For Teachers and Interpretation Robes

Chapter 114

The rosefinch looked at the cage and frowned slightly. It seemed to suppress something, but Xuancao had no time to care too much at this time, because she was shocked by their words. Is the scar on his face just a leaf now? Thinking of this, Xuancao couldn't help remembering her experience when she first came here.

At that time, everyone seemed to treat themselves as ominous, just because of the birthmark on their faces. She has also thought countless times, is the reason why she was abandoned the reason for the birthmark?

Now, this birthmark is gone...

"Sister, what's wrong with you?" Brother Xiaobai seemed to feel the silence of Xuancao and asked strangely. After listening to Brother Xiaobai's words, Xuancao suddenly looked up at Brother Xiaobai, and then shook her head with a smile: "I have nothing but happy."

"Are you happy?" Brother Xiaobai didn't seem to understand, but he soon figured it out and said with a smile, "Do you mean the birthmark on your face?"

Xuancao nodded and stroked her cheek with her hand.

"Bear by the way, your face was not like this when you came here. At that time, I only thought that the scar on your face would not have retreated so quickly. But now it seems that it was a birthmark. Brother Xiaobai said, narrowing his eyes slightly, as if thinking. Looking at Brother Xiaobai's appearance, Xuancao nodded and suddenly said, "I thought that the birthmark would follow me like this all my life. But I didn't expect that it would be gone now.

Looking at Xuancao like this, Brother Xiaobai laughed and said, "Well, don't think too much. I can give you your vest in a few days. When you put on the vestment, you will become more and more beautiful.

After listening to Brother Xiaobai's words, Xuancao was a little shy and lowered her head slightly. Looking at Xuancao like this, Brother Xiaobai smiled more and more proudly.

At night, the cicada suddenly came, and his face was a little anxious. After seeing Xuancao, he showed a relieved look. Looking at the appearance of the cicada, Xuancao asked strangely, "What's wrong with you?"

"I ask you, do you know a woman named Qingyao?"

"Qingyao?" Xuancao repeated the name and shook her head: "I haven't heard of it. What happened?" She said, asking the cicada to sit down in the yard. At this time, Qingcicada found the changes in the yard. Seeing that the whole yard became crystal clear, he couldn't help laughing and said, "I didn't expect that you would enjoy it so much and decorate it like this."

Xuancao listened to Qingchan's words, responded with a smile, and then waited for his follow-up.

Qingchan also seemed to know what Xuancao was thinking, so he straightened his face and said solemnly, "I don't know what's going on. One day, the emperor suddenly said that he had a dream, dreamed of a character woman named Qingyao, and said where he saw it. And the date I saw happened to be on that day. So, I became interested and insisted on going to see if I could meet the woman.

"And then?"

"The emperor went out and really saw the woman in the place where he saw the woman in his dream. The woman was wearing a cloth and was happily raccooning by the stream. Watching the crystal water dripping from the woman's hand, the emperor actually made an order to take the woman back to the palace. The woman already had a future husband, but the emperor ignored her and still took her back!"

Xuancao listened to this passage and felt so familiar, as if it was the story of Xi Shi... Just thinking about it, Xuancao saw the cicada frown: "What, is there anything wrong with that woman?"

"That woman was born there, and there is nothing wrong with her, but I feel that she seems to be a little demonic. I once mentioned to the emperor, but the emperor said that there are not so many monsters. If that village is full of monsters, there are too many monsters in the world!"

"Oh, did that woman do anything to harm the society?" Xuancao said, with a smile on the corners of her mouth.

"No, on the contrary, the woman doesn't care about the emperor. Every time the emperor is with her, she will be persuaded a lot. Moreover, she hardly smiled at the emperor and cried at the window all day. Qing Chanzi said, and he also seemed to find this situation strange. Hearing Qingchan's words, Xuancao suddenly laughed: "Look at you. In this case, what are you worried about?" You stayed here just for the community here. Even if this emperor is gone, you can just change one in the future. Why do you care so much!"

"What do you mean..." Qingcicada said, slightly narrowing his eyes.

"I didn't say anything. You don't have to come to find a small people like me when you have nothing to do." Xuancao said and knocked on the jade table with her hand. Looking at her swallow, the cicada frowned slightly and said, "In this case, I won't say more. By the way, how did Wan Niang leave?

"Wanniang is her own choice. After all, she has to think about her children." Xuancao said with a faint look on her face. Looking at her like this, Qing Chanzi thought for a moment and then said, "I know there is a small Xiuzhen town near our country. There will be a market there this month. Are you interested?"


Xuancao listened and raised her eyebrows slightly.

"Yes, this is probably the largest Xiuzhen town here. If you want to inquire about any information, it will be more rewarding to go there directly."

After listening to Qingchan's words, Xuancao nodded to show that she knew. It was a little strange for the cicada to see that Xuancao didn't pay special attention to it. But he didn't say anything and left directly.

It is also normal for cicadas to be strange, because Xuancao must have stayed here for something. If she wants to avoid her enemies, she will definitely hide. I will open a store, mostly because I want to get news about something. But he just used the market to test her, but she didn't react. This is really abnormal.

Xuancao doesn't care what the cicada is thinking. She is just wondering if she needs to go there. There seems to be nothing missing around him, and he also leads two small mythical beasts. Anyway, let's discuss it with Brother Xiaobai first and see what he says. Xuancao thought and made up her mind.

After listening to Xuancao's words, Brother Xiaobai nodded decisively: "Go, I will definitely go. But there should be an invitation to go to such a place. Since he can come to ask you, there must be an invitation!"

"Well, but we don't lack anything now. Why should we go?" Xuancao said, frowning slightly. Seeing Xuancao like this, Brother Xiaobai smiled and said, "None of people certainly know the true face of Xingzhouzi, but someone will understand more or less about his coming here. He didn't go back after he came. Will the people in the sect not send someone to inquire? After all, he is more or less a Jindan monk.

Brother Xiaobai's words are very reasonable. Xuancao nodded to show her agreement. Looking at Xuancao's appearance, Brother Xiaobai nodded and raised the corners of his mouth slightly. "What's more, now you also have a few rosefinch feathers in your hand, and you can exchange a lot of spiritual stones with this thing. After all, we still have a need for spiritual stones!"

"That's right, they are all here, and we ourselves are not lacking!" Xuancao said with a faint smile on the corners of her mouth. Looking at Xuancao, Brother Xiaobai shook his head: "You think so well. Now the little Phoenix is still small, and it is enough to eat spiritual rice, but once he is older, I'm afraid he will eat the spiritual stone directly."

"At that time, he became an adult." Xuancao wanted to raise a little beast that ate the spirit stone, and suddenly had a headache.

"You think so well. How can he eat spiritual stones when he is an adult!" Brother Xiaobai said and shook his head. Now he seems to like to see Xuancao's bitter face, such as now. The smile on his face now is enough to tell anyone that he is very happy.