Pome Star

Chapter 222 Abnormal

Air border bureau, Ren Jingyu's office.

"Now your boy has been included in the list of objects to pay attention to by the Order Alliance." Ren Jingyu took a sip of tea and said.

"Oh?" Mo Greed for tea and responded as if nothing had happened.

"You don't seem to care at all?" Ren Jingyu looked at Mo Greed and asked.

"If you want to find fault, just come."


"I mean, why?"

"The regulations of the Space Border Bureau particularly emphasize that you can't actively intervene to change the original trajectory of the plane," Ren Jingyu picked up a piece of pastry and threw it into his mouth and said, "How can you come up with the idea of persuading the strong in the world to launch a coup? Even if you leave aside the Order Alliance, you should also accept the sanctions of the Air Border Bureau.

"So are you going to sanction me?" Don't ask greedily.

"I don't plan to do that." Ren Jingyu shrugged his shoulders and said, "What's going on with you?" I don't usually be so calm when I hear this kind of news.

Is that right? Maybe this tea tastes a little bad. Don't be greedy.

"Ky, this is my favorite Yuqian Longjing." Ren Jingyu looked at Mo Greed and said.

"Oh, I'm sorry I was wrong. It's really terrible." Mo greedy put the teacup on the table and turned around and left the room: "I think there should be nothing wrong?"

Ren Jingyu squinted at Mo's back, holding a tea lid in one hand and kept fiddling with the tea in the cup. A moment later, he gently knocked on the void in front of him, and a light screen appeared out of thin air. The picture showed the lounge of Team 9.

"What's wrong with this boy surnamed Mo? How did it become weird?" Ren Jingyu looked at the screen and asked.

At this moment, the rare people of Team 9 put down their affairs and looked at Ren Jingyu on the screen.

"It seems that there are a lot of opinions. Who can tell me what happened first?" Ren Jingyu asked calmly.

Wen Feng was silent for a moment and told about Mo's great change of personality overnight.

"You don't know what happened at that time, did you..." Ren Jingyu closed his fingers and leaned against the chair: "Take that boy to Professor X to have a look."

As soon as Ren Jingyu's contact ended, Mo Gree returned to the lounge and found that everyone looked at him coincidentally.

"What's the problem?" Mo Gree asked calmly, and everyone quickly turned around and began to do their own things.

Don't be greedy returned to his position as if nothing had happened, put a book of "Energy Detailed Explanation" borrowed from the library on the table and began to read.

"Mo Greedy," Wen Feng got up and walked to Mo Greed and said, "Can you accompany me to visit a senior manager?"

"Reason?" Don't ask greedily.

"There is no special reason." Wen Feng said as if nothing had happened.

"I'm not interested in back mountains." Don't be greedy.

Wen Feng clenched the folding fan in an instant. If it weren't for the fact that the person in front of him was not greedy no matter how much he looked at it, Wen Feng might have really done it.

"Nah, na, Xiao Mo, Qingjing heard that the senior is very magical. Qingjing is very curious. Can you go with Qingjing?" Qingjing ran to Mo Greed and shook his arm and said that Lori's charm was not so powerful.

"If you also want to go, why don't you let Wen Feng go with you?" Don't say it calmly.

Everyone is more sure of Mo Congre's abnormal conjecture, because Mo Cong will not refuse any request from Qingjing at all.

"Don't be greedy, what if it's my order?" Bai Wei stood up and moved her joints and said.

"Haven't you had enough lessons?" Mo Gree asked with a sneer.

"I..." Bai Wei was about to say something, but suddenly glanced at her wrist and didn't say anything.

"I know what you're thinking. Don't bother me now!" Mo said coldly, and then continued to look through his books.

"I didn't know that the real face of this guy was such an angry guy..." Raje said unpleasantly.

"It seems that only coercion can convince this guy." Liang Yu stood up and said calmly.

