Pome Star

Chapter 161 Man-made Tragedy

Even if Mo Grean and Liang Yu have never seen this situation, but influenced by the various science fiction works born in the imagination of modern people, Mo Grean instinctively came up a word in their minds.

Zombies, a thoughtless necromancer, at least modern biology has not yet determined what class zombies belong to. They only have the instinct to eat, and the living people they bite will soon become new zombies until there is no living creature in the whole planet, and then the civilization of the planet will be destroyed.

When Mo Gan and they failed to respond to this emergency in time, the boy and the first infected girl had bit or scratched several people. Obviously, it won't be long before these people will become new zombies.

"Why does this biohazard-like plot happen in this place?" Mo Greed immediately pulled out his two guns and asked loudly.

"At least it is definitely not a natural phenomenon." Liang Yu quickly combined the dragon soul and said.

At this time, the students who had just rushed to the school gate in panic and turned around and ran back. Mo Gree and others quickly turned around, but saw several pedestrians on the street had turned into zombies blocking the school gate.

"Even infection will not infect so quickly..." Wen Feng held a white paper fan and said, "Unless someone artificially increases the source of infection!"

"Then I'm afraid there is only one explanation for choosing this place as the target," Raj said, holding the sandalwood bow, "They are also ring holders!"

On the roof of the school, a teenager dressed like an Allied engineers from World War II kept looking at a bundle of * bombs in his hand and looked at a teenager with black-framed round lenses like a researcher and said, "Is this really useful?"

The glasses teenager picked up a syringe, which was filled with some dark green **, emitting an unknown atmosphere: "The proportion of viral liquid will not be wrong, and we have seen the effect."

"It's not easier for me to blow these guys to pieces." The engineering teenager smiled excitedly at the corners of his mouth and took out a bundle of bombs from his pocket and said.

"Don't forget that we have to face four ring holders," the glasses teenager said calmly. "Once there is a strategic mistake, we will not only get anything, but also lose our ring. At least I don't plan to become like the guys below in 19 days."

"Humph..." The engineering teenager poked out his head and looked down.

At this moment, the campus is already in chaos. The frightened and desperate students do not know where to flee, but more people fall under the teeth and claws of the zombies and become new infected people.

Cries, screams, and calls for help filled the whole campus.

Because the four people were holding weapons in their hands, the panicked students around them kept a distance from them, so the zombies surrounded the four people.

Mo Greed with two guns aimed at the zombies in front of him, one by one was a familiar face. His classmates, classmates and even teachers. Even if the protagonist in the film or novel about the biochemical war described immediately eliminated the disease, Mo Grean could not pull the trigger ruthlessly. After all, he They are all familiar people!

"If you don't do it again, the infected will only become more!" Wen Feng said loudly that unlike Mo Greed Liang Yu, he did not have much emotional obstacles to this school and the people in this school, and it was a situation of survival. Naturally, he would not hesitate too much.

Lajie, a dark elf teenager, has pulled away the sandalwood bow and aimed at the eyebrows of a boy. However, seeing a little hesitation hidden on Liang Yu's calm face, Raje still did not release the bow string after all.

"Do you want to do it?" Mo Greed his back against Liang Yu and asked.

"If we don't do it, we will die." Liang Yu replied calmly, but it sounded more like persuading himself.

"But can you really do it?" Don't whisper.

"It's not the time to think about this kind of problem!" Liang Yu's voice suddenly intensified, and a shot swept out and knocked several infected people to the ground, but he used the tail of the gun instead of the tip of the gun.

At this time, Mo Grean vaguely felt that someone was staring at him, feeling very vague or even a little like an illusion, and Mo Grean could not feel where his sight came from, but he immediately turned his head and glanced around, and soon found that a head was looking at this side on the edge of the rooftop of the teaching building.

It's time to go to school in the morning. Even if the bricklayer has to work, it's too early.

"They are on the roof!" Don't say loudly.

Rajie instantly turned around and raised his bow to aim, and almost instantly locked the target and loosened the bow string.

"Wow..." On the roof, the engineering teenager quickly turned his head to avoid the wolf tooth arrow shot by Raj and whispered, "I didn't expect that there were snipers among them. Although the weapons used are relatively retro, the accuracy and power are not bad at all."

"I've already reminded you to be careful." The teenager with glasses said calmly.

Liang Yu turned around and looked at the figure on the roof coldly, and suddenly divided the dragon soul into three pieces and cast them out hard. In an instant, Liang Yu's body burst out with a powerful force far beyond human beings. The three pieces of dragon souls were deeply nailed into the wall of the main teaching building, and then Liang Yu strode forward a few steps and exerted hard. He jumped on the first dragon soul and pulled out the dragon soul with his feet at the same time and jumped to the second jie. Then Liang Yu's old skill came to the third jie. In an instant, he had climbed to the height of the roof and completed a task that normal human beings could not complete in just ten seconds.

While jumping and climbing to the height of the roof, Liang Yu has combined the dragon soul and also saw the mysterious figure standing on the roof.

However, when Liang Yu was uneasy, the engineering teenager who saw this scene not only did not have any surprised expression, but also looked at himself with a proud expression of 'you have been tricked'.

At this time, Liang Yu suddenly saw a bundle of old-fashioned ** on the wall of the teaching building in front of him. Liang Yu quickly looked along the wire and found that there were bombs all over the walls of the teaching building.

The engineering teenager held a small detonator in his hand, and he gently pressed the switch.


A heat wave blew Liang Yu away directly, and then the tall teaching building began to collapse because it could not withstand the strong explosion.

"So I don't like to cooperate with fools regardless of the plan..." The glasses teenager sighed helplessly and said, "You even set up bombs at our landing point, so what should we do?"

"You are not the only one who can make a plan..." The engineering teenager said proudly, turned around and picked up the glasses and jumped in the opposite direction of the collapse of the teaching building, and below was the street where people came and went.

The engineering teenager suddenly pulled his clothes, and a small parachute quickly opened.

"Let me remind you first," the glasses teenager said calmly, "If our current high-altitude parachute is not fully unfolded, we will fall to the ground."

"Then artificially accelerate this process." The teenager took out a small bomb like a cannonball fired by a child and threw it back.

"Boom!" The hot airflow from the small explosion quickly opened the parachute and slowed down the two, and then the two landed smoothly on the ground.

Looking at the main teaching building that had collapsed, the glasses teenager said calmly, "You are responsible for excavating the ruins to find the bodies and collect rings."

"Why me?" The engineering teenager asked loudly.

"Because this is your plan." The teenager with glasses replied.