Pome Star

Chapter 229 Named Wolf Tooth

Don't walk on the streets of X City and carefully observe everyone around you.

After all, this is the earth, and the three major organizations abide by the agreement to try not to let earth people find anything abnormal. Coupled with what happened at the exchange conference not long ago, hunters and guardians who stay on the earth now will definitely be more careful not to expose themselves.

Suddenly, Mo Gre felt that there was an obvious energy fluctuation nearby. Although it was not the energy he was familiar with, that feeling could not be wrong.

Mo Grean immediately became alert. He quickly walked into the alley to find the source of energy. After a brief induction, Mo Grean confirmed that this feeling came from a nearby underground casino. Mo Grean found the stairs down to the underground casino in the dark alley, but the iron gate at the door was closed. It's strange that there is no sentry in the place.


The sound of the pistol suddenly came out of it, making Mo greedy immediately alert. He kept approaching the sound source with the help of the dim lights in the underground casino.

The casino, which should have been lively and noisy, is sparsely populated at this moment. The gambling tools and chips on the table are scattered all over the ground, and there are many leftovers of guests. It seems that something has happened that made all the guests run away all at once.

"Bum! Bang!"

Mo Greed quickly walked forward, but saw several strong men dressed like thres lying on the ground with serious injuries and bleeding. However, Mo Grean could see that it was not a gunshot wound or some weapons. It was very unique. After a few steps forward, he saw a fat head and big ears like a boss. The man was surrounded by several thre, and his hands kept trembling with weapons.

"Where is he? Where is he?" The fat pig boss shouted, but he didn't know who he was asking.

Mo Congman suddenly noticed a pair of bright eyes in the dark, but it was not like a human eye, but more like the eyes that only beasts have.

"Roar————!" Suddenly, a huge body jumped out of the darkness and directly threw a thie to the ground. At the same time, it opened the blood basin in the gap between its teeth and bit it down.

"Ah——————!" The screams suddenly spread to every corner.

Mo Gree saw that it was a strong and hairy figure, looking like a wolf that could walk upright...

"Fire! Shoot!" The fat pig boss shouted, and his thbatics picked up their weapons and shot like that huge figure.

The huge figure suddenly howled and quickly rolled aside. While rolling, the hair on his body quickly faded and turned into a teenager. The teenager covered his shoulders and quickly rolled into the darkness, while the fat pig boss and the group of thres were still shooting into the dark.

"Werewolf?" Mo Greed gently stroked his chin: "Interesting..."

"Roar!" The strong werewolf suddenly rushed out from the other side. This time, his huge body directly rushed to knock one hitter away, and then waved the hitter and slapped the other.

"You monster! Go to hell!" The fat pig boss picked up the pistol and pulled the trigger continuously at the teenager.

"Bum! Bang! Ka, Ka, Ka..."

After two shots, no bullets were fired.

"Fate! Damn it!" The fat pig boss quickly took out the magazine to change the bullet, but the werewolf had roared down.

The fat pig boss didn't even have time to scream and has lost his vitality.

At this time, the whole underground casino was as quiet as a cemetery. The werewolf slowly turned back to a teenager and raised his hand to stroke two small blood holes in his chest.

Although the fat pig boss fired only two shots in a panic just now, all the bullets hit the teenager because of the close distance.

"Dad, mom..." The teenager muttered in a low voice, knelt down on the ground with soft legs, and then lay weakly on the ground.

Mo Greed from the dark corner to the teenager and gently stroked his chin with a playful smile.

——————Split line————

When the werewolf teenager slowly opened his eyes, he found that there was pure snow white in front of him.

"I, have I died... It turns out that I still have feelings after death..." The werewolf teenager whispered to himself.

"Yes, you have killed your life. This life was borrowed from me," a somewhat arrogant voice came from the side.

The werewolf teenager turned his head and saw another teenager with a little evil face sitting next to him with his legs crossed.

At this time, the werewolf teenager finally found that he was not in heaven, but in the ward of a hospital, but the size of the ward was slightly advanced...

"Did you save me?" The werewolf teenager asked doubtfully.

"I gave you a second life." Mo Greed, "You almost died after being shot yesterday. If it hadn't been for me and using dark energy to maintain your vitality, you wouldn't have spoken to me now. I think my dark energy comes from the power of the moon, and the power of the werewolf also comes from the power of the moon, so it can work wonders."

"Why did you save me?" The werewolf teenager asked calmly, "I have nothing. Why don't you let me die?"

"Don't let you die? Except for my own life, anyone's life or death has nothing to do with me. What you want to do with your life..." Mo said coldly, "Oh, but it's a pity that now your life is mine. Only I have the right to decide my life or death."

"Well, I have nothing anyway. If this life wants, you can take it." The werewolf turned his head and said.

Don't show a satisfied smile at the corners of his mouth, but he didn't open his mouth again.

A middle-aged doctor in a white coat came in. It was not difficult to see from the employee card on his chest that he was one of the attending doctors in the hospital, but when he saw Mo Greed, his body couldn't help trembling, and his face showed uncontrollable fear.

Don't look at the doctor with an indescribable evil smile, and suddenly a black fog appeared in his hand wrapped around his hand.

The doctor trembled with excitement and hurried to the werewolf teenager to check his condition.

"How is he, doctor?" Mo Gree leisurely picked up the apple on the table and nibbled it.

"It's incredible, it's incredible," the doctor who returned to his doctor after working: "I suffered such a serious injury when I was sent last night, and I lost too much blood. I didn't expect that today not only could I wake up, but most of the wounds have healed! I have some doubts about whether this teenager is human or not, and I want to know the human body..."

The doctor suddenly felt a huge danger coming from the side. He quickly raised his head, but saw Mo's hands wrapped in the black fog, and the apple he had bitten in his hand was rapidly corroded.

"You'd better pay attention to what you shouldn't say, doctor." Don't say it as if nothing happened.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I won't do it again!" The doctor shouted that a cold sweat had oozed from his forehead. He couldn't help regretting why he was so stupid, and how could a monster's friend be an ordinary person?

"Since this guy is fine, he can be discharged from the hospital." Mo Greed up and kicked the werewolf teenager from illness**: "Since you can jump around, don't pretend to be half dead."

The werewolf teenager slowly stood up, but did not show anger or anger at Mo Gree, but calmly dressed.

"Doctor, you should know the code of confidentiality, right? And the consequences of violating it." Don't say it lightly.

"I know." The doctor felt cold and said quickly.

"Very good, but my punishment is 100 times the worst result, so that's it. Thank you for your care." Mo Gree said with a smile and left the ward with the werewolf teenager.

It was not until then that the doctor breathed a long sigh of relief and sat weakly against the wall on the ground.

After leaving the hospital, Mo Greed casually asked, "It seems that an important question has been ignored. What's your name?"


"I don't care what your name used to be," the werewolf teenager was interrupted by Mo Greed as soon as he opened his mouth: "Since you have been reborn, you should also have a new name. From today on, you will be called Langya."

The werewolf teenager did not open his mouth to refute, which was regarded as acquiesced in Mo Gree's words.

"Very good, then let's go."

"Where are we going?" Langya asked calmly.

"Go to the world where I was born," Mo said calmly, "Speaking of which, how much do you know about our world?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about." The wolf's teeth replied.

"It looks like a guy who has just gained ability. I hate to explain," Mo shook his head and said, "But it doesn't matter. When I look for a goal, I will try to * tell you easily..."