For Teachers and Interpretation Robes

Chapter 195

I took the big bowl from my aunt's hand, took a sip, and then looked at the aunt in front of me, which was a little strange.

The aunt has been staring at her since she was drinking water, which made her a little embarrassed.

seemed to find the uncomfortableness of Xuancao. The aunt smiled and then said, "I think your girl is a little different from the people in our village, but she looks a little similar to our Mr. Hou."

"Mr. Hou?" Xuancao's tone rose slightly. Since she met them, she has heard the so-called Mr. Hou from them many times. She is now a little curious about Mr. Hou, and she is very strange what kind of person he is and how he can make so many people care about him.

"That's Mr. Hou. By the way, I don't know if they asked Mr. Hou to come." The aunt said, frowning slightly. Looking at the aunt's appearance, Xuancao smiled and said, "I don't have anything, very good."

"How can you say that? I don't think you look good. When you came in just now, you still had something in your hand.

The aunt said, took two steps outside, lifted the curtain and went out.

At this moment, she and the little girl are in it. Xuancao put the tea bowl aside, looked at the little girl next to her, and asked with a smile, "Run Niu, how old are you?"

"I'm five years old this year." Run Niu said, looked at Xuancao curiously, and then blinked and asked, "Is the big sisters outside the same as your sister? It's so beautiful!"

Hearing this, Xuancao was immediately embarrassing and shook her head with a smile: "No, some girls outside are more beautiful than me."

"What should I do? Mr. Hou is from the outside. He is used to looking at girls who are more beautiful than his sister, so naturally he won't like Run Niu." Run Niu said, with a trace of distress on her little face. Looking at the little guy like this, Xuancao asked strangely, "Do you want to marry Mr. Hou?"

"That's natural. Mr. Hou is the most beautiful man I have ever seen, so I must marry him." Run Niu said, clenching her hands tightly into fists, looking very determined. Looking at the little guy like this, Xuancao couldn't help laughing.

Looking at her smile, Run Niu looked a little unhappy, snorted and stopped talking to her.

After a while, the woman outside led a very handsome young man in from the outside and said shyly, "Really, I have to trouble you!"

"How come? It won't be troublesome at all." That man's voice is very nice. Listening to that sound, Run Niu twisted and wanted to come down from the kang. Seeing her like this, Mr. Hou walked over with a smile, went down to the ground with Runniu in his arms, pinched Runniu's little nose and asked, "Are you very well at home these days?"

"Run Niu is very good." Run Niu nodded vigorously, indicating that she had indeed always been good. Looking at Run Niu like this, Mr. Hou smiled, rubbed her head, then looked at Xuancao and asked, "Do you remember how you came here?"

"I don't remember. I just felt as if I had slept and then came here for no reason. Moreover, my body is sore that I can hardly walk. If I hadn't met someone from their family, I really don't know what to do.

Xuancao said and sighed. She really didn't know what would happen if she hadn't met Lu Laosan and his son. I can't feel a trace of aura in my body now. Moreover, Mingxi is not talking to himself now, and I don't know if he has any problems.

Thinking, she took a look at the clarity on her wrist. Mingxi now looks like an ordinary bracelet, but the shape is relatively strange.

"Looking at the girl, she doesn't look like a countryman. I think it's because of something that makes it look like this. I don't know if the girl can stretch out her hand and let me see your pulse. Mr. Hou said, and the smile on his face was very peaceful, which warmed his heart.

Xuancao hesitated, and then stretched out the one she didn't wear clearly. Seeing her like this, the man didn't say anything, but directly took the pulse.

After a while, Mr. Hou frowned and looked at Xuancao in front of him: "Your situation seems to be a little strange."

"What's wrong?" Xuancao looked anxiously at Mr. Hou in front of her.

"You look very bad, and your face is pale. You should look like a patient. But your pulse is very peaceful and you don't feel anything wrong. Strange, it's really strange. It's the first time I've seen such a strange pulse.

Mr. Hou said, walking back and forth in the small room. Looking at Mr. Hou like this, Xuancao bit her lip and didn't say anything. Looking at her like this, Mr. Hou sighed and said to her, "I will prescribe some calming medicine for you, as well as some blood circulation and removing blood stasis, which should be considered the right symptom."

"Thank you, Mr. Hou." Xuancao said and nodded to Mr. Hou. Hearing this, the aunt immediately frowned and said, "What should I do? Can't this girl find a home?"

"Not necessarily. Maybe I will remember it after a while." Mr. Hou said, "Many patients are like this. They couldn't remember it at that time, but later they came into contact here little by little, and then they would remember something. At that time, it will be fine."

"I hope so. This girl doesn't look like a blessed person. She will definitely be auspicious and everything will be fine."

The aunt said, putting her hands together as if she were praying. Looking at the aunt like this, Xuancao was a little embarrassed and frowned slightly. At this time, the man shouted to take his aunt out to make a prescription. The Run girl also followed her out, and there was only Xuancao in the room.

After confirming that she was alone, Xuancao looked at the clear and shouted in a low voice, "Clear, clear?"

Clear did not answer for a long time. Looking at the clarity on her wrist without saying anything, she suddenly seemed to have fallen into the abyss. Did she say that she would be trapped here? I don't even know where this place is. Can't I go back? Can't you help save Brother Xiaobai?

Xuancao only feels a chaos in her mind. It seems that there are many thoughts in it, but she can't figure it out. She didn't know what to do, as if a part suddenly failed and her whole body collapsed.

The aunt took Run Niu in from the outside and hurriedly patted her on the back of the head when she saw Xuancao like this.

"Girl, girl..."

Xuancao was in pain and looked up at the aunt in front of her blankly. The aunt smiled and slowed down her voice and said to Xuancao, "Is the girl all right? I just saw your appearance. It's scary."

"Nothing..." Xuancao muttered.

"Actually, as Mr. Hou said just now, you may remember it by yourself, so you don't have to worry. I don't think you look like an ordinary girl. Maybe someone will come to you before you remember.

How can someone come to me? They don't even know where they are. She thought about it and suddenly thought of her master. His master seems to be omnipotent. No matter where he goes, he can find himself. But this time, can the master still fall from the sky at his most difficult time?

She thought, and her heart was full of uncertainty, and at the same time, she was also full of bursts of sadness.

"Oh, girl, don't think too much. Just stay in our house, and we don't lack your bite here. The aunt said, comforting Xuanca. Hearing this, Xuancao raised her head, looked at the aunt in front of her, hesitated, and then said, "How embarrassed..."

"Oh, let's wait and talk about it. At that time, you will be in good health. You are thinking about where to live. If you dislike our family, it's okay to find another one.