Pome Star

Chapter 215 Stoker's Wisdom

Garzenon, the king of thieves, stood on the high platform of his stronghold and looked down at Stoke, who left with Mo Gree and others.

"Stoke may really never come back this time," Zackro, one of Gazenon's many children, stood behind his father and said, "It has solved a big problem, and there is no need to worry about his affairs anymore."

"Hmm." Gazenon snorted coldly and turned around and left the high platform.

Zaclow took a step forward, looked at the back of the departing Stoke and said, "Maybe it's really goodbye this time... Brother..."

——————Split line————

After leaving the screaming forest, Mo Ben and others went straight to the territory of the demon king Otlo.

Although Stoke has no strength, he knows the territory of the whole continent very well. With his lead, Mo and others have avoided almost every place that may be dangerous, such as places where large warcraft will appear or where they will meet more brutal demons.

It is said that this ability was mastered by his many brothers who were active in various parts of the mainland in the early years when he traveled around the whole continent. After all, he also needs some skills to wander around with such weak strength.

"If the demon king Otro's words, I have also been to his territory, but I don't have a chance to enter his castle to play," Stock introduced all kinds of information to Mo Gan as he hoped to help as possible: "But one thing you must know the strength of the demon king Otro under 21 men of the Great Devil King. Among them, there are also the top ten, and the strength is quite terrible. In my opinion, maybe only you and the cold-faced man can support him a few more times, and the rest of them are estimated to be killed in seconds..."

"Ah, I suddenly remembered that something seemed to have fallen in the shrill forest," PX-0 suddenly said, "I'll go back to get it, but don't worry about me if you go first."

Hongye calmly took out the remote control: "The program will automatically start within 10 minutes."

"Oh, it suddenly occurred to me that it's not important, but it's important to save people!" PX-0 said immediately.

"Is the devil so strong?" Liang Yu's mouth was slightly upturned, and obviously he was belligerent again.

"In a word, if you go with a hard mentality, it's really no different from dying." Stoke said.

"Do you have any other way?"

"First of all, figure out one thing. You are going to rob the bride, not to kick the field," Stoke said. "In other words, we don't have to fight with others, just need to steal the bride."

"We have also thought about this, but what should we do?" Mo Greed asked calmly, "Let alone say how heavily guarded the devil's castle is, the image of us alone is eye-catching."

"At this time, you need to rely on this kind of thing," Stoke took out a small bottle from his pocket and said, "Turn into a potion and take a sip to become a completely different person. At the beginning, I escaped countless pursuits with this, but the effect was not very good, because my 49 brothers and that The old guy can see through me who has drunk the potion at a glance. I guess this thing can only deceive my eyes, but the powerful guy can't do it if he has perception.

"Oh?" Mo greedy took the potion and poured a drop on his tongue. Suddenly, a burst of purple smoke rose, and then Mo greedy turned into a black-haired and red-skinned demon.

"Wow--" The people around me were amazed.

"The efficacy of the potion is related to the amount taken. A sip can maintain an hourglass for about 1 hour." Stoke put away the potion and said.

"That's 2 hours." Hongye explained.

"And we can disguise ourselves as guests or waiters attending the wedding, but although the potion may deceive the soldiers under the devil, they also have a certain strength. If they watch for a little longer, I'm afraid they will be suspicious and see through the disguise, so remember our key points. Don't get close to the demon king and his captain-level figures, because that will expose us immediately. Don't stand in front of the soldiers for too long, it will also be exposed. Make good use of the transformation time. If it goes well, we should be able to successfully rescue the target. Stoke told everyone to be human.

Mo Greed and asked Stoke again. Previously, they thought he was just a useless demon, but now it seems that his weakness seems to have made up for his mind.

"Why are you looking at me like this?" Stoke looked at Mo Gree's eyes and asked strangely.

"No, it's nothing," Mo shook his head and whispered, "Maybe you are one of your father's proudest children..."

——————Split line————

The 9th day of the rescue operation, night, Otello City.

Different from the legends of heroes and demons, the devil does not live in a desolate and dangerous place, but in a place with a good environment and prosperous development. Even the devil also has the same desire and needs as ordinary people.

Othlo City, as its name suggests, is the place where the demon king Othlo lives. This city is the most prosperous city in Othlo's territory, and Othlo lives in the castle in the center of the city, separated from the surrounding buildings by a moat.

Motan and others, who just sneaked into Otello City not long ago, are staying in the guest room of a hotel at this moment. After all, the transformation potion is limited, so they can only try not to go out to avoid attracting the attention of others.

At this time, the door of the room slowly opened, and then Stoke slipped in with a sneaky face.

"Worship me, I've heard a lot of news this time." As soon as he came in, Stoke said with a narcissistic face.

"What is there?" Mo Gree and others came over and surrounded Stoke in the middle.

"As you guessed before, there are only ten days, and tomorrow is the day of the wedding ceremony," Stoke said. "And the bride is now in the castle of the demon king Otello. I heard that she is also the daughter of a demon king, and she is also the top ten demon king, but I don't know who it is. I heard that The demon king would not be present, but sent his son, the bride's brother, to the wedding.

"As for the young man you once told me to steal the bride from you, he is definitely not the demon king Otelo himself. It is probably his second son Saska. Although this guy is not as powerful as his father, he is also a powerful guy. I heard that many of Otelo's men have been scattered throughout the territory recently. The captain-level figures have appeared in Otlo City. It is estimated that in addition to celebrating, it is also an important task to ensure that there will be no accidents at the wedding. Our task tomorrow will not be very easy.

Mo Yan turned around and looked out of the window at the sky shrouded in night, and suddenly said, "I need to see Sister Ziyue."

"What?" Everyone was shocked when they heard the words.

"She doesn't know our plan, and she will be the focus of action tomorrow. There can't be anything wrong in the middle." Mo Cong said seriously, "And with her intelligence and understanding of this place, maybe she can come up with some better ideas. I must meet her first tonight!"

"Well, I can tell you clearly that you are crazy." Stock grabbed Mo Greed's shoulder and said, "That's the devil's castle!" Do you think it's a random place to enter? If you are found by the other party, then everything will be over and our plan will be ruined!"

"We only thought about how to save people, but what should we do after saving people?" Mo Greed and asked, "With Sister Ziyue's understanding of here, she can definitely help us find a smooth escape route. You're right. This is the devil's territory. We have no chance of winning, so we must be wise!"

"What should I do after being rescued? After being rescued... uh..." Stoke thought for a moment: "I really didn't think about this..."

"If I can't escape, everything will be in vain, so I have to see Sister Ziyue." Don't say firmly.

"I'll go with you!" Wen Feng closed the white paper fan and said.

"No, you stay!" Mo Greed said calmly, "The fewer people who sneak in, the better, so as to ensure that the greatest possibility will not be discovered."

"Bring some potion, maybe it can help." Stoke handed a small bottle of water to Mo Greed.

Don't nod his head, looked at the crowd and said, "If I don't come back, don't hesitate to leave here immediately!" After saying that, Mo Rune jumped out of the window...