"I've been wondering who the first person to do it is. As expected, it's you..." Mo Grean slowly stood up and said, "Do you want to find a place to talk?"

"I'm happy to accompany you." Liang Yu said calmly.

"What's wrong with you two?" Bai Wei felt a little bad and quickly asked.

"Qingjing hates this relationship!" Qingjing covered her ears and hid aside.

"That, that..." Lan Xin seemed to want to say something, but no one heard it because his voice was too low.

"You can't go," Ziyue, who has been silent and didn't say anything, finally said, "This person has been provoking us for the purpose of doing it. Liang Yu, you can't be tricked."

"Cut, have you been seen through?" Mo Greed and whispered, "Sure enough, this woman is the most difficult..."

"provocation? Why did this guy do this?" PX-0 asked strangely. When he saw Mo Greed towards him, he quickly hid behind Hongye.

"Well, I'm just provoking," Mo said with a grin, "So what? Are you afraid, coward?"

Liang Yu suddenly grabbed his gun bag, but Wen Feng immediately grabbed Liang Yu's arm.

"Let go of me." Liang Yu said coldly.

"Calm down first!" Wen Feng said in a low voice.

"You guy, give me a little bit!" Raj said loudly.

"Ky, you don't need a minute to solve it. You'd better be quiet." Don't say coldly.

"Oh? Do you want to try it?" With that, Lajie took out his sandalwood bow. In the blink of an eye, Mo Cong had moved behind Lajie, and the sandalwood bow in Lajie's hand had fallen into Mo Cong's hand. Mo Cong took a long bow and put it around Lajie's neck, and the sharp bow string was attached to Lajie's neck. Mo Cong only needed to pull back to cut off Lajie's head. ......

And at the moment when Mo Greedy took action, Liang Yu also combined the dragon soul and pointed the gun directly at Mo Gree. At this moment, even Wen Feng can't say anything.

Raj's breathing suddenly became short. He had never felt so close to death, because he felt that Mo Gre would really kill without hesitation.

"What are you doing, don't be greedy, don't make such a scene..." Bai Wei's voice suddenly became much weaker. Usually, Mo greedy and others quarreled at most, but there has never been such a situation as today.

Mo Greed and held the sandalwood bow with a sneer. Suddenly, his body shook slightly, and his eyes became confused for a moment. Then Mo Greed his forehead and said, "What the hell! Don't make trouble at this time!"

"Hmm?" Everyone present was stunned and didn't know who Mo Gree was talking to.

At this time, the door of the lounge opened automatically, and then a kind and bald old man in a wheelchair slowly shook in: "I heard that someone wants to see me?"

"Are you Professor X?" Wen Feng looked at the old man doubtfully and said.

"If it's fake, it will be replaced." The old man smiled peacefully and said, "What's wrong with you, children? If you are in a mood, it's a little too much..."

"Cut! Here comes another troublesome guy." Mo Grean loosened the sandalwood bow and returned to his seat.

At this time, Raj's legs softened and he slowly sat down on the ground, but his eyes were full of resentment.

The dark elves have always been a must-have, and Raj, as a dark elves, has also inherited this.

"So, what are you looking for me for?" Professor X asked calmly.

"My friend's mental state is a little abnormal. We would like to ask you to see what's going on with him." Wen Feng quickly said politely.

"I think what you are talking about is the very scary child sitting opposite me," Professor X smiled and said, "You don't have to be so full of * emotions. I'm not here to fight you, kid."

"Hmm." Mo Grean snorted coldly and lowered his head to ignore the bald old man. Instead, he looked at his book. He was another personality created by Mo Greed by the guidance of dark energy. It can be said that he was Mo Greed, and he didn't believe what others could see through.

"Wait a minute," Professor X suddenly raised his hand and said, "I heard two voices..."

"What?" Everyone looked at Professor X doubtfully.

"Yes, it is clear that there are two almost identical but completely different voices in this child's body."