For Teachers and Interpretation Robes

Chapter 225

After listening to the girl's words, Xuancao nodded. The dragon and phoenix embroidery was really good, with a lifelike feeling, as if it would take off the cloth. Xuancao began to come here with a little unwillingness, but after reading this embroidery, she immediately lost her mind and asked directly, "I don't know if the master of embroidery can still do this industry now?"

"That's natural."

The girl said, and then frowned slightly, as if she was a little hesitant.

"I want this master to embroider it himself. You don't have to worry. If you have any requirements, just say it."

As soon as the girl in the embroidery workshop heard Xuancao's words, she immediately laughed and said, "Actually, it's nothing, but our master is a little old now, so the requirements for cloth will be relatively high. If she doesn't think it's worth taking action, she won't take action in person..."

Although it did not say what the price of handicrafts is, it also explains gently that if the master does it, the price is not high. Xuancao hesitated, then nodded and said, "I naturally understand that the fabric is naturally the best here, otherwise, even if the master's craftsmanship is embroidered, it will be ruined."

"Oh, the girl is really a sensible person. I'll ask the master to see if she has been full recently. If it's full, we can only wait for the next time. The girl said with a smile on her face. After listening to the girl's words, Xuancao nodded, "I know it's orderly."

The girl smiled and then flashed into the back room. Two other people who looked like little maids came and led Xuancao to sit down, then poured her a cup of tea and took some snacks to make it clear. Looking at those snacks clearly, he drooled. I don't know why, Mingxi seems to be very interested in these things. Moreover, it was after he became a human that this interest suddenly became obvious. Xuancao thought about it and fed him some snacks with tea.

After a while, the girl came out of it, and her face was almost full of swinging out. Looking at the girl's appearance, Xuancao probably thought, "It should be okay to look at the girl's appearance, right?"

After listening to her words, the girl smiled and said, "The girl is really a smart person. The master has just finished the work in his hand and has just some free time. I don't know what color the girl's fabric wants. What is it used for? Is it embroidered screen or clothes, or?"

"Naturally, it is used for making clothes. As I said, I want the best fabric here. Both inside and outside, and the color should be slightly more elegant, and the embroidery on it should not be too gorgeous. I believe in your master's craftsmanship, so I'm sorry to trouble you.

"If the girl believes in our master so much, our master will definitely not let the girl down." The woman smiled and then said, "It's just that we have to pay the deposit first. I don't know if it's convenient for the girl now?"

"Naturally it is convenient." Xuancao nodded with a smile, hesitated, and then said, "It's better to do a few more sets, just five days. How much do you think your master can do in five days?" Xuancao said and looked at the woman in front of her. The woman didn't seem to think that Xuancao would say this as soon as she opened her mouth. She hesitated and then said, "After all, the clothes are nothing else, not full of embroidery. If you are in a hurry, you can make about three sets."

"So good, these ten taels of gold will be a deposit for you." Xuancao said, counted ten golden leaves from her sleeve and handed them to the girl in front of her. The girl received the golden leaf, and the smile on her face became more and more sincere: "Don't worry, since I have received your money, there must be nothing worse." After saying that, he wrote a receipt and handed it to Xuancao. Xuancao glanced at the receipt and confirmed that there was nothing wrong before walking out of there.

He clearly took Xuancao's hand and asked doubtfully, "What, why do you suddenly want to stay here for five days?"

"You forgot that the master once said that he wanted to collect a few more people. I also figured it out. Anyway, there is a beginning of spring, and I'm not afraid of a few more beginnings, don't you think? Xuancao said and winked at the clarity in front of her. Hearing this, Mingxi suddenly laughed: "The master understood clearly."

"Just understand. What kind of snacks do you want to eat? I'll buy them for you."

Xuancao said and went to buy snacks and fruits with Mingxi in her arms. After going back, Xuancao told her master that she had just ordered the clothes and would not arrive until five days later. After listening to her words, the master was a little strange: "I remember that you are quite eager to leave here, why are you suddenly willing to stay here for so long?"

"It's not because of anything else. The master once said that he wanted to collect more people here, but now he can take advantage of this time to find people and take more people to show them to the master. Choose a few more people with spiritual roots, and then there will be someone to serve around the master, right? Xuancao said with a very bright smile on her face.

Looking at her like this, Master nodded: "Well, I originally wanted to pick a few more, so that even if I go to the bedbug, I won't look too thin." Lichun has been standing next to the master. Hearing this, he hurriedly said, "Master, Lichun can just follow you. If there is anything, you can directly tell Lichun."

Master listened to Lichun's words, snorted and looked at her with slanting eyes: "What, now you are a flower slave or I am a flower slave, how dare you refute what I say? I think life is too comfortable, and I feel more and more bold!"

"I dare not make it to spring."

Listening to Master's words, Lichun suddenly paused and shook his head. Looking at her like this, the master snorted, "You dare not be the best. If I find out that you have any other thoughts, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

"I dare not make it to spring."

Lichun repeated it again.

Looking at Lichun's pale face, Xuancao sighed, and then looked at the master and said, "I don't know what kind of master wants to choose this time, male or female, or male or female?"

"I don't know how many people here have spiritual roots. Naturally, men and women are unrestrained, but they are not too old. If you are old, it's not good **. You are almost fixed. The master said and took a look at Xuancao.

Xuancao slightly raised the corners of her lips and nodded: "Yes, Master, I understand."

"If you understand, go find someone."

Master nodded and then waved his hand to let her out. Xuancao went out, but when she went out, she looked back. Lichun stood quietly behind the master, probably because of the shadow problem. Xuancao couldn't see the expression on her face. Xuancao is actually very strange. She doesn't know what the master's attitude towards Lichun is. If he hates Lichun, why do he take her with him all the time?

If you don't hate her, why do you deliberately mention Lichun's identity every time! He was also a flower slave at the beginning, but Master never let himself call him master, but called him master! But Lichun, once you call Master, Master will look very angry...

After thinking for a long time, Xuancao felt that the more she thought about it, the more her head hurt. She simply shook her head and didn't think about anything. Anyway, those things don't have much to do with me, I'm just a little uncomfortable! She thought about it and went out of the yard.

As soon as she left the yard, the owner of the inn immediately greeted her. Looking at the boss like this, Xuancao was a little confused and frowned slightly and said, "What's the matter? What happened?"

"Oh, I just want to ask, girl, how long will you stay here?" The innkeeper said, feeling a little cautious. After listening to the innkeeper's words, Xuancao suddenly felt a little dissatisfied and hummed, "What do you mean by this? Are you afraid that we will stay for a long time and not give you money?"

"The girl misunderstood, the girl misunderstood..." The innkeeper heard Xuancao's words, and his face was suddenly a little frightened and hurriedly praised.

"Oh?" Xuancao raised her eyebrows slightly and looked at the innkeeper, waiting for his words below.