Pome Star

Chapter 156 officially begins

Mo Greed continued to look down at the rules of the exchange conference, and a little rule attracted his attention.

"The range of the competition venue is limited to the whole earth... What does this mean?" Don't ask greedily.

"Probably means the meaning of the global battlefield. In order to avoid the concentration of participants and become an undifferentiated melee, as a result, people with real strength also become cannon fodder..." Wen Feng gently shook the white paper fan and analyzed: "Expansion of the battlefield can greatly reduce the probability of encounter between players, and it will not be too much when the two sides are fighting. Worried about the random entry of third parties.

"Won't this implict ordinary people on earth?" Don't say in surprise.

"If you have the top technology of each plane, this problem may not be considered above," Wen Feng replied, "After all, even if it causes serious damage, you can find a way to recover."

Mo Greedong's parents and classmates in the school instantly appeared in his mind. Will they also be affected? Although the soul is not false, and it is not difficult to come back to life, Mo Greed suddenly became uneasy when he thought that the people he cared about who were related to him would be in danger.

"Why are there such unreasonable rules?" Mo Greed and whispered, "How could uncle agree with such a wide-ranging rule?"

"Maybe it's not agree... but forced to agree..." Ziyue said lightly, "After all, it's three heavyweights who decide these things."

Mo Greed suddenly stood up and walked out. Not long ago, Mo Grean felt that there were too many abnormal things, and he had to figure it out.

Mo Qian came to the door of Ren Jingyu's office and knocked outside the door for a long time, but all he got was Ren Jingyu's words across the door: "I'm not free now, boy!" Both the tone and tone seem to be quite impatient.

Standing quietly at the door and staring at the door of the office, Mo Greed and whispered to himself, "Uncle, what on earth are you going to do..."

——————Split line————

As the three plane organizations that put efficiency first, unnecessary appearance is naturally meaningless. The exchange meeting on the second day of the announcement of the rules is the beginning, and all those who sign up are required to go to the hall to make preparations.

Qing Jing cheered them up with a pure smile when they left the lounge.

But Bai Wei still hasn't come back.

When Mo and others came to the hall, it was already crowded with newcomers from the three major organizations, with young faces and various expressions waiting for the beginning of the exchange meeting.

In fact, the preparation for departure is very simple. There is a space transmitter in the center of the hall. Each participant will first receive a ring - the ring contains the basic information of all the other participants, including recent photos - and then walk on the transmitter. At this time, the senior manager in charge will ask whether he is leaving alone or with the team. Friends set out together, because the transmitter will immediately put the transporter somewhere on the earth... Of course, unreasonable places such as the middle of the Pacific Ocean are not among them.

After the elected hand was dispersed by the decomposed light of the transmitter and disappeared, the communication conference officially began for this player.

Not long after, Mo Cong and others also received the ring. They chose to teleport collectively and then stood in the transmitter.

I remember that Tianfeng said that this kind of transmission device that disperses and transfers the sub-state of objects is a high-tech product of the Tianlong Dynasty, the largest country in the universe, but when it is transferred, it will cause huge pain like tearing. Ordinary people don't want to bear the second time at all... Obviously, the air boundary has a safer and more comfortable transmission method. Why use this worst way?

I didn't wait for Mo Greed to understand this problem. The transmitter had begun to work, and a strange feeling suddenly came from his feet. Mo Greed down and saw that his feet turned into powder as if weathered, and then disappeared.

A sharp pain came from his feet. Although Mo Grean has almost survived several times and has suffered more serious pain than this, this pain really seems to have invaded every inch of the body's skin, and every nerve ending of the body has sent a pain signal. As Tianfeng said, he has experienced a People absolutely don't want to experience the second time.

But the transmission is not over, and the "winding" spreads from the feet to the legs. Generally speaking, when a person feels extreme pain, the body will block the subsequent pain signals out of self-protection, which is the same as not feeling the fragrance of a flower all the time. It is not that the fragrance of the flower is gone, but the stimulation signal fades.

But this pain did not weaken at all, and the continuous pain still stayed in the rest of the body. Looking at the countless players waiting for transmission in front of him, Mo Gree tried his best to grit his teeth and screamed without pain.

Suddenly, Mo Cong felt that a soft hand held his hand. The small hand was a little cold and stiff at this moment, which was obviously caused by extreme pain. However, when Mo Cong just wanted to determine who the owner of this hand was, the "stability" had reached his hands and kept going up along his arm. Then, Mo Gree's body also turned into molecules and finally disappeared in place...

——————Split line————

"Hmm..." Mo raised his head in a daze. He didn't know when he lost consciousness.

On the podium, the math teacher was taking the textbook to explain the solution of the example questions, and the students under the classroom were listening carefully.

In front of Mo Greed, Liang Yu still looked cold, and a few rows ahead, Wen Feng looked at the blackboard.

As for Bai Wei's position...

"Bai Wei? Who is it..." Mo Greed to himself strangely. I don't know why he remembered the name.

"Well, forget it..." Don't shrugged his shoulders and stopped thinking about this problem.

The sonorous and powerful voice of the math teacher sounded like a lullaby. Soon Mo greedy yawned. He covered his mouth with his hand and suddenly noticed a golden ring on his finger.

"Hmm?" Mo Gree looked at the ring strangely and couldn't remember when he got such a valuable jewelry.

Suddenly, a series of information seemed to rush into Mo Greed's mind. Mo Greed's head seemed to be as painful as a crack. He lay on the table and covered his head with his hands, gritted his teeth and couldn't help moaning.

Countless strange faces and their hands with rings quickly flashed in their minds, and then an idea flashed through Mo Gree's mind.

You have to collect rings. If you don't collect enough rings within 30 days, you will die...

But there is no fixed number of how many rings are enough, because the information in my mind tells me that the people who have just flashed are also collecting rings, and only the top dozens of people who collect the total number of rings are eligible to survive...

The tragic image of his parents being taken care of when he was old suddenly flashed through Mo Gree's mind, so that there was an inexplicable sadness in Mo Gree's heart.

Mo Greed up and looked at Liang Yu and Wen Feng.

The information in my mind tells me that the two of them are also ring holders...