Pome Star

Chapter 212 Joint Dragon Hunting

After Moy and Rohey reached an agreement, the 9th team gathered together to explain.

"Cooperative with those guys?" Wen Feng looked at Luo Xi's team not far away with an expression of distrust and said, "It seems that I can't believe it."

"There is no other way now," Mo Greed and whispered, "You don't want us to deal with a team of guardians while dealing with a dragon, do you?"

"Is there no other way? Cut! It's really unpleasant to cooperate with those guys..." Raj said, looking at the wound on his shoulder.

"But I also want to remind you that even if we cooperate, we must not relax our vigilance," Mo Gan continued, "After all, the Black Dragon is the goal of both of us. Although we will share the stolen goods after defeating it, they are not without the possibility of taking action in advance..."

"What if they do it first?" Bai Wei asked in a low voice.

"There is no problem with a full-scale war, right?" Liang Yu asked calmly.

"There is no objection." Don't be greedy replied immediately.

"But it's a little strange," Hongye said calmly: "In terms of the flame ejected by the black dragon just now, the power is much lower than the normal level recorded in the data. If the dragon is not a female dragon that is about to lay eggs, the most likely explanation is that it is injured and not ordinary. Minor injury."

Mo Greed for a moment and then said, "Wait, this explains. We just came here to find the Black Dragon by chance, and they seemed to come here for a purpose... They knew that the dragon was injured, so they dared to come to this dragon, otherwise how could they do this with the strength of their newcomer? Do it like that?"

"Did they hurt the dragon?" Raj asked doubtfully.

"Of course not," Mo shook his head and said, "It is likely that the senior guardians have injured the dragon, and their task is to destroy the dragon. In this way, it is more like a trial mission arranged by the Order Alliance for the newcomers."

"Why don't we have a similar training arrangement?" Raj asked again.

"Don't forget that most of the order alliances carry strong hatred. It's not surprising that there is such a trial for the avengers who want to quickly improve their strength, and our air border does not force anything, which is naturally much looser..." Mo Lian explained.

"So our bureau is the weakest organization..." Raj said speechlessly.

"So what should we do?" Wen Feng asked calmly.

"Let's fight as quickly as possible," Mo said, "Although I believe that Sister Ziyue will get some time, the situation is not optimistic at all. If those guys don't plan to share the stolen goods with us, then we will grab the heart of the Black Dragon by ourselves!"

"Your name is Mo Greedy, right? Is the combat meeting over? I think the dragon has been waiting impatiently. Rossi said calmly.

"Because you don't know much about your opponent, do you have any countermeasures?" Don't look back and ask.

"It seems that you also plan to fight quickly," Luo Xi said with a smile, "In this case, I don't have to hide anything. The dragon's wings have been injured, so it can't fly at all. Because of the previous physical exertion, the power of the fire has also decreased, and the flames that can be emitted are limited. The common weakness of the flying dragon is the eyes. The fire dragon species also hates things like water or ice. His body is huge, and it is difficult for his short and thick legs to maintain balance while supporting such a huge body. Focusing on attacking joints should make him lose balance, so our plan is very simple. Sniper The striker is responsible for attacking the eyes of the Black Dragon, while the powerful character that can cause damage is responsible for attacking the legs and joints of the Black Dragon, and the rest of the characters assist from the side.

"What about us?" Don't be greedy and ask again.

"Our agile role is responsible for attracting the attention of the dragon." Luo Xi said with a smile and suddenly jumped out from behind the rock and rushed to the dragon, followed by the invisible knifeman. At this moment, he deliberately showed himself to attract the attention of the black dragon.

"PX-0, come with me!" Mo Greed loudly, pulled out his two guns and jumped out.

"What? Me?" PX-0 pointed to himself and said, "Are you crazy? To attract the attention of that dragon? I will be turned into molten by the scorching flame!"

"Red leaf, manually activate the self-destruction program, which may cause great damage to the dragon." Don't turn his head and say to Hongye.

"Focus your attention here, you stupid dragon!" PX-0 directly launched the aircraft behind it and flew into the air: "You can't catch me! Right? Please don't look at me..."

The black dragon looked at the annoying PX-0 like a fly in front of him, and suddenly opened its mouth and then a fireball spewed out.

"My God!" PX-0 screamed and quickly changed its course and dodged the fireball, but the wig above his head was still a little burnt.

"What the hell!" Mo Gree quickly pointed his two guns at the ground, and the energy flow gushed out quickly. With the help of strong propulsion, Mo Gree also quickly flew into mid-air.

