For Teachers and Interpretation Robes

Chapter 165 Out of Customs

At this time, Xuancao suddenly woke up. It seemed that her state just now was very wrong, or the appearance just now should be a precursor to going crazy. However, fortunately, the leaf on his body helped him resolve it. Thinking of this, she subconsciously touched her chest.

Clearly saw her like this, rubbed her, and then said, "Master, don't worry, take your time. Anyway, the master is still young. If you can't break through now, you can come again in the future. Hearing the clear words, Xuancao looked at him in surprise. He shook his slender neck and said, "Didn't the master have a contract with that girl? The master has a long life, so it's okay to slow down."

"No, even if I have a long life, but if someone wants to do something to me, I'm not strong enough, and it's still just someone else's plaything." Xuancao said, narrowing her eyes slightly. In those three generations, she had a deep memory of this. If you have the strength, you will not fall into those ends at all. Thinking of this, her eyes were even darker. Looking at her like this, he hesitated, and then didn't say anything.

Xuancao touched the clear head and began to practice by herself.


She suddenly opened her eyes and looked at the world in the cave. She found that she seemed to be different now. What she saw was different, and the whole world seemed to open another layer to her. Xuancao thought and looked at the clarity next to her.

Clearly fell asleep at this time, but he soon woke up from his sleep. Looking at Xuancao, he smiled clearly, "Congratulations, master, the master has finally reached the beginning of the valley period."

Xuancao nodded, looked at the clear with a smile, and then took a look at the Pigu Dan in front of her. The ten bottles are already empty. Obviously, there is no Pi Gudan.

"Well, I can't stay here any longer." Xuancao said, stood up, lowered her body slightly, and let the clarity wrap around her hand. Looking at the clear and well-behaved appearance, Xuancao touched the clear head with a smile and then said.

"Uh-huh..." He raised his head clearly and obediently. Looking at this, Xuancao was quite happy. Although she knew that Xiaoya and Xiaoyin were also with her in the space, she always felt different when she looked at the other little thing in front of her. When she got to the entrance of the cave, before she did anything, the door of the cave suddenly opened. Looking at the dazzling sunlight outside, she frowned unadaptly. Obviously, because it has been a long time in the cave, it looks like this outside.

Thinking of this, she sighed and continued to walk out. Everything here seemed to be similar to when she went in, but Xuancao found that those flowers looked stronger than when she went in. Obviously, these flowers have been here for a long time. How is your master, stone and silver bell now? She thought, and suddenly seemed to see them immediately and tell them that she had reached the valley.

quickly walked to the silver bell's room and opened the door. The room was very clean. Xuancao frowned slightly and found that this was the effect of a small array. She walked over and saw a piece of turquoise jade on the round table in the middle of the room. Picking up Yuyu, a piece of news entered Xuancao's mind.

It turned out that the stone and silver bell were taken out by the master. Although there was no mention where to take them, Xuancao could vaguely guess that it was going to a place that could increase their strength. Thinking of this, she frowned slightly. Because the letter said that the master said that after letting her come out, there is no need to wait for them to come out directly in place, just go outside to practice by herself.

After receiving the news from Yuyu, Xuancao was still a little confused. She didn't expect that she would come out happily, but they had already left here. She hesitated and then looked around. I found that there was no more news left here.

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded outside. She subconsciously turned around and saw a puppet. The puppet is much finer than the one she bought. At the same time, the puppet holds a plate in his hand, as if he were holding something.

She took a strange look at the puppet, then looked at what it was holding, and asked with some doubt, "What is this?"

"It's what the owner left behind when you were in retreat." The puppet said, walked to her and respectfully raised the tray on his hand to the place where the day lily could be obtained and seen. Looking at the plate, there is a miniature number of Tianzhou on it. She looked twice and found that this was her own Tianzhou. He hesitated, then put it away, and then looked at the others, most of which were Yuzhen. Xuancao thought for a moment and guessed that these should be some real spells and so on, and they were all put away.

After she finished collecting these, she asked the puppet, "Do you know how long I have been locked up?"

"I know, it's been 50 years." The puppet said.

"Then when did they leave?" Xuancao was secretly shocked that she had been closed for so many years, but she was a little curious about when they left. After listening to Xuancao's Hua, the puppet said directly, "I left three years ago."

Xuancao nodded to show that she knew, and then waved her hand to let the puppet go down. After seeing the puppet go down, he clearly asked Xuancao, "Master, what are you going to do now?"

"I don't know where they went." Xuancao said, looking at the clarity on her wrist. Clarity answered, indicating that he didn't know either. Looking at this, Xuancao hesitated and said, "Master gave me Tianzhou. He must want me to go out. However, I don't have a goal and I don't know where I should go.

"The world outside is very big. It is said that there are a lot of delicious food. Master, can you take me out and eat a lot of delicious food!" He said clearly, and his voice was very eager. Hearing the clear Hua, Xuancao seemed to be a little surprised.

"I have reached the valley period, so I don't have to eat." There is a little pride in Xuancao's words. After listening to her words, he answered clearly, and then said, "Although the master has reached the valley period, he can not eat anything, but the same can also be good. You don't have to be full of delicious food, just eat it and it tastes good!" Xuancao listened to the clear Hua and vaguely felt that there was some truth. Anyway, I don't know where to go at present, so I nodded to show that I promised to be clear.

I found the cave that went out, and Xuancao and Mingxi went out together. It still looks like Iceland outside. Xuancao looked at Iceland twice, but still didn't figure out what kind of formation this was. It seems that my knowledge in this area is still too weak. Fortunately, I still want to be a mage, which is really ridiculous. She thought and released Tianzhou. I don't know. It surprised her to put it down. Because this Tianzhou is not big. Compared with the Tianzhou she started, it is really different, and it has changed from several layers to one layer...

However, this is still much more stable than the ordinary Tianzhou. Could it be said that this was changed with the help of the master? She thought about it and got on the boat with doubt. After getting on Tianzhou, Xuancao found that this Tianzhou was indeed her previous one, because it felt the same. However, there are many differences, and it seems that many places have been strengthened.

The reason why Master will do this is probably because the previous shape of the boat was too huge. If there are a few people above, it's okay. If there is any malicious person, everyone can also help stop it. But this time, there is only one person on the trip. Then, there are not so many rooms on Tianzhou. Therefore, defense and so on the contrary have been greatly increased. I slightly felt the changes on the Tianzhou and became familiar with the operation of Tianzhou, so Xuancao set out for the nearest Xiuzhen distribution center!