For Teachers and Interpretation Robes

Chapter 1

"Bah, where did the ugly girl come from? Don't come out and bury your father. Even if you send her to the door to make a promise, you will probably scare people to death!"

A big man looked at a girl squatting there and said loudly. Everyone next to him pointed, but none of them came forward.

The girl's hair was covered with yellow purulent phlegm, but she was still kneeling there, her eyebrows drooping, as if she could only see what others on the ground in front of her had nothing to do with her.

Seeing the girl like this, the big man "banged" again, and then turned around and left. After the big man left, the voice of the onlookers gradually increased.

"Well, this girl is also poor. She has been sitting here for three days."

"Poor is pitiful. If you have the ability, you can buy her back as your stone's daughter-in-law?"

"This doesn't work. Although my stone doesn't have much money, at least its facial features are good..."

"Then don't say so much. Alas, let's go quickly."


At night, the wind became stronger and stronger. Ah Chou knelt there and felt stiff, so he slowly began to get up. At this time, an aunt hurried over from the side and stuffed a paper bag for her: "This is made by our family in the evening. You can take it and eat it. Don't come in the future. No one here buys you."

After saying that, the aunt left in a hurry.

A Chou felt the warm feeling from the paper bag, which made her kneel for a day and felt numb blood vessels seem to have changed a little. She squeezed her lips and opened the paper bag. Inside is just a white-faced steamed bun, and it can be seen that it is also served with gray noodles, which is not a good thing.

But she still pinched the steamed bread with her hand and walked slowly out of the city.

There is a shabby temple outside the city. How shabby is it? Only one main hall still stands, and all the bodhisattvas inside are lying on the ground. She went to a cleaner place inside, then opened the paper bag, smelled the fragrance of the steamed bread, and couldn't help swallowing saliva. But he still resisted, put the steamed bread bag aside, and then went to the back of the temple to get water.

She held a broken bowl, then pinched half a dry and hard steamed bun, stuck to water, and slowly swallowed it. The steamed bun tastes very bad, which makes my throat feel pierced by a sharp object. But she still tried to swallow it. She didn't eat the soft steamed bread next to her, but it was cold. The reason was very simple.

Because of this, it is easier to be full, and the more you eat, the more hungry you will be.

Half of the steamed buns were finished, and she received the remaining six steamed buns under a wooden board with 15 copper plates in it, which was her only thing.

Her name is Achou, and she doesn't know how she came to this world. She was originally an orphan and lived under the five-star red flag of the 21st century. Although it was hard, she could still live.

But I didn't expect that a dream made her come here. When she first came to this world, she picked up rice grains on the ripped of the field to eat. That's why the villagers around saw her pitifully and did not expel her. She also knew from those people that she was a fool and had been wandering around the villages, looking for some food that others didn't want.

Fortunately, although everyone is not rich now, it is not a disaster year, so there is no one to embarrass her.

She thought, got cold water again, dipped her hands in the cold water, tore the broken curtain in the temple, and glued to clean her face. Her skin is wheat-colored, but there is an unhealthy yellow inside. Because she is too thin, there is basically no meat on her face, and her skin looks dry. Most importantly, half of her face is full of birthmarks!

No matter how many birthmarks are on her face, she is not. She just grows on her forehead, and almost only her chin is good on her face. Moreover, the color of the birthmark seems to be on fire, so she is obviously at a good age, but others walk around to slander her, but no one thinks about what she really will do.

A Chou is the name of this body. She traveled through time and didn't want to change her name, because she felt that she didn't care what she called. She came to this town from the village and spent three days filling her hunger with wild fruits on the road. Because she didn't know whether many fruits could be eaten, she ate some fruits pecked by birds.

After coming here, I came to have some steamed buns and hard cakes in the name of selling myself to bury my father. Although it is not much, it is much better than in the village.

She calculated the inventory she still had, and then seriously thought about whether those things were enough to go to the next town. I have been here for three days and can't stay any longer.

When she was thinking about it, she drank two more bowls of water.

"There is someone here." A man in a moon-white gown came in from the outside, looked at Ah Chou sitting there, and said in surprise. Ah Chou was shocked and immediately stood up and wanted to walk away.

