For Teachers and Interpretation Robes

Chapter 100 Fight Zombies

"They're gone, we can go too!"

The little guy said with a little joy in his tone. But when he saw Huang Kun shaking his head calmly, he just wanted to say something, but he also found that something was wrong here. Those zombies are a little * quiet. It's really * quiet. After they went out, they consciously lined up in two rows, as if they were waiting for something.

Suddenly, a dark shadow flashed.

A tall body appeared in the middle of the two rows of zombies. The zombie smelled the zombies on both sides, and then squeaked and didn't know what he was talking about. The zombies began to disperse, and then saw the zombie walk into the room.

He seemed to be able to feel their existence and directly grabbed Xuancao. Xuancao's body flashed to one side and took out a ribbon from his arms at the same time. This is still the weapon that Brother Xiaobai made for her at the beginning, and she rarely uses it.

But now, she really doesn't want to have any close contact with these zombies! After all, even if a zombie looks nothing, its essence is a corpse. Xuancao didn't have time to think much, so she directly took the ribbon and pulled it to the zombie. The zombie could feel the wind from the ribbon, and his intuition flashed and grabbed it with his hand. This thing was prepared by Brother Xiaobai. How could it be so easy for him to catch it?

So, instead of grabbing the ribbon as the zombie wanted, he was scratched on his arm.

Huang Kun had been looking at the zombie coldly at this time. It was not until the zombie roared angrily that he frowned and said, "Xuncao, tie it up!"

Hearing this, Xuancao immediately hesitated. It was her own hairband. Forget it. At worst, after tying it, wash it well... She was thinking that Huang Kun seemed to know what she was thinking and said in an unusually cold tone, "Don't worry, that it's a spiritual weapon and won't get any bad smell. "!"

After hearing this, Xuancao was relieved. At this time, Stone also began to attack the zombie. At this time, the zombie didn't seem to know which one to catch in response.

"Bed him up!" Huang Kun said loudly after releasing an attack.

Xuancao subconsciously released her hairband directly, and sure enough, the zombie was tied up. Huang Kun put away his weapons and stood in front of the zombie. The zombie looked at Huang Kun in front of him and didn't know what he was talking about.

"Is this your father?" Xuancao went to Huang Kun's side and asked.

Huang Kun nodded. At this time, the little guy also followed him, looked at the zombie in front of him up and left and right, and said strangely, "Actually, it doesn't matter. How can it be so powerful than those zombies outside!"

As he spoke, he reached out to touch the zombie, but he was suddenly stopped by a stone: "You can't touch this. You're too young."

The stone looked at the little guy in front of him and said seriously.

The little guy heard this and snorted coldly, but he didn't say that he wanted to touch the zombie again. He just looked back and forth, as if he wanted to see some flowers from the zombie. Huang Kun looked at the little guy and asked directly, "Aren't you going to leave? Now that this biggest zombie has been caught, you can leave!"

"Well, I'm not that stupid. Now that you have caught this, why should I leave!"

The little guy said, looking back and forth at them, with a little proud look on his face. Looking at this little guy like this, Xuancao smiled and shook her head and said, "You don't think about it. Since we can catch this guy, isn't it a matter of minutes if we really want to catch you and deal with you? Are you not afraid?"

"I, I, I'm just a child. I believe you are all adults and won't care about children like me!"

Although the little guy said so, he obviously didn't have enough confidence. Seeing his appearance, Huang Kun snorted coldly, "Why don't we care about you? Did you forget? How did you design us?"

"Well, I'm just joking with you."

"Are you kidding?" Huang Kun repeated these words with a smile on the corners of his mouth. Just as he was about to say something, he heard the big zombie he had just caught suddenly look up to the sky and make a sharp cry.

After listening to this sound, Huang Kun's face suddenly changed: "This guy is starting to call people!"

"Call someone?" Xuancao didn't understand and looked at Huang Kun doubtfully. Huang Kun smiled bitterly and then said, "He must have called other zombies to come here because he couldn't beat us!" As his words fell, as expected, there began to gather all kinds of footsteps outside.

The zombie whined at this time, as if warning something. Huang Kun bent down to approach the zombie and smiled at the corners of his mouth: "Do you know why you have come to this end? You are so painful. Human beings are not human beings, ghosts are not ghosts, and what can drive you is just a zombie instinct. Huang Kun said, looking at the zombie in front of him, as if he were looking at his lover. Seeing him like this, the little guy couldn't help shrugging his shoulders and asked strangely, "Is there something wrong with this man? Why can he talk to this zombie like this!"

Xuancao took a look at the little guy and ignored him.

Obviously, Huang Kun did not have time to take care of the little guy over there at this time, but focused on the zombie in front of him. Suddenly, he cut the zombie with the little flying sword in his hand. The zombie immediately let out a painful roar, and at this time, the zombies outside also began to be a little **.

Huang Kun took a look at the zombies outside and said to Xuancao, "Please put a boundary out."

As soon as Xuancao heard this, she was stunned, then nodded, took out the spiritual stone, and made a boundary. It's very interesting that when she did this, none of the zombies outside came in, but seemed to be watching outside.

"Does it hurt? If you die, it should not hurt. Then why do you scream? Oh, I see. This is actually just an instinctive reaction. Are you right?" Huang Kun said, looking at the zombie in front of him and talking to him seriously.

At this time, Xuancao also felt a little creepy, coughed twice, and then said, "Huang Kun, this is your father. Just let him go quickly."

"How could he be my father? My father had already left when my mother left. This man is just a pathetic zombie. Huang Kun said, still looking at the zombies in front of him. The zombie shook his head and seemed to be a little dizzy.

At this time, Huang Kun began to speak again: "That's right, I'm very strange. Why do you say that if you die, you will become zombies? Normally, it's impossible."

As soon as the little guy heard this, he immediately said, "I know why. It must be because the people who killed them were demons, otherwise, it wouldn't be like this!" After listening to the little guy's words, Xuancao turned her head slightly and looked at the little guy. The little guy seemed to appreciate his eyes and looked up proudly. Looking at the little guy twice, Xuancao nodded and said, "Sure enough, this little guy should be a person from everyone, otherwise, he would not have known so many messy things."

"What is a messy thing? This is common sense, common sense. You don't understand it yourself. How dare you say something there!"

The little guy suddenly seemed to be blown up and said. At this time, Huang Kun was not in the mood to coax the little guy at all. Looking at such a noisy little guy, he said directly, "Shut up, or I will throw you out and feed the zombies!"


"What, are you afraid that I don't dare?" Huang Kun said, squinting at the little guy.