cracks cannot restore energy conservation, then space-time will inevitably produce stronger means to repair mistakes, just like Like the movie Hacker ○ Country, a small mistake will become a very big bug if it is not fixed, so sometimes the managers of the space border bureau do not have any special mission to go to other planes, but simply fill the energy gap between the planes.

Mo greedy stared at the radar and counted: "Well, about 5, but it is not exactly distributed in this direction. There are some deviations."

"Then let's hope it doesn't disappear until we find the right plane crack." Hongye said calmly.