But she felt a yellow light in front of her, and she fainted all of a sudden.

When she woke up, she found that she was still lying in the ruined temple, and everything around her seemed to have not changed at all. She pressed her head blankly and felt a dull pain in her head.

When her hand was next to her and she wanted to get up, she suddenly felt something in her palm aches and immediately fixed her eyes. But I didn't think that there were three round pearls lying there. Those pearls lay there with a faint light.

She subconsciously put away the pearls, and then surrounded a large number of them. She seemed to have experienced an extremely strong battle around her. Almost all the halls that had been shaped had collapsed. Except for a few pillars, she could not see that this place was once a temple. She sat for a while, then stood up and frowned and looked around.

"Here, why is it like this..." There was a noisy sound outside. A group of townspeople outside pushed in from the outside and were shocked to see the miserable situation inside.

"You, aren't you the daughter who buried your father in our town!"

"Ah, I remember, look at her face!"


A Chou was a little nervous when she met their eyes. She didn't know why she always had a very bad feeling. Sure enough, those people soon discussed it and began to shout, "It's all her. This time it must be all because of her. Otherwise, how could it suddenly fall here? She is a disaster!"

"Yes, otherwise how did her father die? We can't let such a disaster star stay around our town and drive her away!"

A group of people began to respond. Many people picked up stones and sticks from the ground and around, and then clamored her to wave them. Naturally, Ah Chou couldn't stand there and be beaten, so he could only start running away in confusion. She can no longer find her food, because it has collapsed, and the food she has hidden must have been buried at the bottom. She gritted her teeth and ran to the mountain behind the temple.

The mountain road is not easy to walk. She ran awkwardly, hoping that the people behind her would catch up because it was too troublesome. But she didn't expect that the sound kept falling behind her.

"Look, the disaster star is there!"

"Burn her, burn her, burn her last day, won't blame us!"

"Such a big temple will be gone in one night. This disaster star must not be left!"


"What does it have to do with me? What happened there has nothing to do with me. You, why are you chasing me?" A Chou thought about it, but he didn't dare to look back, let alone argue with them. Because it's useless, all the words are useless to them. They are crazy now and can't think of anything else. All they can think of is to catch up with her and kill her.

A Chou is not stupid or crazy, so he just runs.

However, the road has come to an end.

The surrounding dwarf trees made a rustling sound, as if they were laughing at her. Look, no matter how you run, you can't run away. On the edge of the cliff, the wind also seemed to be particularly cold. She couldn't help shrinking and saw that more and more people chasing behind came here.

Those people looked at her up and down, didn't know what she was talking about and whispering.

She doesn't want to stay here.

She really doesn't want to stay here. These people remind her of the people who sent her to the orphanage. At that time, she was still young, and many people talked to her.

"Look, everyone in this car accident is dead, but this girl is not dead. She must be a disaster!"

"My brother and sister-in-law would not have died if it weren't for this girl. Humph! I won't raise such a person!"

"Well, if you don't raise it, I have no reason to bring it..."


Finally, she was sent to the door of the orphanage by a group of smiling people and met the cold-faced dean. A gust of wind blew, and she shuddered, took a serious look at the people who were about to surround her, and then turned around and jumped. The wind blew, and she soon lost her consciousness.

When she woke up, she felt sore all over her body. Is she still alive?

"What's your name?"

An old man with white hair and beard looked at the girl in front of him.

"I, my name is A Chou."

"Very good, you fell from the cliff and your limbs are broken, but people are alive. The most important thing is that you have spiritual roots, so I decided to accept you as a flower slave. Do you agree?"

"If I don't agree?"

"Throw it out and kill yourself."

"I do."

A Chou nodded heavily. She died twice and didn't want to die for the third time.

"Good, your body will be fine tomorrow, but you will feel very painful. Also, you can call me Master.

"Yes, Master." Ah Chou answered. She wanted to nod, but found that she couldn't move at all.

When her master saw her like that, he nodded slightly and then said, "If you say you can't stand the pain and die, forget it. If I were alive, I would come tomorrow." After saying that, he turned around and left. Ah Chou didn't know that he might still die.

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