Pome Star

Chapter 112 High Auction

The middle-aged lady looked at the handsome teenager in front of her. At this moment, the teenager has changed into a gorgeous black dress. After the handsome appearance was matched with clothes just now, the charm index increased sharply. It is true that people rely on clothes.

Although she has seen many handsome opposite sexes, the middle-aged lady still has stars in her eyes at this moment. She can't help but come to Liang Yu's side and seems to want to eat the Zhengtai in front of her now.

Liang Yu's mood did not change at all. His face was calm, but one hand had been behind his back and touched the gun bag under the dress.

"If we don't have enough time, maybe we can do something more meaningful," the middle-aged lady looked at Liang Yu and said, "It's a pity that the auction is about to begin. Let's go."

Liang Yu nodded calmly. Although there was no change in his face, Liang Yu breathed a long sigh of relief.

He would rather face the endless zombies in the biochemical world than this woman in this normal world.

Follow the middle-aged lady down the stairs to the basement of the club. Below is a huge auction venue. Obviously, what is sold here is not something that can be found through legal channels.

The middle-aged lady took Liang Yu to sit in the middle seat, and then took his arm. Liang Yu almost subconsciously wanted to shake the middle-aged lady away, but he knew that it was not the time to turn against her.

At this moment, other distinguished guests in the club are also entering one after another. Liang Yu calmly observed the surroundings. In addition to these distinguished guests, there are also many warriors patrolling the aisle on the side of the venue. These warriors seem to be stronger than the warriors who watch the door.

"How long is my limit if I deal with a person?" Liang Yu thought calmly, "5 minutes? Or even shorter? If you deal with 2 people, the time may be shortened by two-thirds. If there is one more person, I will be killed in 10 seconds. Damn it! If I have enough strength..."

"Handsome guy, you seem to be very uneasy?" The middle-aged lady turned her head and looked at him and said.

"Do you have it?" Liang Yu asked calmly.

"Your hand is bleeding." The middle-aged lady looked at Liang Yu's tightly clenched right hand and said.

"Hmm?" Liang Yu looked at his right hand unexpectedly: "Oh, it seems that my nails need to be trimming..."

"Real?" The middle-aged lady said with a smile, "Maybe I can help you fix it after the auction is over. Men are not good at this kind of fine work. We can go to my room..."

"I think the auction has begun." Liang Yu turned his head and said calmly.

"Hum." The middle-aged lady smiled without hesitation and whispered in Liang Yu's ear, "People know that they are old and pale, which is not enough to attract a handsome young man like you, but since you must come here, there must be something you want here. If you let me get what I want tonight, I can also let you Get what you want."

Liang Yu did not respond to the middle-aged lady's words and didn't seem to hear it.

"Well, it's the exciting auction moment again every night," a clever-looking auctioneer stood on the stage with a mallet and said, "There are much more visitors today than usual. It seems that everyone has got inside information. In this case, it will no longer whoku everyone's appetite. Now it's auction First of all, the first auction item..."

A bright sapphire was placed on the stage on the goose down cushion, and then the auctioneer signaled that everyone could start bidding, but the people present were rich or noble. Such an ordinary gemstone did not interest the public at all. After only a few bids, the gem It was bought by another middle-aged lady.

However, this is also the consistent strategy of auctioneers, putting ordinary things in the front and rare and valuable things in the back, gradually pushing the atmosphere of the scene to **, using the atmosphere to make these nobles hot-headed and then buy auction items at high prices.

Liang Yu sat calmly and watched the auction items being bought one by one, and the middle-aged lady also quietly took Liang Yu's arm and sat down, facing countless auctions without bidding once.

Even the auctioneers on the stage can't help but cast doubtful eyes here. You know, middle-aged ladies are usually one of the main customers of the auction. Why is it so quiet today? Is it because of the new male partner next to her?

After several beautiful human slaves were bought away, all the VIPs in the venue suddenly showed serious eyes. Obviously, tonight's highlight came.

"Ah, it seems that everyone is very excited. It seems that everyone knows what's next," the auctioneer said with a smile, "So I announce that today's auction is over... Just kidding, don't throw eggs and tomatoes first - of course, kitchen knives are absolutely prohibited! So the next auction item, today's highlight is the beautiful elf from the dark elf clan, Na Ruosha.

A white light shone straight down from above and hit a girl sitting in a chair in a long dress.

The whole audience was suddenly very quiet, as if everyone had lost the ability to speak.

Even Liang Yu, who had almost no feeling for the opposite sex, felt his heart beating inexplicably in an instant.

What a beautiful girl! Her long hair is as soft as a waterfall, and her big eyes seem to be as if they can speak. They have a high nose bridge, sexy lips, and the unique pointed ears of the elf clan. Her skin is like the color of chocolate, which makes people want to bite. The seller intends to put on the elf girl. The skirt seems to be woven with light silk, thin and almost transparent, and this loom makes the girl show an incomparable attraction.

The auctioneer looked around the audience, and he was satisfied with the silence at this moment, just like the tranquility before the storm, and the bidding must be like a storm.

Liang Yu's body stiffened, and he could feel the hungry eyes of the whole audience. It was definitely not easy to grab this elf girl from these people.

"But she may be our only hope..." Liang Yu thought calmly, "If the worst happens, maybe the people who saved the dark elves can help us resolve the conflicts with the dark elves and let us retreat from the dark night forest... Anyway, we must save this girl and bring her back. Go, but what is my success rate if I use force?

"Well, let's start. The reserve price is 500,000 gold coins. You should know that dark elves hate humans more than light elves. It's not easy to catch their people." The auctioneer said loudly.

"1 million!"

"2 million!"

"4 million!"

Almost at the beginning, the price is rising exponentially, and the competition has entered a white-hot stage.

Mo Cong's other hand reached out to his gun bag, but he seemed to feel Liang Yu's uncontrollable murderous intention. The warriors present who maintained law and order coincidentally focused their eyes on him and secretly prepared.

"Your goal is this girl, right?" The middle-aged lady suddenly whispered angrily in Liang Yu's ear, "Sure enough, she is young and energetic."

Liang Yu frowned and turned his head to one side.

"10 million!" A male nobleman shouted, as if he was the man who had just let Liang Yu hear about the auction.

The growth rate of prices has gradually decreased. Even if they are not short of money, they need to think calmly about spending.

"20 million!" The middle-aged lady beside Liang Yu suddenly said.

As soon as this statement came out, the whole audience was silent, whether out of price pressure or out of the status of a middle-aged lady.

"What?" Liang Yu unexpectedly turned his head and looked at the middle-aged lady. Obviously, he didn't expect that she could have such a great skill.

The auctioneer is full of red at this moment, and the auction price has exceeded his expectations, although he thinks he has assessed it very high: "Well, this lady's offer of 20 million. Does anyone increase the price? 20 million once! 20 million twice! As long as the mallet falls, this deal will become a fore. Hasn't anyone increased the price yet? 20 million three times!"

