For Teachers and Interpretation Robes

Chapter 199

"Oh, what are you afraid of when I take our daughter out!" After listening to his aunt's nagging, Lu Laosan was a little dissatisfied and said.

"How dare you say that you took A Xing out together. When you went there for the first time, you just lost A Xing. If it hadn't been for the help of the people who went together, I'm afraid A Xing doesn't know where he has gone now!"

As soon as she heard Lao San's words, the aunt burst out and said loudly. When his wife said this, Lu Laosan suddenly couldn't hang up. He looked calm and didn't say anything. At this time, A Xing said with a smile, "It's okay. I'll go tomorrow. When I look at my sister, I will definitely make her fine. Dad will have his own business at that time, so he can't delay it.

"Axing is right. If there is anything wrong with your sister at that time, I will come to you directly!" When Lu Laosan saw his son going down the steps for himself, he immediately followed him down. After listening to his words, the body hummed and turned his head to the star next to him and said, "Remember to look at your sister more. If she wants to eat at that time, when you go out, your mother will give you some copper, and you can buy her a taste, understand?"

"Of course I'm saved." A Xing nodded to show that he knew.

Xuancao looked at A Xing and then at Lu Laosan. I don't know why she felt that her son was much more reliable than that in her aunt's eyes. Thinking of this, she couldn't help but squeezed her mouth and laughed. However, she was embarrassed to laugh too loudly, so as not to make Lu Laosan embarrassed again.

The next morning, very early, before the day was completely bright, she was woken up by Run Niu. Looking at Run Niu's round eyes, Xuancao was still a little confused. Looking at her like this, Run Niu said with a smile, "Sister, sister, get up quickly!"

"It's so early."

Xuancao narrowed her eyes slightly. After she had no spiritual power, her body was almost the same as that of a normal person. She also eats, drinks and sleeps all day long. She is also very obsessed with sleeping, and every time she sleeps for a long time.

Looking at her like this, Run Niu shaved her face with a smile: "Really, I'm still in bed when I'm such a big person. I'm up. Dad said that you have to go to the market earlier to see good things.

"Oh..." Xuancao nodded, got up blankly to clean up, and then followed Run Niu to the hall. Seeing her get up, Lu Laosan said with a smile, "Why, I'm not used to it."

Xuancao nodded, "I never thought I would get up so early."

"That's right, we have to deliver the things early so that we can occupy a good place to set up a stall. Otherwise, the good place will be robbed by others and the things will not be sold at a price." Lu Laosan said and explained. Xuancao nodded to show that she understood.

They didn't have breakfast in the morning, although their aunt said she wanted them to eat some at home before leaving. But Lu Laosan said that it was not easy to take the child out once, how can he eat at home? It must be good to eat outside food outside.

Aunt didn't care about him from this, so she followed him.

The group walked in an ox cart. Although it was a little bumpy, Xuancao was more novel. She had never been in an ox cart herself, but had only seen it. Run Niu was also very excited and jumped around in the car. When Xuancao saw Run Niu like this, she hurriedly took her in her arms and prevented her from going out to jump.

After all, the ox cart is not stable. If it falls down, a good face will probably be amazing. She thought that the protection of Run Niu in her hands became more and more powerful. Run Niu naturally knew what was good or wrong, so she didn't say much. She just looked around in Xuancao's arms.

I came all the way to the so-called town. It is said that a street here is full of early gathering. Moreover, Lu Laosan also said that it is not too early for them to love each other. Some people have come to grab places. However, most of these are nearby villages, which are geographically convenient.

As he spoke, he carried the goods and went to a place to set up a stall with several other fellow villagers. A Xing didn't go. A Xing looked at his father's back, then looked back at Xuancao and said, "Dad said, let me take you around."

Xuancao looked at A Xing and asked, "Then your father didn't use anything in the morning. Did he go like this? Won't he be hungry?"

"Don't worry, when they find a place, they will take turns to help watch the stall, and then another person will go to eat. We used to be like this!" A Xing said and patted his chest, obviously looking like an adult. Looking at A Xing like this, Run Niu immediately held her fingers and looked at A Xing in front of her, "Brother, I want to eat delicious food."

Seeing Run Niu like this, Xuancao took her hand from her mouth and said to A Xing with a smile, "Is there a money bank here? I want to go there to exchange some silver."

"There is." A Xing thought for a moment, then nodded and led Xuancao to another street. Run Niu could still follow her at first, but later she couldn't. Probably because she was tired of walking, she wanted to hug her. Xuancao wanted to hold it, but it was snatched by A Xing next to her. Run Niu was very proud of A Xing, as if she had got on a big horse, and her whole little head was very high.

Looking at Run Niu like this, Xuancao scraped her nose with a smile and asked, "Why are you so happy!"

"I'm taller than my sister!" Run Niu said and drew with her hand there. Sure enough, because someone held her, her current position is indeed higher than Xuancao. Hearing this, Xuancao pinched her face with a smile and said, "Yes, Run Niu is so awesome, awesome!"

"That's natural!" Run Niu said and raised her chin

At this time, A Xing stopped, pointed to the shop in front of him with the word money, and said, "That's the Qianzhuang."

Hearing this, Xuancao took a look at A Xing and asked, "Come together."

"It's okay. I'll just wait here for my sister." A Xing said with a simple smile on his face. Looking at A Xing like this, Xuancao smiled, nodded, and went by herself. Although Xuancao has only a jade hairpin on her head, the material on her body has never been seen here. Seeing Xuancao coming, the stewman behind him hurried over and said with a smile, "This girl, I don't know what's wrong with you coming here!"

"Are you the stew manager here?" Xuancao said and looked at the person in front of him.

The steward listened to Xuancao's words and hurriedly nodded: "It's the little one."

"I want to exchange gold for some silver here. I don't know what your proportion is here."

"It's all one taels of gold and a hundred taels of silver. We are absolutely fooled here!"

The stewman said, and the smile on his face was very flattering. Looking at the stewer's appearance, Xuancao nodded, then took out about a piece of gold from the storage bag and handed it to the stewer. Fortunately, she recovered some aura, otherwise it would still be a question whether this storage bag could be opened. After all, the storage bag she uses now is not the kind of storage bag that Master used to hold Lingmi when she was rescued.

Looking at the two golds, the stewer immediately nodded, took them, looked at them, and then quickly brought out the silver. Xuancao looked at the silver, took it, and then said, "Change me for ten taels of silver, and the rest will be like this."

"Good!" As the stewer said, he changed it according to what Xuancao said. After putting the exchanged silver into the storage bag, Xuancao went out. As soon as I went out, I saw A Xing carrying the Run girl on her back and playing there. Looking at the two of them, Xuancao smiled and said, "I've finished the things here. Let's go shopping and buy some delicious food for Run Niu by the way!"


A Xing nodded and then took Run Niu's hand. Probably because she had had enough rest, Run Niu did not want to hug her, but cleverly led her away.