For Teachers and Interpretation Robes

Chapter 215

Although the driver said his posture was ugly, he still got up and drove the carriage. The carriage moved slowly, and Xuancao was relieved. At least, you don't have to run out to drive the carriage in person. If you really scare this driver out, it's so much trouble! Thinking of this, Xuancao turned her head to look at the clarity in front of her and asked doubtfully, "Can you become so big now?"

"How can it be? It's just that I have recovered part of my spiritual power, and your master's restraint on me has been reduced. So I can transform into such a big one, otherwise it won't work!"

After he finished speaking, he sighed and said, "I haven't become so big for a long time. I really miss it!"

Thinking of the clarity just now, Xuancao hesitated, nodded, and said admiringly, "Yes, it's really very powerful!"

"Unfortunately, the master doesn't like it!" Mingxi said, lowering his head slightly, looking a little depressed. Looking at this, Xuancao smiled and said, "Why do you pay attention to him? There are many things he doesn't like, as long as I like it."

Xuancao said and rubbed her clear head. After listening to her words, she seemed to feel much better all of a sudden. Looking at this clarity, Xuancao couldn't help laughing. No matter how big he looks, he is actually just a child.

After that group of people, Xuancao Road suddenly became much quieter. Although she didn't know if those people would have any crooked ideas, Xuancao had already figured out where to go to the next stop. She is going to the mountain city not far away, which is full of mountains, although the road is more difficult to walk. But if it is near the mountain, it will be easier to find some spiritual objects. Moreover, Mingxi can now help find some spirit beasts and so on, which are also good for him. Naturally, it also has a tonic effect on Xuancao.

Speaking of which, this driver is a family near the mountain city, because his family had a famine in the past few years, and he worked hard and had no place to get it. That's why I sold it for the sake of the family. Xuancao also heard what the driver said in that place. Xuancao felt that the driver did not dare to deceive himself anyway, so he came to the mountain city as he said.

The mountain city is indeed a mountain city. The wall seems to be built of large stones. It looks yellow, surrounded by mountains, surrounding the small city. The carriage drove in, and there was no guard at the door. Xuancao was a little strange and asked the driver, "Why, I usually see officers and soldiers guarding the gate in the city. Why is there no one here?"

"We are poor here, so basically no one is here. If he were rich, he would have left here and gone somewhere else to live. The driver said, and then led them in.

The inside is not much different from ordinary towns, but there are fewer people, and those people look a little old. Young people are rarely seen. Xuancao is a little strange to see this situation here and looks at the driver next to her. When the driver looked around, there was a vague nostalgia in his eyes. As if he noticed Xuancao's eyes, he hesitated and said, "Most of the people here are old people, and young people have left here because of poverty. Occasionally, I will come back during the Spring Festival.

Xuancao understood this slightly, just like encountering some left-behind villages in modern times. But it doesn't look poor here. Moreover, the situation here looks good, and there are mountains around it. How can it be said that those young people have left?

Thinking of this, Xuancao asked her doubts.

After listening to her words, the driver hesitated and said, "We can't go up that mountain. There are monsters. If we go up, the monster will be in a good mood and will throw us down. If you are in a bad mood, you will directly tear us up and eat us.

"Monster." When Xuancao heard this word, she immediately thought of the spirit beast. It seems that there are really spirit beasts here. In this case, maybe you can hunt back a good prey.

So Xuancao decided to buy a house and live here.

Maybe it's because few outsiders come here. When they see Xuancao want to buy a house here, the people here look a little strange. Since the driver entered the city, he has been looking around, as if he expects to see something. But in the end, it was obvious that he was disappointed. He didn't meet the person he wanted to meet, but several old people recognized him and asked him about the whereabouts of his relatives.

He shook his head, saying that he didn't know.

Looking at him like that, the old men sighed and left.

It's not expensive to buy a house here, but there seems to be little money here. People here are more used to bartering. Xuancao doesn't bring anything else, so she can only buy it with silver. Although they also received it, they were surprised.

Anyway, there is a house and a place to stay.

The house is not big, that is, a yard, with a main room and two side rooms, which looks quite spacious. Moreover, there is a pigsty in the back, which seems to have been used by people before. However, the situation of the pigsty can be clearly understood. Although there is, no one has raised it for a long time. Xuancao is quite satisfied with this. She doesn't want to make pigs dirty here. Opposite the side of the pigsty is a kitchen. It doesn't look big, but there is a stove inside and some dry wood.

There are not many things in the room, but Xuancao is already very satisfied.

After the house is ready, Xuancao is going to solve the driver's problem.

Xucao called the driver to the main room, looked at the driver, and then asked him directly, "What are you going to do in the future?"

"Listen to the master's house."

Maybe because he got along with each other all the way, the driver more or less knew Xuancao's temper and did not begin to be so afraid of Xuancao. After listening to the driver's words, Xuancao hesitated and asked, "What's your name?"

Xuancao has never asked him what his name is. Every time he is called by the driver, so the man seemed a little surprised to hear Xuancao ask him when he is called. But he still said, "My name is Shi Yan."

The name sounded really hard. Xuancao thought about it and said, "Since you have returned to your hometown, have you ever thought about going back to your home directly?"

"My parents and family are not here." Shi Yan hesitated and then said. His face was a little depressed. It seemed that he had hope at the beginning and could see his parents back when he came back.

"Although they are not here now, you are still young. You can marry and have children and continue to settle down here. After all, this is your hometown, isn't it?" Xuancao said and looked at the stone rock in front of him. Shi Yan hesitated and then said, "Now I have become a slave."

"I can return your deed to you and take you to the county office here to cancel your household registration."

"Then what do I need to do!" As soon as the man heard that he could no longer be a slave, his eyes widened at the Xuanca in front of him. Xuancao looked at the man in front of him and smiled: "Actually, it's very simple. You can't tell outside about my origin and my pet. If someone comes to inquire, you must not tell me about my situation. What do you think?

Listening to her words, the man hesitated and nodded.

"I agree."

"You also know my ability. If I knew that you talked nonsense about my affairs, I would definitely not spare you. Do you understand?"

"Naturally, I understand." Shi Yan nodded and said.

Looking at Shi Yan like this, Xuancao took out five taels of silver from her arms and handed it to him: "You just came back. Although the people here know more or less with you, it's not easy for you to put it out to do things without money."

"Thank you very much." Shi Yan nodded and did not refuse. Seeing that he took over so quickly, Xuancao was very satisfied and hoped that she would not see the wrong person this time.