Pome Star

Chapter 240 Senior Escort

While Mo Cong was studying the function of his new body in the lounge, the red leaf with a new personality separator came in from the outside: "Let's go."

"But hasn't there been a problem with any door that hasn't been fixed?" Mo Greed his head and said.

"Any door over there is completely broken," Hongye said calmly, "Let's find a big magic tutor to open the portal and bring a new door by the way."

"That's right." Mo greedy nodded and stood up, but saw Ziyue and Bai Wei beside him also stand up.

"Don't we have to go together to the end of this little thing?" Mo Greeden looked at Ziyue and asked.

"After all, it's your first time to get together with someone. How can you miss such an important and interesting thing?" Ziyue said lightly.

"...Although the words are good, please don't use a statement that can cause serious misunderstanding, Sister Ziyue..." Mo Gree said feebly.

"I don't want to be left alone." Bai Wei said.

"Well, that's all going together. As for PX-0, stay and I'll return this body to you when we come back." Mo Greed up and looked at the PX-0 on the table and said.

"Go back quickly..." PX-0 shook his handkerchief and ran into tears, like a wife who sent her husband to the battlefield.

"...and restrain me a little..."

Half an hour later, the contact point of X City.

Looking at the wind that is still cleaning the messy room, don't know how to feel for a moment.

"What's going on here?"

Huh? Why did you come back?" Tianfeng raised his head and looked at Mo Gan and other four people unexpectedly.

"Open the portal and bring any new door by the way." Don't take down any door and put it against the wall.

"Ah, it really helped me a lot. I had a headache how to glue the previous pile of debris before. Now it seems that the problem has been solved." Tianfeng casually swept the fragments of any door on the ground into the trash can.

"...So what happened here before?!"

Ah? Ah...it's nothing." Tianfeng scratched his head as if nothing had happened and said, "By the way, a lot of work has been piled up, and it must be completed quickly..." Tianfeng walked to the side.

"Hey, wait a minute," Mo Greed Tianfeng's collar and brought him back: "Something seems to be wrong."

"Well, your boy's strength is much stronger. Have you gone to the gym?" Tianfeng patted Mo Greed on the shoulder with a smile, but there was a crisp metal collision sound: "Uh..."

"Isn't it strange that we have been here for at least 10 minutes, but we haven't seen anyone else at all?" Don't stare at the wind and ask.

"Lan Xin and Qing Jing's words rest in their room!" Tianfeng immediately said.

"Hurry up!"

"Okay, okay, okay, anyway, I've tried my best," Tianfeng sighed, and then said what happened before: "...Then the three of them went to that world from the plane crack..."

When he heard these words, Mo Gree's face had become extremely pale: "It's a big trouble, now it's really a big trouble..."

"I also know," Tianfeng sighed helplessly, "But those three little ghosts don't listen to advice and have to go to such a dangerous plane at all. If something happens, my liaison officer will be jointly and severally responsible. Ah, my bonus this month..."

Bai Wei: "...that's what you care about..."

"The other word must be to regret the natural disaster army. This is not a problem. Anyway, that guy was born from the darkness," Mo Runi stood up and walked back and forth and said, "I'm more worried about Liang Yu than him. That guy himself has loopholes in his heart because of hatred and is half stiff. The body of the corpse is cultivated by death. No matter how you look at it, it is in line with the main purpose of the natural disaster. If you meet the guy I met last time, maybe Liang Yu will fall faster than the other one..."

"Yes, is that so?" Bai Wei stood up in a panic and said.

"Cut, these guys ran to that plane alone without telling me. I'm afraid something bad will really happen this time." Mo Qian stood up and ran to any door he had just brought.

"Hey, boy Mo, what are you going to do?" Tianfeng hurriedly asked.

Do you still need to say that? Stop it before things get worse!" Don't say loudly.

"...when you decide to go, it will make things worse..."

"Wait a minute, I'll go with you." Bai Wei quickly followed Mo Greed and said.

"So you newcomers listen to the golden words of your predecessors!" Tianfeng said loudly.

"It seems that you need help. By the way, complete the last step in that world." Hongye carefully disassembled and installed the personality separator and said.

Mo Greed and nodded, and the four people quickly opened any door and returned to the headquarters of the Space and Border Bureau.

"...Sure enough, let's think about early retirement..." Tianfeng rubbed his head with a headache and said.

At this moment, Lan Xin, who was in the next bedroom, heard the voice of Mo Greed and others outside. Just as she wanted to stand up and go out to have a look, she was pulled by a small hand. Lan Xin turned her head and looked at the sleeping Qingjing, who was still lying in **, and sat down helplessly and gently stroked her forehead.

——————Split line————

The headquarters of the Air Border Bureau, the office of Ren Jingyu.

When Ren Jingyu listened to Mo Ren's description of the current situation, he suddenly showed a headache: "I said, what happened to you little ghosts? The things you encountered in a day are more wonderful than the events you have encountered in a year..."

"Uncle, I think we have to race against time now." Bai Wei said seriously that this time she was more anxious than Mo Gree.

"How many of you little ghosts go to such a dangerous plane? It's not that you can escape every time. You are not nine-life cats. Ren Jingyu said seriously.

"You know, we have to go." Don't say it seriously.

"I know it's useless to stop you. Anyway, you will try your best to go, but this time the problem is really a little serious and must be accompanied by a senior manager," Ren Jingyu said seriously, then pressed the pager on the table and said, "The three of you come in."

The door of the office opened automatically, and Feng Wenliu, Gorhagang and Su Can came in.

"It happens that these three guys are unwilling to work in the bureau. They have nothing to do and always cause trouble. Take them to vent their excess energy." Ren Jingyu saw these three people with another headache: "Anyway, just let them disappear in front of me for a while..."

Don't be greedy: "...Do you really think it's dangerous to find senior managers for us..."

"I said, director, it's too sad for you to say that," Gorha just shook his head and said, "Have you forgotten the good memories of giving each other our backs when we fought against thousands of troops and horses together?"

"I don't remember that kind of painful memory!" Ren Jingyu shouted, "It's better to give your back to the wall!"

"Old man, I just like to drink leisurely." Su Can wiped his rosacea and said, "It won't affect anyone."

"You are the one who will make trouble for me the most! Every time you start a drunkenness, it takes three managers at the same level to suppress you!" Ren Jingyu patted the table and said, "I said, do you know that our bureau has a fiscal deficit now? Don't destroy public property for me anymore!"

"In a word, we already know what's going on," Feng asked Liu calmly, "It happens that we have a little experience in a period of retreat recently, and it's not bad to find a place to move..."

Mo Greed suddenly sweated: "I thought it would be a very dangerous journey, but why did I suddenly feel delicate..."

"What are you waiting for? Let's go quickly." Bai Wei said to Mo Greed, and then ran out of Ren Jingyu's office.

"Yes, you have to race against time," Mo sighed greedily and said, "Why am I so tired before I leave..."

Gorha just walked to Mo's side and put one hand on his shoulder and said, "Don't worry, boy, you can come back alive from the demon world without our help. What else will happen to us this time?"

"It's because of you that I'm worried..."
