Pome Star

Chapter 224 The Secret of Red Leaf

Although the night is already deep, the light in the laboratory is still on. Red Leaf is busy with something in front of the laboratory, while the two Mo Qian sit in the laser cage.

"The result will come out soon. Don't you want to admit it?" A Mo Greed up and said.

"That's exactly what I want to say. Do you have to die until the last moment?" Another Mo Greed retorted.

Such a dialogue between the two has lasted for a whole day, but only the two of them know best who is the most greedy.

"Red leaf, how is the identification going?" A Mo Greed around and looked at Hongye and asked.

"It only takes a moment to complete." Hongye said calmly.

"Do you hear me, just need..."


"Uh..." Mo Greed, who asked, suddenly fell to the ground and lost consciousness, while another Mo Greed stood behind him with a blank face.

"I think we need to talk about it, red leaves." Mo Greed up and said.

Hongye raised his head and looked at this scene calmly: "You are greedy on the dark side."

Lizhimo was stunned for a moment and suddenly patted his forehead and said, "Actually, there is no way to identify the difference, right?"

"The method does exist, but it will take 1 month." Hongye said calmly.

"I'm really a fool. Just now, when this guy asked you how long it would take, you used a very general 'wait a moment' instead of a specific time. The usual red leaves would not answer questions with such uncertain words at all, which I didn't see through." Li Zhimo said with regret.

"When everyone arrives tomorrow, they will decide how to deal with you." Hongye turned around and walked to the research room.

"Wait a minute!" Li Zhimo quickly said, "I said we need to talk."

"I don't think there's anything to talk about." Hongye said calmly and continued to walk out.

"You are also a stripped personality!" Li Zhimo suddenly said, "You are the same as me, and you are doomed to be destroyed from the first appearance!"

The red leaf suddenly stopped.

Li Zhimo's greedy smile flashed away, because he knew that he had guessed right: "But why? People are born equal. When a person is stripped into two people, they have no superiority or inferior affiliation. Why are some people destined to live while others must be eliminated?

The red leaves still stand quietly in place.

"Because of what? A ridiculous judgment of good and evil? What is good? What is evil? We all say that Qin Hui is a traitor, but how many people know about his contribution? There is no extreme human being. The blend of black and white is the most authentic portrayal of a person, and when we use advanced technology to forcibly strip them, we should give them the same rights! Otherwise, the person who does this is the most heinous person, isn't he?

Hongye slowly turned around and looked calmly at Mo Greed. Although she still didn't open her mouth, she could see the corners of Hongye's mouth trembling. Hongye has always been acting like a sophisticated humanoid computer and has never shown any of her emotions, but now she is rarely difficult to control herself. Emotions.

"I fully understand your pain," Mo said calmly, "Because I'm the same as you..."

Red leaves looked at Mo Greed, and a line of tears slowly slipped down their cheeks...

"If you still decide to destroy me, then I can only accept it calmly." Li Zhimo suddenly sighed and sat on the ground.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm a little..." Hongye quickly wiped away her tears and said. At this moment, she looks more like a girl than a computer.

"It's good to talk to someone occasionally, right?" Li Zhimo said lightly.

Hongye took a deep breath and walked to the cage and said, "You're right. This is not fair to you, but don't worry, I will restore you with a separator."

"Well, wait a minute, can that thing restore us?" Li Zhimo asked quickly.

"At first, there was no such function, but after someone improved..." When Hongye said something, his mood obviously fluctuated greatly.

Li Zhimo turned his eyes greedily, and then said with a lonely expression, "Rejud back? What will I be treated after that? The control of the body is this guy. He will never give it to me again. My existence is just this short time now. What's the difference between this and erasing me?

"I don't think you understand what I mean. You two are two faces of the same personality, and now they have been separated. If they recover, they will also recover... Oh..." Hongye suddenly remembered what Professor X said, 'In this body, there are two identical but opposite voices...'< /P>

"I think you understand that I am me and he is him. Maybe I look exactly like him, but the relationship between us is just that. Recovery is just to restore us to the previous state..."

"I'm me! I have nothing to do with this guy since the moment I appeared! I'm not the bad side of anyone. This is me!" Li Zhimo said loudly.

Hongye looked at Mo Greed in a staringly, as if she was deeply shocked by these words.

"If possible, could you help me with this?" Li Zhimo looked at Hongye greedily and said, "Let me go and let me leave here like this. I'm not him, so I won't disturb him and your lives anymore..."

Hongye looked at Mo Gree, with a hesitant look on his face.

Seeing the wavering look on Hongye's face, he quickly worked harder and said more sincerely, "You are the same as me. Can't you understand this?"

Red leaf's lips moved gently. After a long time, she sighed gently, took out a remote control and gently pressed it. The laser beams that had been covering the two greedy suddenly disappeared.

"I knew you would be on my side..." Li Zhimo said gently, but when he said the last word, his tone suddenly turned down sharply.

The next moment, Li Zhimo Greeden has moved to the personality separator in the center at high speed, and his hands are wrapped in strong dark energy and blasted hard at the personality separator. In just a few seconds, this future high-tech product has become a pile of scrap iron.

Hongye looked at it unexpectedly, but he didn't know why he did it.

"Next, it's time to verify the last question," Li Zhimo Greedong suddenly moved to the side of the table Mo Greed and said, "When I coexisted with him before, our lives were also connected, but since you said that using a personality separator can be eliminated Destroy one of them, that is to say, now the chain of my life and this guy has been released, and we just need to verify..."

"Bum!" A punch containing powerful dark energy was blow out, and the greedy arm directly penetrated the body of the surface.

"Well..." Mo Nu, who was awakened by severe pain, opened his eyes and looked at Mo Gree with a cold smile, and then looked down: "Oh, no..." With that, blood flowed down the corners of Mo Gree's mouth.

Mo Greed slowly pulled back his arm and threw it on the ground: "I don't feel anything. In other words, the connection between us has been lifted... What a magical machine..."

Red Leaf looked at this scene in surprise, and the blood stains of the big beach had spread from under the body of the surface of greed...

Mo Greed his blood-stained arm and said, "Don't be afraid. Since you let me go, I won't do anything to you. This feeling of freedom is really refreshing. I think I have nothing to do here, so goodbye..."

After saying that, Li Zhimo turned around and quickly left Hongye's laboratory.

At this time, the morning sun just cast the first ray of dawn on the earth, and Wen Feng walked into the laboratory with an impatient expression: "Red leaf, the identification is carried out..."

Suddenly, Wen Feng stopped in place, and the folding fan in his hand fell to the ground.

What caught his eye was the red leaves sitting on the ground and a greedy man who spread a large pool of blood stains under him.

"Oh, no..."