Pome Star

Chapter 119 Reasons for Entry

Liang Yu and Bai Wei looked at Na Ruosha in surprise. Obviously, they didn't expect that he would make such a request. However, compared with their surprise, it was Raj himself who protested first and cried with a runny and tears, "Sister, you can't send your brother to be a (harmonious) love spy for your own selfish desires. Ah!"

However, this time Na Ruosha did not fluctuate emotionally, but looked at Raje's eyes calmly.

"Uh..." Raj seemed to feel Na Ruosha's seriousness and calmed down.

"Rajie, do you remember our grandfather, our father?" Na Ruosha asked calmly.

Lajie put away his cynical expression just now and said with a wry smile, "How can I forget..."

"They are all heroes of our dark elves," Na Ruosha said calmly, "But what about looking at us? What can we do if we inherit the hero's surname and hero's bloodline? My talent in magic is limited, but Raj, you are different. You have shown the talent of a divine archer. Are you going to waste your talent like this? The sky is the place where eagles spread their wings and fly. You should go out to see the wider sky, become a hero, then return to our race, and lead the people forward!"

"But the elder said that the outside world is very chaotic, and there are human beings or aliens who want to harm us..." Raj said in an embarrassment.

"That's just the elder's words to control everyone in order to consolidate his position!" Narosha calmly explained: "Maybe on this continent, we are a remarkable race, but in the infinite parallel world, we are just a small existence that no one pays attention to. Under the general trend of continuous understanding and integration in various parallel worlds, a broad-minded person can lead me. The dark elves have reached another height. That person will not be the current elder, and I hope you will become that person!"

Raj looked at his sister, and the expression on his face showed that he was fighting fiercely. After a moment, Raj's expression relaxed and looked at his sister with a relaxed expression and said, "The last question, if I leave, what should I do if another bastard comes to harass you?"

"I will take good care of myself, at least I can do this." Na Ruosha said confidently.

"Well, Brother Liang Yu, I want to join the Border Bureau," Lajie turned around and said something to Liang Yu, and then whispered in Na Ruosha's ear, "Don't worry, sister, I will take good care of Brother Liang Yu for you. Even if you are not there, no one else will have a chance..."

Na Ruosha's cheeks turned red and said coquettishly, "Lajie! If you say it again, I'm really angry!"

"Ah, it seems to agree." Raj quickly dodged to Liang Yu and said.

"Wait a minute!" Liang Yu quickly said, "Sorry, Na Ruosha, I'm just an ordinary manager and I'm not qualified to admit a new manager."

"I know," Na Ruosha nodded and said, "I just hope you can take this child with you when you return to the space. I believe that with his talent, you will be selected as a manager."

Liang Yu turned his eyes to Raj, who raised his hands with a smile and said, "Don't worry, Brother Liang Yu, I'm also very strong like this."

After thinking for a moment, Liang Yu nodded calmly: "Well, I'll take him, but if he doesn't pass the admission of the Space Border Bureau, he must come back."

"If such a regrettable thing really happens, could you please send him back?" Na Ruosha asked with expectant eyes.

Liang Yu felt that he couldn't refuse this look: "Of course, I will be responsible to the end."

"Great, thank you." Na Ruosha smiled with relief.

"It's okay." Liang Yu said calmly.

"Hey, Liang Yu, we should go and meet the client!" Bai Wei looked at Liang Yu angrily and said.

"Well, we should go." Liang Yu said calmly.

"Be careful on the way..." Na Ruosha looked at Liang Yu reluctantly and suddenly lowered her head shyly: "Also, I won't forget what happened in Yinlu City..."

"What happened in Silverlu City?" Raj looked at Liang Yu excitedly as if he had found the new continent.

"Uh..." Liang Yu showed a headache expression: "I think it's better to forget it as soon as possible... Then I'll go first..."

"I'll pack up my things and catch up with you soon, Brother Liang Yu." Raj turned around and ran to his tree house and said.

Liang Yu turned around and walked out of the forest with Bai Wei.

Bai Wei looked at Liang Yu as if she were looking at the prisoner, and her eyes were full of dissatisfaction.

"What's wrong?" Liang Yu asked calmly.

"What the hell happened to you in Silverlu City?" Bai Wei asked immediately.

"Some things that I don't want to happen again..." Liang Yu said helplessly on his face.

"Forget it, it won't be a good thing anyway. It's better not to listen to save your trouble..." Bai Wei whispered to herself, "But what should we say when we go to see the client now? The task failed..."

"This task is simply wrong," Liang Yu said calmly, "On the contrary, we should find a client to settle a good account..."

——————Split line————

"Let's get out of the way! Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

In the hall of the boundary bureau, an old man carrying a broken grass mat on his shoulder passed through the hall like a young whirlwind. The people present quickly avoided it and saw that the old man's beard was very old, afraid that the old bones all over his body would fall off.

Su Can rushed to the infirmary of the air border bureau with a whirlwind, which contains advanced medical facilities, priests who master the holy light, superpowers with healing ability, practitioners and even divine doctors from ancient times.

After rushing into the medical room, Su Can found an empty medical cabin and threw Motan into it without saying anything, and then the medical cabin quickly closed. Just a few seconds later, the pale green ** filled the medical cabin and soaked Motan in it.

"What's going on?" The same old man in a white coat, like a doctor, came out and asked.

"This boy is dying, let's find a way to get his life back..." Su Can sat down breathlessly against the medical cabin, picked up the wine gourd and took a few mouthfuls and said.

The old doctor looked at Mo, lying in the medical cabin with a serious expression and said calmly, "This boy's situation seems to be a little unusual. What's going on?"

"This boy was hit by the moonlight, and then he became this virtue." Su Can shrugged his shoulders and said.

"Did you hit by the moonlight? It seems that we need a consultation. The old doctor said calmly, "Notify his family or friends. This boy may be dying..."