Pome Star

Chapter 107 Hotel Conflict

After hurriedly leaving the black dragon's nest, Mo Gree was finally relieved.

Although the dragon had put away its own pressure just now, Longwei could not deliberately put it away. Because of the big gap in strength, Mo Grean felt shortness of breath when he stayed with the dragon for a while.

"Don't be greedy, map." Liang Yu said calmly.

Don't raise your right wrist, control the energy field in your body to inject energy into the spiritual ring, and then a light screen is projected into the air.

"We are in this position..." Liang Yu pointed to the map on the light screen and said, "And our client is waiting for us here. Bai Wei came to this world only 5 hours earlier. If we hurry up, we can catch up with them in time... It's not too late, we will set off immediately."

After saying that, Liang Yu ran forward.

"Hey, hey, don't be like this..." Mo Lian quickly put away the light screen and caught up with it.

"Creation does not require a specific time and occasion, but something that can be carried out at any time." Liang Yu said calmly.

"Suddenly I regret coming out with you, an M man..." Mo whispered greedily.

——————Split line————

Lausanne Town was originally just an ordinary town at the foot of the mountain, but because of the emergence of plane channels, the town gradually became more and more visitors from other places, and the town began to develop rapidly.

Running all the way down from the mountain, Mo Gree was out of breath and sweat soaked his clothes. Although Liang Yu's situation was not so exaggerated, it was not much better.

"Oh, the city, that's great," Mo Gan looked at the town and said, "I think we can find some transportation tools there and take a break to eat something."

"Let's go." Liang Yu said calmly.

Stepping into the town, Mo and Liang Yu can obviously feel the vitality and vitality of the whole town. There are all kinds of shops selling a full range of goods on both sides of the street, and the pedestrians on the street are full of energy and vitality.

"goo~~~~" Mo's abdomen made a discordant sound.

"If you don't mind, I suggest eating something first." Don't be greedy.

Liang Yu took a look at Mo Greed and turned to the hotel next to him.

At this time, in the hotel, several strong men sat around a table eating and drinking. There were already some empty wine bottles on the table, and they were still drinking and talking about something.

What's strange is that they all have some bruises on their faces and some abrasions on their hands. It seems that they had a fight not long ago.

"Wow--" A man put down his glass and said with a sigh of relief, "Huh, parallel plane? This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.

"If you still think it's ridiculous after listening to something for 3 years, it only means that you are ridiculous." Another man retorted.

"Do you want to quarrel? But it's useless to argue with you," the man who opened his mouth drank a big sip of wine and said, "First, the hunters' association, then the empty border, and then the order alliance. Cross-domain organizations emerged one by one. The days of our local mercenary union are getting worse and worse..."

"The law of the jungle is the main theme of history. These organizations have strange people in various parallel worlds and hold things that we are far from knowing. Naturally, they are more efficient and cheaper than our mercenary union. In this case, why entrust us?" The second person seems to have made up his mind to sing the opposite.

"Well, now I'm sure you're really looking for trouble." The first man slapped the table and said, and his voice gradually increased.

"Enough!" The third man, who has never spoken, whispered, "If you want to make trouble and go back and break this place, we don't have extra money to pay."

The first two men looked at him and then calmed down.

"When will such a dog day come to an end!" The first man took another sip of wine and said in a muffled voice.

At this time, two teenagers dressed in people who were obviously different from this world walked into the hotel. After all, it was very close to the plane passage, and the hotel owner had also entertained many other guests in the parallel world. He quickly came forward to entertain the two teenagers.

"Beat some food, the sooner the better. I'm starving..." Mo Greed and muttered feebly on the table.

"Okay." The hotel owner immediately motioned to the waiter to get some food: "Do you have any other instructions?"

"Do you know where to buy some transportation?" Don't lie on the table and continue to ask.

"If you two want to buy a horse, I know a few horse dealers." The hotel owner said kindly.

"One more thing," Liang Yu picked up a photo of Su Can, an S-level manager: "Have you seen this person?"

"Oh..." The innkeeper showed a headache the moment he saw the photo: "Yes, I just saw it not long ago."

"Oh?" Liang Yu showed an expression of interest.

"This guy stole a few bottles of wine from my cellar, and didn't pay a penny... If it hadn't been for this guy, I would have been long ago..." The hotel owner said angrily, "Since you two are looking for him, you must have been with him. You two are doing well, and I'm also a small business here. ......”

"The Border Bureau will compensate you for your loss. Don't worry." Liang Yu said calmly, "Do you know where he is going next?"

"Ah, he was with a young girl and made the same plan as the two of them. He bought a horse and left." The innkeeper recalled.

"I know." Liang Yu nodded and said.

The hotel owner ordered the issue of compensation again, and then returned with gratitude.

"If you have a good rest, let's go." Liang Yu turned his head and said to Mo Greed.

"What? Are you kidding? I haven't eaten anything yet. Mo Greed and said to Liang Yu dissatisfiedly.

"We can buy something else to eat on the road," Liang Yu stood up and said, "If you don't like to be disturbed when eating..."

Mo Greed his head and looked at it, but saw a strong man sitting at the table next to him coming with a bad face.

"What did we do wrong?" Don't ask strangely.

"Just go." Liang Yu walked out quickly.

"Don't rush to go, little brother..." The mercenary blocked the door first, looked at Liang Yu and said, "You seem to need help. Are you looking for someone?"

"We have found it." Liang Yu said calmly.

"Oh, isn't it?" The mercenary nodded and said, "I owe him something. I hope you can help me return it to him..." Before he finished speaking, the mercenary suddenly punched Liang Yu.

Liang Yu seemed to be ready. He raised one arm to block the opponent's attack, and the other hand turned into a knife to cut the mercenary's neck.

The mercenary reacted equally quickly, raised his arm to block Liang Yu's attack, and at the same time withdrew his other arm and hit it out suddenly.

Feed that the momentum of this punch seemed to be a little different, and Liang Yu quickly crossed his arms to protect his chest, blocking the mercenary's iron fist.

The mercenary sneered and suddenly roared. A strong momentum burst out of his arm and pushed Liang Yu out. Liang Yu quickly bent down and rubbed his feet to the ground for a few meters before stopping.

"Wow..." Mo Greeden looked at the mercenary with a strange expression: "Is this the legendary fighting spirit?"