For Teachers and Interpretation Robes

Chapter 202

Yes, it is impossible for a person to build a foundation twice, so obviously, if you get any genius treasure, it is likely that there is no threshold, that is, the bottleneck that ordinary people will encounter does not exist for her, and it can be passed directly!

Thinking of this, Xuancao was very happy, but she soon became worried again. Well, it's very simple. If you have a genius treasure, it's easy to cultivate yourself. When the aura is abundant, you can quickly cross the threshold and just rise! But where do you get those aura-rich things from? I have a lot of space, but it is impossible to take them out! Thinking of this, Xuancao felt a headache and a deep sense of despair.

Do you mean that you can never improve your cultivation?

This idea came to her mind and was immediately thrown away by her. That's impossible. If you say that as long as you work harder, your cultivation will definitely return to the previous situation. She thought, and there was a feeling of gritting her teeth.

Looking at her like this, he hesitated clearly and said, "Master, have I told you that I can actually feel the whereabouts of those genius treasures?"

Xuancao listened to the clear words and was stunned. Then she looked at the clear and asked hesitantly, "What did you just say?"

Clearly, it is probably because something has been said at the beginning, so I am not afraid later. I said directly: "I should be able to sense the whereabouts of some genius treasures, after all, they have aura. But if it doesn't reach their surroundings, I'm not so sure about their whereabouts.

Xuancao listened to the clear words, opened her eyes suddenly and looked at the clarity in front of her: "So, do you know if there are any genius treasures around here?"

"...I didn't feel this. There should be no such thing as a hundred miles nearby." He said clearly, and he was very sure. Hearing his words, Xuancao frowned slightly and asked, "In this case, what's the point of saying?"

"Although there is nothing around here, it does not mean that there are no other places. Does the master really want to wait for your master to come to you here?"

Hearing this, Xuancao looked at the clarity in front of her and seemed to be a little surprised that he would say so. After clarifying, the words are a little red: "I know that the master has always been dependent on the master, but obviously this is no longer the space we used to be in. If the master says that he can't stand on his own at this time, there is really nothing he can do.


"I know that the master can live for a long time. Does the master really want to find a beautiful place and wait there until the end of the years?" Speaking clearly, the words were cruel.

"How can I, how can I think that, and I don't rely on my master as much as you said!" Xuancao said, biting her lips, and her eyes were round. Looking at her like this, Mingxi did not immediately refute, but asked directly, "Since there is no expectation, why does the host still want to stay here? There is nothing good here."

"Because, because..." Xuancao couldn't say anything. She lowered her head slightly. After a while, she didn't know whether it was to convince clarity or to convince herself, she said, "Because I don't want to run around and want to find a place like home. , quiet life..."

Clearly listened to Xuancao's words, looked at her, and didn't go on. After all, it is useless to say more.

After this dialogue, Xuancao has been at a loss. Should she really leave here? This is not a place that should belong to you. She knew, but she really wanted to leave, but she was a little reluctant.

"Ah, it's amazing. It's amazing. Many officers and soldiers came to our village fiercely and said they would come to our village to take away!"

A young man ran in in a hurry outside. After listening to the man's words, the men subconsciously looked at Xuancao. Xuancao frowned slightly, and she had absolutely nothing to do with the people here except in this village. Those people could not have come to find her. As soon as she wanted to say something, she suddenly saw the aunt suddenly coming over and grabbed Xuancao's hand: "It seems that the girl's family must have sent someone to pick up the girl. This time, the girl can go back to enjoy happiness!"

Hearing this, Xuancao shook her head and then said, "Since those people are aggressive, it is impossible to say that they came to pick me up."

Looking at the aunt's face with a dark and unclear look, she suddenly laughed: "Maybe those people were a group of people who persecuted me at the beginning, otherwise, how could they be said to be menacing by that young man..."

"Girl, girl, at least our village has helped you when you are in trouble. If the person who really comes to take you away, please follow them directly." A mother-in-law who looked at some old came over and looked at Xuancao in front of her, with a trace of pleading in her eyes.

The mother-in-law did not feel comfortable in her heart, but felt irritable, because in her eyes, the mother-in-law seemed to be forcing herself. She was just about to say that those so-called people had rushed in.

"Hurry up, you people, hand over the people you hid!"

There was an officer and soldier in front, shouting loudly.

At this time, Xuancao suddenly felt that the mother-in-law who had just talked to her suddenly grabbed her, and then said loudly, "Master Bing, Mr. Bing, see if this is the person you are looking for!"

Xuancao didn't expect that this mother-in-law would suddenly come to this hand. This mother-in-law Xuancao still remembers that there is a little grandson in her family, who often comes to her house to get candy. That mother-in-law usually smiles when she sees her. Unexpectedly, I really didn't expect that at this time, she would be the first to take her hand and say such a thing.

She narrowed her eyes slightly and then looked at the officers and soldiers over there.

"What are you kidding? We are looking for a man, not such a weak woman!" The soldier took a look at Xuancao, and then turned his head impatiently. Seeing that Xuancao was really not the target of those people, the mother-in-law suddenly let go of her hand and looked at Xuancao in front of her, as if she wanted to apologize, but she didn't know what to say. Looking at this mother-in-law, Xuancao exhaled and then turned her head and didn't want to see this face.

At this time, a man came out of it and said in a low voice, "Don't worry, the person they are looking for is me."

Seeing him come out, the soldier in front of him suddenly got off his horse, took two steps forward, came to Mr. Hou, and knelt down: "The little one came specially to welcome you. Please follow us back. The prince needs you very much!"

Mr. Hou looked at the officers and soldiers in front of him, nodded and asked in a light voice, "Do you think the prince asked you to come?"

"Yes, it was the prince's own words. Please don't embarrass Mr. Hou."

The officer and soldier said, a little cautious in his tone. But the people around have begun to prepare to surround him. It seems that the oracle must take him back, even if he is tied up! Seeing this scene, Xuancao smiled at the corners of her mouth. I really don't know how Mr. Hou hooked up with the prince. What kind of story is there between them? I'm really curious about this, but it's better not to participate in those things. Occasionally, it's very happy to watch the bustle.

"Don't worry, since you have found here, I will naturally follow you back." As Mr. Hou spoke, he suddenly turned his head and looked at Xuancao, pointed to Xuancao and said, "It's okay if you want me to go back with you, but I want you to take her!"