"Look here, say 'eggplant'" Mo Greed up his gun and aimed at the eyes of the black dragon, and pulled the trigger at the same time. The two bullets quickly flew to the eyes of the black dragon.

Although the bullet looked as small as an ant in the black dragon, the black dragon instinctively felt the danger and closed its eyes. Two bullets hit the strong eyelids of the black dragon and quickly formed a piece of frost.

The black dragon suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were full of anger, and then a thick flame spewed out and rushed to Mo Gree.

Mo Greed quickly increased the output of the energy flow and quickly left the place, and then the hot flame passed as if it could burn the sky.

Seeing that Mo Cong and others have successfully attracted the attention of the Black Dragon, Liang Yu and the lion man quickly ran out of the hiding place and ran to the dragon's leg. It can be said that their task is actually the most dangerous. As long as the Black Dragon finds them, they only need to lift their feet and step hard, and the two will become meat cakes...< /P>

Wen Feng and the superpower teenager used their respective abilities to constantly harass the black dragon, attracting a small amount of the attention of the black dragon and reducing the burden of Mo Gree and others as bait.

Red Leaf and the alien with a developed brain are constantly tapping on the empty keyboard, constantly analyzing the information of the black dragon and looking for new weaknesses.

As for Lan Xin and the girl who used the golden needle, they nervously watched the situation at the scene and were ready to treat the injured at any time.

Lajie hid in a safe place and opened the long bow of the sandalwood tree and aimed at the black dragon's eyes, but because of the angle, Raj never let go of the bow string, because the hit rate was too low, and the chance was likely to be only once.

Not far away, the teenager in ancient costume also held the willow blade with his finger and did not turn it out, but quietly observed the black dragon, as if waiting for a chance to hit.

Liang Yu and the lion man ran to the two thick legs of the black dragon respectively. They looked at each other and saw the taste of unconvinced in each other's eyes.

"400% of physical potential!" Liang Yu swept the joints of the Black Dragon with one shot.

"Crazy Strike!" The lion roared and punched the joints of the black dragon, with a little momentum of the grassland hegemony.

The black dragon's body shook a few times, and then it looked down, and its eyes were full of anger.

"It's not good!" Luo Xi clenched his crutches and ran up the back of the black dragon, and the invisible knifeman was obviously much faster than him. He had already run to the head of the black dragon, and then slid down the dragon's head and stabbed the black dragon's eyes.

"Roar————!" The black dragon closed its eyes in pain and became more violent. Suddenly, it raised its head and roared to the sky.

The invisible swordsman did not seem to stand firmly and slid down directly from the faucet. At this time, the Black Dragon suddenly opened his eyes and slapped the invisible swordsman who was still flying in the air directly.

"Puff————!" The invisible knifeman suddenly appeared and spewed out a mouthful of blue blood at the same time.

After seeing the target, the black dragon took a breath. Before the flame spewed out, Rohi had rushed to the top of its head and suddenly jumped up and smashed the double crutches down hard. The black dragon suddenly suffered a slam on the head and involuntarily closed its mouth, and the flame was also erupted out at this moment, but because the flame was stiff because of the mouth was closed. It burst in the mouth.

"Roar————!" The Black Dragon screamed sadly, and blood oozed from the corners of his mouth. At the same time, he shook his head crazily.

However, Rosh's crutch has now deeply penetrated into the tough skin of the black dragon, and he grabbed the crutches to avoid shaking himself.

Seeing that the blow did not work, Liang Yu and the Lion did not hesitate to launch a stronger attack.

"700% of physical potential!"


After suffering this blow, the huge body of the black dragon began to shake. Liang Yu and the lion quickly ran aside, and then the huge body of the black dragon fell down.

"It's now!" Raj suddenly loosened the bow string, and at the same time, the flying knife teenager also throwing the flying knife at his fingertips.

"Wo!" Blood splashed from the eyes of the black dragon, and the black dragon screamed sadly, and his body began to struggle crazily.

At this time, the sky suddenly lit up with two bright and dark rays of light. Everyone looked up and saw the muzzle of Mo's two guns shining brightly. Then Mo's greedy pulled the trigger, and the two beams of light rays shot straight into the neck of the black dragon, and the beam that collided in the air and produced great power directly penetrated through the neck of the black dragon.

The black dragon suddenly stopped struggling, and then the dragon head fell weakly to the ground...