Pome Star

Chapter 219 Wedding Trouble

The news that Saska, the son of the demon king Otelo, is going to get married is already well known by the people in Otlo. For this wedding that should have been held two years ago but ended because of the departure of the bride, the demon king Otolo naturally wants to make the wedding more gorgeous and grand to cover up the scandal of the past.

In addition to the grand banquets in the castle, even several streets outside the castle are full of luxurious banquets, but the banquets outside the castle are used to entertain the residents of Otello, and those who can enter the castle must be people with status.

In addition to the demon king Otelo himself, the remaining 20 demon kings have been invited to attend the wedding, which naturally has the meaning of demonstration. 'I have united with a certain demon king, and the rest of you should be careful!', but including the father of Ziyue, who has become inlaws with the demon king Otolo, 2 0 demons sent a representative to attend the wedding.

But that's all, the wedding scene has been very grand, and almost all the residents of Otello City have come to the wedding - after all, it is the devil's order, and it may be miserable if they don't come...

At this time, the demon king Otelo himself was at the wedding scene and chatted casually with many guests. As the demon king, everyone around him was very careful to compliment, for fear of saying a wrong sentence and causing him to kill him.

Although he is a demon king, he can't feel the unique breath of the strong at all, and even looks like the lowest demon in the demon world, but it is because of this that the people around him have become more and more careful. After all, he has practiced to a state of free.

The groom Saska and the best man Zilin in a black dress walked to Otlow.


"Your Excellency Othlo."

"Let me see," Otro turned to look at his son and said, "Well, it's my son. It's a pity that your brother can't come today."

"Big brother, after all, he has a lot of things to do." Saska replied.

"Zilin, your sister won't have anything wrong this time, right?" Otlow turned to Zilin and asked.

"This will be an unforgettable wedding, sir." Zilin said with a nod.

"Ha ha, after all, we will be related from now on, so there is no need to do this." Otlo said with a smile.

"Don't dare, dare." Zilin said neither humble nor arrogantly.

"But I didn't expect that rats would sneak in at my wedding held by Otero," Otero turned his head and his eyes went straight through the crowd to Wen Feng and others who thought were very careful in the crowd: "Do these guys have anything to do with the alien people who slipped in last night?"

Huh? Do you know what happened last night? Saska said unexpectedly.

"This is my castle! And I haven't reached the point of dizziness and hearing deterioration. You almost broke a leg to deal with such a waste boy. Maybe the special training for you is not enough. Otlo suddenly said with a cold face.

Saska lowered his head quickly.

"Do you want me to deal with it, sir?" Zilin asked calmly.

"No, I have asked the captains to keep an eye on those guys. I don't want to be destroyed by some rats on such a good day, but if they really plan to make trouble, don't hang me if I'm not kind enough." Otelo sneered and said that at this moment, he showed the devil's supposed coldness.

At this time, in the castle room, the purple moon wearing a pure white wedding dress with a slight thin makeup is almost as beautiful as a fairy, and her bridesmaid is also a daughter of the demon king Otlo.

"Such a beautiful person, no wonder Saska looked for you like crazy," the woman whispered, "If it were me, I might be crazier than him..."

Ziyue did not respond to the woman behind her, but looked at herself in a daze in the mirror. After a long time, she sighed gently and stood up and said, "If I say that my magic has been sealed and can't escape at all, can you let me go?"

"Hmm?" The woman was stunned for a moment, quickly released her hand holding Ziyue's arm, and reluctantly smiled: "Hehe..."

"Let's go..."

At this time, in the courtyard of the castle, groups of guests who had been whispering suddenly calmed down, because they knew that the most important moment was coming.

Wen Feng, Liang Yu and Raj formed a circle back to back, looking at several demons who seemed to be very strong who had been staring at them since just now.

"When did it start to be exposed?" Wen Feng whispered, "The precautions mentioned by Stoke should not violate any of them..."

"Are we betrayed?" Raj turned his head and asked angrily.

"I don't think so," Liang Yu said calmly. Following his line of sight, Hongye, PX-0 and Stoke were also forced back by several seemingly powerful demons, and finally the six people came together, but because those people were very careful, and they also moved naturally, which did not cause the guests around them. Attention of guests.

"What the hell is going on?" Wen Feng asked calmly.

"Our disguise is obviously perfect. Why is it seen through?" Stoke whispered strangely, "Is the transformation potion so easy to see through?"

"We're done, we're done..." PX-0 kept repeating until Hongye took out the remote control.

At this moment, Saska, Zilin and the priest have stood on the altar, and then a charming woman and Ziyue appeared on the red carpet and slowly walked to the altar.

Several captain-level demons who had been staring at Liang Yu and six others almost at the same time also came to them and stood next to them and did nothing. Only in this way, Wen Feng and six others did not dare to act rashly.

"If you don't do it again, it will be too late." Stoke makes mouth-shaped roads.

"I know." Wen Feng replied, but the situation obviously can't do anything at present.

At this time, Ziyue had walked up to the altar and stood side by side with Saska in front of the priest. Otro, the demon king under the altar, looked at this scene with satisfaction. Although he was a demon, his blood relationship was still above various rules.

The priest looked at the two and said to Saska, "Mr. Saska, would you like to marry Miss Ziyue? Whether she is rich or poor, healthy or sick, beautiful or ugly, will you?

"I do!" Saska said without hesitation.

The priest turned to Ziyue: "Miss Ziyue, would you like Saska to be your husband? Whether he is rich or poor, healthy or sick, handsome or ugly, would you like to?

Ziyue lowered her head silently and did not answer the priest's question.

"Miss Ziyue, would you like to?" The priest felt a little bad and quickly asked.

Saska gently touched Ziyue's arm, and the demon king Olof under the stage looked slightly worse.


"Well, excuse me, can I bother you for a moment?" A little cynical voice from the top of the altar interrupted Ziyue's words, and instantly attracted the eyes of everyone present.

but I saw a teenager sitting on the window sill of the room on the second floor, throwing a golden apple in his hand and holding it casually: "Why can the bride get married before divorce?"

"The bride has been married?!" Many guests immediately whispered, and he was definitely the first to make trouble at the devil's wedding.

"The guy looking for death!" The demon king Otlo was suddenly as cold as frost.

"How could it be him? Wasn't he locked in the dungeon and sealed the energy in his body? Saska looked at the teenager in shock and thought.

"Oh? Sure enough, this guy won't stop here. Things are getting more and more interesting. Zilin smiled and thought.

"Mo, don't be greedy?" Ziyue looked at the teenager on the window sill in surprise and didn't expect to see Mo Grean again so dramatically at this time.

"Sorry, sweetheart, I'm a little late." Mo Cong suddenly jumped down from the window sill: "That man over there is a wife, if you don't get out of here, I'll call the police!"

Otelo, the demon king, suddenly stood up from his seat. At this moment, he was on fire and shouted, "Quiet down!"

With a roar, the whole wedding scene suddenly fell on the spot.

There were such jokes at both weddings. Otelo has endured to the limit, and he has decided to crush Mo's corpse to relieve his hatred.

"Well, what is that!" A guest suddenly pointed to the roof and shouted. Many guests quickly looked along his sight and saw 50 demons with different postures squatting on the roof.

"Old man!!!!" Stoke lost his voice, and it was Stoke's father, the thief King Gazenon, and his 49 brothers.

"What..." Even the demon king Otlow showed a surprised expression at this moment.

"Otelo bastard, how about we calculate the last account?"